Wrye Bash #32

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 am

I have a little problem with my Wrye Bash. It suddenly stopped working. It has always worked well, but today I tried to start it up, and just nothing comes up. I haven't recently done anything to Wrye Bash, haven't updated it or something. I'm using version 2.75.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm

Can't see the most important line (the last one) in that bugdump.... however I am 95% certain what your problem is; from the visuals of that screenie you are using vista, and OB is in program files... therefor you are running into access restrictions of the UAC; either disable UAC, give user access rights to your OB folder or reinstall OB to somewher other than program files; C:/Games/Oblivion is a common one.

no that was python 2.6 specific code causing problems with python 2.5. Didn't end up in Mash... I don't think... looking at Mash page on nexus... nope. However Mash has not been edited to work with 2.6 so probably has a few things that won't work... I haven't been morrowinding for a while. However I've been looking at the code the last couple weeks (but not very much time on it) and thinking of back porting a few more things... I'll fix it up for 2.6 at the same time.

get a bugdump and post it.

that's right.
Pacific Morrowind

I do use vista but always have the uac off it drives me nuts even when just installing anything for my wife on the computer so I have never had it on . But the other guys tell me when their are two differnet esp 's that first I need to exit out of obmm totally, then just delete the esp that boss tells me not to use and merge the other one into the bash patch I hope this is right?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 pm

@@Johny Obliv: Get a bugdump - without it there is really no way to know why it is crashing.
@@ goblueman: all except the last 2 words in my last post where addressing the quoted text right above them that was not yours; the last two were about your question. yes that is right (there are multiple ways to do it but that will work fine).
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 pm

@@Johny Obliv: Get a bugdump - without it there is really no way to know why it is crashing.
@@ goblueman: all except the last 2 words in my last post where addressing the quoted text right above them that was not yours; the last two were about your question. yes that is right (there are multiple ways to do it but that will work fine).
Pacific Morrowind

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james tait
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:31 am

@@Johny Obliv: Get a bugdump - without it there is really no way to know why it is crashing.

Yeahh, uhh, bugdump yeah. What is a bugdump? How would I generate one, might I ask?
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

generally bugdump is generated by application when it makes errors
it may be memory dump file, it may be log file, or may be the info that application throw out during die
I believe those needed to track bugs in WB is the latest one, so you need copy whole text from error window and paste here.
Python makes it that way that is saying what make an error where the error is and what is in the middle, so having whole is very useful for coder to make bugs off.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:49 am

Yeahh, uhh, bugdump yeah. What is a bugdump? How would I generate one, might I ask?

from the readme under read heading bash won't start:
If Bash Won't Start
? If Bash refuses to start, or quits after quickly flashing up a window...

? Most likely there is a problem with your setup. Alternatively there may be a bug with Bash.

? You can usually figure out the problem by getting the bug dump and reviewing it. And if you can't puzzle it out, someone on the Elder Scrolls forums may be able to help.

? Finding the Bugdump

? Sometimes the error will be written to a file in the Mopy directory called bash.log. If that file is there, then that's the bug dump. You can open it with any text editor.

? If it's not present, then you'll have to generate the bug dump yourself...

? Generating the Bugdump

? Open a command shell (Start: Programs: Accessories: Command Prompt).

? chdir to the Mopy directory. "chdir" means "change directory". E.g.: chdir C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy

? Type: c:\python25\python.exe bash.py -d

? If you have a different version/location of python, adapt the first argument accordingly.

? Doing this will cause any error messages that Bash generates on start to spew to the command shell. This is the bugdump.

? Dealing with Bugdump

? First, look at it! ? especially the last several lines ? this will often give you a good clue as to what the problem is, and you may be able to resolve it on your own.

? Second, see following section for common problems and their solution.

Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 am

Question when a mod says mergable and deactive it like for example resize the races for mmm does that mean it is ok to merged in to bash patch and have a + sign in wrye bash or do I merge it and un check the merged mod for the import list so it show it is in the mreged and import bash rebuilt list but, the check mark being taken off show it is deactiviated?
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:57 pm

Boss say so bash mmm for ooo knights esp bash delev I can't find that in the list ubder rebuilt bash patch please help me find it
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:49 pm

A mod showing as mergeable in Wrye Bash is a technical thing. It means that it can be merged, not that it should be merged.

Resized Races says to bash with Body-F and Body-M, then deactivate.

That means you should Import it with just those tags and deactivate it. This is in order to keep it from making unwanted changes to the games races.

If you merge it instead of Importing it then those unwanted changes will occur.

