I was unable to find a seperate Bash tags help thread - Please advise me if there is.
Do I tag all OBSE scripted mods with "scripts" in
No. The "scripts" tag has one function:
If one mod adds/edits the script attached to a record (ex: add script to a special armor) and a later-loading mod changes something else about the same record (ex: textures), then by the rule of one, the later-loading change will wipe out the earlier. But by tagging the first mod with "scripts", bash imports the attached script reference, so that both the script and the texture change get used in-game.
Note that it is not the script itself that gets imported, only the fact that the item is using a specific script. So assume the following:
1. ModA sets the script of Item1 to Script1
2. ModB changes Script1
3. ModC edits Item1 in some other way.
Without the script tag, Item1 will not have Script1 attached, due to ModC's edit. But if you add the tag to ModA, the fact that Item1 has Script1 attached will be imported into the bashed patch. But when run, the item will use the version of Script1 found in ModB, since the script itself was not imported. In other words, the tag has no effect on scripts, only on items that has scripts attached.
At least, this is my understanding. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will correct me if I'm wrong.