How do I generate the bugdump and where would I find the file?
just mentioned it back a
I read the read me and lokked over the file and could not find anything with import races the are other import functions under my rebuilt area just not races . I have race recrd with the mmm resize races in it but showler says ther is a import race boxz maybe my install isdefective please hel so I can deasctivate the resize races mode
'Race Records' is the name of the Import Race function.
Seems it was a comtypes error. I downloaded the release as the .zip and runnign the Python setup file did not work properly. I downloaded the .exe version of 0.6.1 and installed it and it seems fine now. But how do I apply that update?
apply what update? if Bash, just use the exe and install or the zip and extract to your Oblivion directory and say yes to overwrite lots of files.
Pacific Morrowind