Apologies in advance for using my first post to clutter up the thread with a relatively minor issue, please be gentle with the pitchforks as I'm still pretty new to the modding community

First, I'll cover the bases by stating I have RTFM forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways, sought out every forum lead I could find (I found this issue in thread 46 (45?) , but I could not find any indication that the gentleman who had originally posed the query had met with any success. Yes, I searched every page, every post, every thread all the way up to here one by one), and googled till my eyes bled, to no avail. :dead:
Saves tab context menu option: Set Number of Uses for Weapon Enchantments. I can not seem to get it to work for me. At all. I originally tried using this option under v290 without success. I saw that 291 had been released and upgraded (btw, except for the installer not being able to find the python requirements that I had installed many days prior everything went smoothly and my WB v291 is purring like a kitten. No
noticeable problems to report at this time). The following is my understanding of the proscribed course of action (which in keeping with the definitiion of insanity I have performed more times then I care to relate :bonk: ):
Under the Saves tab:
- 1. RMB on the selected save game.
- 2. Select Set Number of Uses for Weapon Enchantments...
- 3. Enter value 25
- 4. ???
- 5. Enter Oblivion and profit!
However, I can discern no change in any of my currently equipped items or my vast collection of trophy/sentimental weaponry. Does this not work on PC enchanted items? IIRC, I sought out the Fighting Chance vendor during one of my experiments and I BELIEVE it may have affected the Battle Axe of Hatred (I don't remember it having 3000 charges/uses), but perhaps that was the work of the BashedPatch (Tweak Assorted option)? Any suggestions or directions on what to try next would be appreciated as at this time I have exhausted every personally conceivable option short of ripping out Oblivion and all my mods and starting over again (for what would be about the fifth time over the course of my various modding experiments). :banghead:
(If it turns out to be a simple solution I overlooked, my 18mo son is going to have some new words to add to his growing vocabulary... :brokencomputer: :whistling: and I humbly apologize in advance for wasting anyones time. :foodndrink: )