Wrye Bash #30

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 am

Okay, I haven't followed Wrye Bash development for a while now, so two quick questions unless anyone can point me to a nice recent FAQ.

What do I have to do to make sure I can efficiently run both Wrye Bash and Blender in terms of downloads and installs?

What did the guy who posted "The file didn't do what the description implied" on the TESNexus think that the description implied? I dont' see anywhere where it says Wrye Bash will buy you dinner, and that's about the only thing it doesn't do.

edit: And a third question. The Wrye Bash docs say that you should install the Oblivion 1.1 patch and then copy and rename your Oblivion.esm. Is that now changed to installing the 1.2 patch and do I still name it Oblivion_1.1.esm?
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

What do I have to do to make sure I can efficiently run both Wrye Bash and Blender in terms of downloads and installs?

while it seems you can run wrye bash with python 2.6 (they talked about it a few pages back) I say just get 2.6 for blender while keeping 2.5 around and making a special shortcut to compile and use wrye bash with python 2.5
that's only my opinion though.
What did the guy who posted "The file didn't do what the description implied" on the TESNexus think that the description implied? I dont' see anywhere where it says Wrye Bash will buy you dinner, and that's about the only thing it doesn't do.

no you're mistaken, that's not the only thing it doesn't do, it doesn't make coffee too which is a shame considering the amount of hours I just passed building and rebuilding patches... More Seriously, I guess this is just one of those cases where the user couldn't get it to do what he wanted which isn't surprising considering the time needed to understand how that works at all.
edit: And a third question. The Wrye Bash docs say that you should install the Oblivion 1.1 patch and then copy and rename your Oblivion.esm. Is that now changed to installing the 1.2 patch and do I still name it Oblivion_1.1.esm?

no problem whatsoever here with latest oblivion patch & no renaming at all
renaming should only be required if you want to do some "Oblivion.esm Swapping" AFAIK
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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:59 pm

Whoops, yeah I forgot to mention that I'm attempting a double install with ESM swapping on one of them for modding purposes.

I'll have to try to figure out the batch file thing. The one -pk- posted on page one looks like it's intended to run Wrye Bash with Python 2.6.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 pm

I guess this is still valid (to get a 1.1 oblivion.esm) since the whole point of oblivion swapping is to get a "non 1.2" oblivion.esm
It forces modders to build on top of Shivering Isles data, which in turn requires version 1.2 of the TESCS, which results in mods that will only run on 1.2 patched systems, and which in turn are unmodifiable by players who haven't upgraded to 1.2.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:46 am

Honestly, I'm not much worried about people who haven't patched. If they haven't patched that's their problem.

I just want to make sure I don't accidentally make a mod dependent on Shivering Isles.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:50 am

Is there a way to get previous wrye bash versions ? I'm still trying to figure out the error message (see 5 post earlier) and it seems the author didn't get this with wrye bash 2.70 so I wanna test that version out if that's at all possible.
couldn't find anything on search engines.

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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

Is there a way to get previous wrye bash versions ? I'm still trying to figure out the error message (see 5 post earlier) and it seems the author didn't get this with wrye bash 2.70 so I wanna test that version out if that's at all possible.
couldn't find anything on search engines.


Hadn't any error message with Wrye Bash 271, either.
Perhaps you can test with:
1. Unmodified Beautiful People(need to edit bash tag)
2. Uninstall BP completely, then install other cosmetic mod(although you need to start new game).
Try to make bashed patch, and see if it shows some kind of error message.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:03 pm

Hadn't any error message with Wrye Bash 271, either.

ho ok then I'll go back to my own thread to not pollute this one.

However the question about http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1039107&view=findpost&p=15253746 still stands
edit: ho I forgot to say something about that, this error will prevent successful completion of the bashed patch, that is, as soon as it pops up, the bashed patch processing stops.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:51 pm

Is there a way to get previous wrye bash versions ? I'm still trying to figure out the error message (see 5 post earlier) and it seems the author didn't get this with wrye bash 2.70 so I wanna test that version out if that's at all possible.
couldn't find anything on search engines.


:whisper: I'd say skip BP and use either Cobl Races or Race Balancing Project instead. I haven't checked BP Cosmetic Library but my guess is that something is faulty in that one rather than with Wrye Bash. Anyway, Cobl Races or Race Balancing Project are better alternatives for other reasons as well.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:51 pm

ooops sorry wrong thread - original question had wrong thread.

However since I accidentally posted on this thread maybe I could bump my questions from here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1039107&view=findpost&p=15249095

Question for Wrye or PacificMorrowind

So after the last couple of days and really having a hard time with my install I noticed Wrye Bash behaving strangely.

first off it seemed to not like mods being missing - yeah AN Real Lights above was my mistake but then similar instances with Kuertee's NPCYield, COBL Real Hunger, and Power Attack Voice mod - I would disable them (and as far as I know there are no tags to wrangle) and the bashed patch would at first not accept them as disabled And I had to remove them from the Data folder in order to get bash to not include anything about them. And yes after the AN Real Lights thing I really checked all options.

