Can anyone expalin what lock time does and how it works?
hmm not well noted in the readme... I'll record that better next update. 'Lock Times' "locks" the modification date and time (which determines the load order) of all your esps and esms to what they are at the time you set it and then if you say update a mod, change a mod, obmm change the LO of a mod etc, next time you open/focus on Bash the modification dates/times will be reset. For using BOSS of course one would want to NOT have Lock Times checked.
On the right side of the the wyre bash screen under masters the three I use are check mmm and ooo and oblivon are all checked but, the mmm esm and mmm for ooo and unoffical patch are all highlihted in pinkl is that a problem?
read the readme which says this:
Line Colors
? Pink: A file that shares a modification date/time with another file. Not a problem unless they're both activated, in which case, the lines turn...
? Orange: Exclusion group violation. See Exclusion Groups below.
? Red: A file that shares a modification date/time with another file ? with both files being activated. This should definitely be corrected! Use details view to change the modification date of one of the files by a second or more.
also sounds like you do not have the mmm for ooo.esm and the uop.esp active or else they would be RED not pink... Running BOSS will autocorrect the times on those.
Pacific Morrowind