Basically, any mod that says "deactivate" in BOSS should never be merged because then it can't be deactivated.

edit: relev/delev is covered under "Levellers" (I think I have the name right, I'm on my laptop) and once that is checked everything else is automatic.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:56 pm

A mod showing as mergeable in Wrye Bash is a technical thing. It means that it can be merged, not that it should be merged.

Resized Races says to bash with Body-F and Body-M, then deactivate.

That means you should Import it with just those tags and deactivate it. This is in order to keep it from making unwanted changes to the games races.

If you merge it instead of Importing it then those unwanted changes will occur.

Basically, any mod that says "deactivate" in BOSS should never be merged because then it can't be deactivated.

edit: relev/delev is covered under "Levellers" (I think I have the name right, I'm on my laptop) and once that is checked everything else is automatic.

thanks what about the boss bash tag for mmm for ooo knights delev do see that one at all?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 pm

Just check the "leveled lists" category and leave the automatic setting turned on.

The tags should already be in place, and all relev, delev or other levelling tags are handled in that one category.
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Len swann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:20 am

Just check the "leveled lists" category and leave the automatic setting turned on.

The tags should already be in place, and all relev, delev or other levelling tags are handled in that one category.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

sorry to be stupid, I figuerd out the mmm for ooo knights esp by you telling to just check leveled list. But I uninstalled and reinstalled mmm3.7b3 and only did the mergable mod I left resize the races alone but when i went to rebuilt the bash it showed up under merable even though it isn't and it is still checked in the load order I doo see it also all the way down in the race section also but under import no resized the races is seen? It show up under race records also checked?
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

The two tags used on Resized Races are race type tags. They should appear in the Import Races section.

Don't check it in the mergeable section because you don't want that.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 pm

The two tags used on Resized Races are race type tags. They should appear in the Import Races section.

Don't check it in the mergeable section because you don't want that.

under rebuilt bash tag I don't have a import races one is that a problem with the wryre bash or me I do have a race records tag thats it?
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 am

Can't see the most important line (the last one) in that bugdump.... however I am 95% certain what your problem is; from the visuals of that screenie you are using vista, and OB is in program files... therefor you are running into access restrictions of the UAC; either disable UAC, give user access rights to your OB folder or reinstall OB to somewher other than program files; C:/Games/Oblivion is a common one.

no that was python 2.6 specific code causing problems with python 2.5. Didn't end up in Mash... I don't think... looking at Mash page on nexus... nope. However Mash has not been edited to work with 2.6 so probably has a few things that won't work... I haven't been morrowinding for a while. However I've been looking at the code the last couple weeks (but not very much time on it) and thinking of back porting a few more things... I'll fix it up for 2.6 at the same time.

get a bugdump and post it.

that's right.
Pacific Morrowind

How do I generate the bugdump and where would I find the file?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

Sorry not able to see the last reply
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

I don't have WB installed on my laptop, but there was a category called Import Race Info at one point. There must still be something similar.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 am

Is ther a import races under rebuilt bash becuase I don't see one?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

Seems it was a comtypes error. I downloaded the release as the .zip and runnign the Python setup file did not work properly. I downloaded the .exe version of 0.6.1 and installed it and it seems fine now. But how do I apply that update?
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 pm

I read the read me and lokked over the file and could not find anything with import races the are other import functions under my rebuilt area just not races . I have race recrd with the mmm resize races in it but showler says ther is a import race boxz maybe my install isdefective please hel so I can deasctivate the resize races mode
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:09 am

How do I generate the bugdump and where would I find the file?

just mentioned it back a http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1058468&view=findpost&p=15387209
I read the read me and lokked over the file and could not find anything with import races the are other import functions under my rebuilt area just not races . I have race recrd with the mmm resize races in it but showler says ther is a import race boxz maybe my install isdefective please hel so I can deasctivate the resize races mode

'Race Records' is the name of the Import Race function.
Seems it was a comtypes error. I downloaded the release as the .zip and runnign the Python setup file did not work properly. I downloaded the .exe version of 0.6.1 and installed it and it seems fine now. But how do I apply that update?

apply what update? if Bash, just use the exe and install or the zip and extract to your Oblivion directory and say yes to overwrite lots of files.

Pacific Morrowind
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 am

Hey guys, I seem to be missing the 0.esp for Wrye bash, Is there any where that I can download it without the whole Wrye bash program or will i have to re-download Wrye bash? Hopefully not because it was a pain finding a place to download Wrye from in the first place.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

from the readme under read heading bash won't start:

Pacific Morrowind

Okay, I really don't understand what you are saying. I got to the Command Prompt, I typed in the right directories, and then the prompt says that "Python.exe doesn't exist" What should I do about it? Because the file path is right. But one thing is a bit strange. The command prompt always automatically points towards C:\Users\User, and I can't remove it. Should I type everything behind that?
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