Then after that the game would not load without them - arggh - so I would put them back in (but not bashed) then load the game save - exit take them back out - then after several rounds of that the game loaded. Yay - did some testing then wanted to put them back in and the AGAIN the game would not load if I tried to activate them.

Finally just copied a new (blank) Bashed Patch.esp from the MOPY folder and rebashed and it seems to be working well.

So the question is this:
Is it that when you rebash your patch that the contents of the bashed patch.esp aren't fully deleted and there may be random clutter left over from previous bashing?
-or- is it that the esp is supposed to be completely wiped of all info?


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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:43 pm

ooops sorry wrong thread - original question had wrong thread.

However since I accidentally posted on this thread maybe I could bump my questions from here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1039107&view=findpost&p=15249095

the bashed patch parameters window (where you set what to import/merge ...) will retain previous changes so you need to check every category and uncheck all references to a mod there otherwise it could stay active even if non-activated in the main mods window
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 am

I've just BAINed my first mod (DarkUI DARN plus some extras), but I have a quick question that I can't seem to find information on.

Is there a mechanism in BAIN to allow for changes to Oblivion.ini, other than manually doing it with the "Ini Tweaks" menu item in the mods tab?
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Wane Peters
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 am


Check out how I BAINed Dark UI DarN: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=957424&view=findpost&p=13828712 you might find the rest of that thread and the links in it helpful for future projects. Some of the examples are outdated because now those mods come BAIN ready.

now for ini tweaks for DarN - Wrye actually made some Wrye bash compatible ini tweaks which are included in his version of DarN found here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22170 *which is what I modelled my version of Dark UI Darn after but added a grip more content.

Those ini tweaks are used the same that you use other ini tweaks in wrye bash accessed from right clicking for the context menu and selcting INI tweaks. You can also learn to make your own for essential tweaks to Oblivion so if ever you need to create a new ini they can be put back in easily. Just copy an existing ini tweak, plug in what you want to change instead, then rename it and put that back in the folder (or better yet in a BAIN package).


Yeah I know that - not quite what I was asking. That is of course common knowledge - always be careful when choosing options - especially with disabling mods and patches associated. What I was experiencing was when two patches are bashed the exact same way but one is a fresh bashed patch with no previous bashing done with it while the other was used and re-used continually. The older one just wouldn't load my game anymore. I went through and took notes even reducing options till they were the same and the new would load but the older one wouldn't - hence the question.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 am

Yay!!!!! I just got Wrye Bash to LAUNCH!!! The launcher in the main Oblivion directory just gave me a swirling cursor for a second then nothing....but the launcher in the Mopy directory actually launches the program! Yipppeeeee!!! Now I just gotta figure out how to use this thing.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 pm

Yeah I know that - not quite what I was asking. That is of course common knowledge - always be careful when choosing options - especially with disabling mods and patches associated. What I was experiencing was when two patches are bashed the exact same way but one is a fresh bashed patch with no previous bashing done with it while the other was used and re-used continually. The older one just wouldn't load my game anymore. I went through and took notes even reducing options till they were the same and the new would load but the older one wouldn't - hence the question.

ha ok, said that because I had the same symptom at some point, but mine was caused by failing to uncheck a few of the mods from the bashed patch window :P
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James Hate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:59 am

Check out how I BAINed Dark UI DarN: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=957424&view=findpost&p=13828712 you might find the rest of that thread and the links in it helpful for future projects. Some of the examples are outdated because now those mods come BAIN ready.

Yes, I was actually using that thread (handily bookmarked now) and took your suggestion to download Wrye's Bainification of DarNUI to learn the correct structure. I copied the INI Tweaks folder from Wrye's version into my DarKDarN project and the tweak to add the font information worked correctly as you said.

But then I was noticing that I had apparently missed a discussion while I was away about "Data/Scripts" versus "Data/Ini" for ini files, but I think that was about mods that come with ini settings for their own configuration.

I ended up wondering if BAIN had an automatic way of adjusting the Oblivion.ini like OBMM does, but I suspect Wrye would avoid that since his preference seems to be for people to have some understanding of what they are doing with Wrye Bash, rather than just accepting automatic solutions for everything.

As a partial aside, can comments be added to the BAIN project in a way that makes them show in the Installers Tab of Wrye Bash, or do you have to add the comments in Wrye Bash itself?
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 am

Arrgh! Ok, I installed Wrye Bash, and All Natural. Made a Bashed Patch, and now I get immediate CTD on launch. I removed my old Real Lights and Extinguish the Lights beforehand (had to do it in the right order or else I got thse same CTD) and made sure it was working fine without those. I followed Arwens guide to Wrye. I dont know whats wrong right now.

