Ahhh - it's all in the day's work I guess
Hmmm - added a note in the BAIN issue and will come back for more - what basically happens is that Bash does not rescan the data folder - so it can't know the file changed. A Refresh Data should cure that and having Bash rescan the data folder would be just too much work - although an option to just rescan the espms would fix the most usual case (I bet the same would be true if you edited say a texture)
I think what's going wrong here is the apostrophe in Player's Hanbook - see Common Mistakes in the technical readme http://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Technical%20Readme.html. Not sure if escaping works - try Player\'s Hanbook (btw should be Handbook ?)
Did not look into this but if you find some time post me an issue at github - wizards are indeed low priority but once someone (Lojack ?) starts looking at them better have them all there ready
Will try to reproduce and get back to you - the installer is a project right ?
Alright will try to reproduce - you installed from a project right (not a zip/7z) ?
Managed to launch BOSS from Bash alright: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sj7cjxcv9is2bju/BOSSlog.html?dl=0
But apparently you are using latest (2.3.2) ? Will try that too once I get round to it
Keep using my wip branch - it also contains (as the dev branch) the edits to skyrim records from Sharlikran's branch - so we need to make sure no corruption occurs (remember 306 dev corrupting esps). Timestamps are still important in skyrim when it comes to scanning for changes
Keep'em coming - BAIN was needing a refresh so to speak, and you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.