» Wed May 09, 2012 5:53 am
I'm running into a problem Bashing that I've never seen before. It began when I added several mods so I'm not sure which one is the cause of it (I think its one of the LAME addons). Can someone tell me what this error means and if it is safe to ignore. The Bash Patch completes successfully despite throwing this error:
mgef_name: {1195657299L: u'Shock Damage', 1229343575L: u'Weakness to Fire', 1095455578L: u'Summon Skeleton Archer', 1330136922L: u'Summon Ghost', 842018906L: u'Summon Ancestor Guardian', 1163019354L: u'Summon Dremora', 925904986L: u'Summon Timber Wolf', 1095123521L: u'Absorb Fatigue', 1280133187L: u'Chameleon', 1095321178L: u'Summon Flame Atronach', 1229345618L: u'Resist Fire', 1095124804L: u'Damage Fatigue', 1229214546L: u'Resist Disease', 1263747649L: u'Absorb ', 1162363457L: u'Absorb Health', 1313100354L: u'Burden', 1297238083L: u'Charm', 1413698628L: u'Detect Life', 1515082310L: u'Frenzy', 1380010308L: u'Disintegrate Armor', 1230392905L: u'Invisibility', 1480677186L: u'Bound War Axe', 1313165391L: u'Open', 1129072210L: u'Reflect Spell', 1145849939L: u'Shield', 825241690L: u'Summon Spectral Warrior', 842084442L: u'Summon Mountain Lion', 1347572819L: u'Soul Trap', 858861658L: u'Summon Land Dreugh', 1380338519L: u'Weakness to Frost', 858796122L: u'Summon Spiderling', 942682202L: u'Summon Hunger', 959469378L: u'Bound Battle Axe', 1095586642L: u'Resist Magic', 875583298L: u'Bound Order', 1195657542L: u'Fire Damage', 875638874L: u'Summon Shambles', 1229215043L: u'Cure Disease', 1095124306L: u'Restore Fatigue', 1095127620L: u'Drain Fatigue', 1229212503L: u'Weakness to Disease', 875573338L: u'Summon Diminutive Minotaur', 1280332612L: u'Dispel', 909193306L: u'Summon Elytra', 1296843075L: u'Calm', 959459418L: u'Summon Dark Seducer', 925970522L: u'Summon Gnarl', 825307226L: u'Wabba Summon', 1280459866L: u'Summon Dremora Lord', 1095517018L: u'Summon Clannfear', 942747738L: u'Summon Baliwog', 1464748887L: u'Weakness to Normal Weapons', 1380340562L: u'Resist Frost', 1464750930L: u'Resist Normal Weapons', 808539970L: u'Bound Longsword', 1095911002L: u'Summon Frost Atronach', 959524954L: u'Summon Flesh Atronach', 1095188802L: u'Bound Heavy Gauntlets', 1213420102L: u'Frost Shield', 1514424410L: u'Summon Headless Zombie', 1296912198L: u'Fortify Magicka Multiplier', 1380471878L: u'Feather', 1263751748L: u'Drain ', 1162367556L: u'Drain Health', 1095783250L: u'Resist Paralysis', 892360514L: u'Bound Order Claymore', 1330662231L: u'Weakness to Poison', 1465079618L: u'Bound Claymore', 1128877146L: u'Summon Lich', 1447647322L: u'Summon Xivilai', 1329747778L: u'Bound Bow', 1312900434L: u'Reanimate', 842023234L: u'Bound Light Cuirass', 1162364242L: u'Restore Health', 1195659846L: u'Frost Damage', 1280464730L: u'Summon Gloom Wraith', 1095126854L: u'Fortify Fatigue', 808595546L: u'Summon Imp', 1096237399L: u'Water Walking', 1179010387L: u'Script Effect', 1413567044L: u'Drain ', 1414022988L: u'Light', 1162364740L: u'Damage Health', 1162564442L: u'Summon Skeleton', 1163348292L: u'Disintegrate Weapon', 825246018L: u'Bound Light Boots', 1095586899L: u'Stunted Magicka', 1330664274L: u'Resist Poison', 925914946L: u'Bound Staff', 1095783747L: u'Cure Paralysis', 1263681860L: u'DO NOT USE - Darkness', 808530010L: u'Summon Golden Saint', 1263750982L: u'Fortify ', 1095915354L: u'Summon Faded Wraith', 1279809869L: u'Summon Mythic Dawn Helm', 1413563730L: u'Restore ', 1314082640L: u'Poison Info', 1213420370L: u'Resist Shock', 1195660627L: u'Sun Damage', 1314018644L: u'Turn Undead', 1347240278L: u'Vampirism', 1095584599L: u'Weakness to Magic', 1129010010L: u'Summon Skeleton Lord', 1096045402L: u'Summon Storm Atronach', 1347633729L: u'Absorb Magicka', 1297046106L: u'Summon Zombie', 892350554L: u'Summon Bear', 1347637828L: u'Drain Magicka', 1213417798L: u'Fire Shield', 1262702412L: u'DO NOT USE - Lock', 1413564228L: u'Damage ', 875577666L: u'Bound Light Greaves', 1380142915L: u'Command Creature', 892354882L: u'Bound Light Helmet', 1094997826L: u'Bound Dagger', 1413562945L: u'Absorb ', 942692162L: u'Bound Priest Dagger', 909132098L: u'Bound Light Shield', 1330664771L: u'Cure Poison', 1212896090L: u'Summon Spriggan', 1162366790L: u'Fortify Health', 1330464068L: u'Demoralize', 925909314L: u'Bound Golden Saint Armor', 858800450L: u'Bound Light Gauntlets', 1347637062L: u'Fortify Magicka', 1213415746L: u'Bound Heavy Shield', 825251650L: u'Bound Chainblade', 1498169682L: u'Rally', 1213418327L: u'Weakness to Shock', 942686530L: u'Bound Dark Seducer Armor', 909127770L: u'Summon Mud Crab', 842028866L: u'Bound Warhammer', 1430802243L: u'Command Humanoid', 1095587650L: u'Bound Mace', 1213417804L: u'Shock Shield', 1396851027L: u'Spell Absorption', 858806082L: u'Bound Rusty Order', 1329742146L: u'Bound Heavy Boots', 1430470978L: u'Bound Heavy Cuirass', 1347634514L: u'Restore Magicka', 1213487437L: u'Summon Mythic Dawn Armor', 1162363202L: u'Bound Heavy Helmet', 1163478350L: u'Night-Eye', 1161905242L: u'Summon Daedroth', 892416090L: u'Summon Boar', 1380073815L: u'Water Breathing', 1095909712L: u'Paralyze', 1347635012L: u'Damage Magicka', 1413566278L: u'Fortify ', 1195656530L: u'Reflect Damage', 1146114906L: u'Summon Spider Daedra', 1129204819L: u'Silence', 1380401474L: u'Bound Heavy Greaves', 1162626388L: u'Telekinesis', 909137730L: u'Bound Thorn of Order', 1094931290L: u'Summon Scamp'}
mgef: 1146573650
mgef found in bush.mgef_name
previous to this in the error window is my load order.
Thank you.