Through clumsy copying I managed to get rid of all the info for my bash installers so they all appear to be uninstalled. Is there a way of restoring the data? I tried copying the bak files in the bash sub-directory but it doesn't seem to have worked. Is there an "acquisition" feature the same as in OBMM?
don't know what the acquisition feature of OBMM is exactly but no; the only way currently of recovering that data is to copy the .bak file from the bash directory; and renaming by removing the .bak. However that only works for a shortwhile; at each program start the backup is overwritten with the last used data usually... but of course you can keep a backup outside of that folder to be safe... I'm looking into an export(and import) installer data type of function... not going in 278 though - almost got that done now and I've added some significant new/changed significant amounts of things already.
Ok, so time for me to post my problem here.
I was installing FCOM and as soon as I recreated the bashed patch, I got CTD.
This is: without bashed patch it works, the game starts and all. With bashed patch the game crashes just after loading.
Any help?. Any diagnostics you need, just ask.
step 1: delete existing bash patch and put new one (from Mopy/extras)
step 2: enable one feature at a time - start with LLs
step 3: when enabling a feature crashes the game enable 1/2 the subsections of that feature and see if it still does and then narrow down to what mod/subsection is cuasing the crash
step 4: report the results of step 1-3, and your LO in a {codebox} (just replace the { with [ and the } with ] for it to work).
edit That is the file. I haven't tried rechecking it and testing the other files I can though if you want. It could just be some strange combination...
huh well if it is working now I think just keep going... there is no code to call IconPath for ACTI... putting it down at least for ow as an "unexplainable and random and hopefully onetime bug"... ofc is it happens again I'll have to do look more into it.
Is it enough to hide esps I am not using with Bash or should I physically remove them from my data folder? I read somewhere that having too many esps in your data folder can cause problems?
using the 'hide' command moves the out of the data folder (to oblivion mods/bash mod data/hidden), and prevents both directory and esp thrashing; can't do this for merged/imported mods (unless you want to undo it and redo it for every patch rebuild). Using the ghost command renames them by append .ghost to the end of the file name and prevents esp thrashing. So using a combinatio of the two is best IMO.
Pacific Morrowind