It's not difficult for me to prune out unwanted columns, but it is of course even better with an export function that gives me exactly what I need (which is what you list - mod is of course necessary, type is not, but should probably be there for consistency). The reason I need it is that the next version of Enhanced Economy will be able to read text files on the format:
[Mod name]formId, price, <editorId>, <full name>formId, price, <editorId>, <full name>...
(where editorId and full name is optional, but nice to have to read the file). This will make it easy to make files with consistent pricing schemes, and to reprice items from mods like Armamentarium to be consistent with the other weapon/armor prices in your game. So I guess "Export Prices" would be the best name for the function.
consider it done!
(@@ Aellis: I don't know why that is no longer working... it used to and I didn't do anything to it... attempting to fix it the last week *growl* why won't you stupid code work *growl*... its on my list of things to fix before next release).
EDIT: Hows this look (three lines from an exported *prices.csv):
"Mod Name","ObjectIndex","Value","Editor Id","Name"
"Ayleid Loot EXtension.esp","0x000804",5,"VCALCommonFork","Lormathiae Fork"
"Ayleid Loot EXtension.esp","0x000808",5,"VCALCommonKnife","Lormathiae Knife"
Should this skip writing the header lines? (those are the one that say "Mod Name", "ObjectIndex" etc.), also what suggested naming scheme do you want it and what extention is best?
Pacifci Morrowind