Doesnt Bash automatically tag what needs to be using the Boss txt list?


I think its fixed! Found an All Natural esm that was supposed to be UNCHECKED and is used only by Wrye when making the bashed patch. I unchecked it and game launches now. Heading back in to see how the game itself plays now.


Yay! Game runs great! All Natural is amazing! and Wrye Bash has so many wonderful options. I have no idea how to use it all, but what I have seen so far is fantastic! Now that I have TIE and Wrye Leveling, and all my other mods seem to be what I want ..Im gonna celebrate by making a new character and starting fresh! (havent gotten that far anyways)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Question...is it really so that I must uncheck the eps's that were used in the merge? On both Wrye and OBMM? Everything shows up as checked , and its running fine. So do I go through and uncheck all the mods that are colored green, and then do the same in OBMM?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 am

PacificMorrowind or Wrye,

badhair has given me some truly awesome code to spit out data stored in the .obse file. Mind if I pass it on to you for inclusion?
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am

Yeah the 'has extra directories debate' - that was a bit much. You need to check that. At this point every BAIN package I create or update I just check that as part of the process.

No there is no way to automate the INI tweaks like with OBMM.

I believe if you create a package.txt at the top directory of the BAIN package it will show up in the comments window, but I can't recall very well. I stopped using it and making package texts as mods kept getting updated and I kept packaging more mods into bigger packages. I found just being mart abouthow I named the sub-packages that I could tell what was there.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

Cool. Guess it will take me a bit of time to get back up the curve.

I probably should have tried loading Wrye's BAIN DARNUI package first so I could see how it worked in Wrye Bash before jumping straight in to make my own.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:42 pm

I hear ya

You still can just have the package load prior to the one you made then you can uninstall yours and see how it compares then reinstall it again and uninstall his.

Generally when I update a package this is what I do. Say for instance Reneer puts out another guard overhaul - which I have packaged in the same package as other security/stealth based mods like Stealth overhaul, SHOUT, Attack and Hide, and some I don't even use with this playthrough - I go to the sub-package of the current version and delete the files. I will then take his newer version and unzip it into the subpackage of the Stealth Compilation-BAIN folder (named so that when I zip it with 7zip it is already named for BAIN and identical to the previous version which is important). I organize the subpackage as I want (place the readme in a subfolder of a docs folder for better organization). So then I rezip package and it is ready.

next open the BAIN packages folder in explorer and copy and paste the older version out (in case the new version has errors I don't delete it yet) then copy and past in the newer version. I have the archive of BAIN ready folder on a separate hard drive from the BAIN package in case of drive failure my mod library is backed up. So then I start bash and open bain folder wait a minute and 10 seconds (how long my bain tab takes) then find the package (which will be highlighted if it does not match what is installed. Then click anneal and it will place the updates in for me.

Doing this though the esp will lose their load order and need to be placed back in right order. If you name the BAIN package differently though you can load it prior to the current version and it will place the esp in the right location and you can then uninstall the older one which loads later and that would work to. I don't prefer this method because if I have, for instance a world texture package that I want within a certain load order If I rename it then I have to change the load order of the package. To match close to the older package.

So it is one or the other. If you rename the BAIN package you have to change and adjust its load order -or- if you keep the same name and delete and replace the older BAIN package prior to opening the bain tab then you have to adjust the new esp after annealing them. Either way works.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:27 pm

Okay, I had to look up "anneal" and I think it's an odd term for such a program. Wrye is funny sometimes.

I'm curious about the load order thing. Does Lock Times not protect you from losing the load order, or does Wrye Bash know that the new esp is different from the old one even if they have the same name?
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

Yeah I'm not the one to ask that - but I'm curious if anyone has a good answer.

Seems like every time I use lock times and I then either use OBMM (because I dislike typing in new times for a mod when I can just slide it where I want with OBMM) or ghost mods then anneal - the load order gets screwy.

I've just not grasped what the heck it is for really seems that if you are the type of person who meticulously organizes mod load order and fusses over how many mods can share a time zone in bash then lock times is for you.

But if you cycle a few new mods in every day (even just for cleaning) or use OBMM or ghost then it just seems a pain.

for certain if annealing (or adding a mod via OBMM) then make sure ghosting is off)

I don't use it.

You looked up what Anneal does in the Wrye Bash readme right?
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 am

You looked up what Anneal does in the Wrye Bash readme right?
I actually looked up the term in relation to metallurgy and biology.

I'll have to experiment with the Lock times feature again, but when I used it before it would automatically reset the timestamp on updated mods back where they had been before the update.

That is to say, you could turn lock times off, have OBMM (or BOSS now I suppose) order the mods, and then turn lock times on. Then if you updated a mod, the new file would get sorted right where the old one had been.
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