Okay I think this is going to take some time... more than 60 posts since I uploaded 283 last night... good thing I timed this for before an evening I would have a bit of time at least!
now starting to reply to the many posts:
Just tried out 283 - brilliant release. Really like the way the Deactivate tag has been implemented - seems to work perfectly. I even used BOMM to override the LoadingScreens.esp to include the Deactivate tag, re-ran BOSS and WB changed the text to Italics without having to do anything else

Btw, my bashed patch is NOT in italics.
The purple text only seems to show up by marking the mod as mergeable - so although easy to correct, I think it would be great if it detected it automatically (test done by installing a new mod via the Installers tab).
sure can do... consider it done.
Thanks so much for all the hard work you do and the fantastic responsiveness - very much appreciated.
Edit:Here are some ESPs that are erroneously being shown in italics...
- RumpleMod.esp
- LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp
- xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp
- VeronaHouseBloodlines-LushWoodlands fix.esp
- xulRiverEthe.esp
- xulCheydinhalFalls.esp
- Colourwheels sixy Imperial Legion.esp
...can't see any pattern for these exceptions, but listed thenm in case it helps.
There were some others, but trying to mark them as mergeable seemed to remove the italics.
I'd like to be more responsive... I almost always lately don't respond as often as I want to.
I'll look into those mods (though I can't see a pattern either), thanks for all the reports and user feedback
A whole bunch of my mods were italicized at first, including ones that obviously shouldn't have been.
When I restarted, though, most of them went back to normal and the ones that were left in italics seemed to be correct.
hmm I didn't see that in my testing but I was testing other things at the same time so I could have started, tested other stuff, more changes to other stuff, restarted and then looked at the accuracy of the italics (all correct as far as I've seen)... though I don't see any reason that it would be incorrect and then go correct, if it is doing that at least it is correcting itself.
Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Since Race record entries require the mod to be either active or merged, the complete changes of the mod are entered into the bashed patch. The Body-F tag only gives priority to that entry which allows it to over-ride any other mod that A: Doesn't change that particular record as well and/or B: Doesn't also have a Body-F tag.
If the tag allowed for true "import" of that data, like the NPCFaces tag, then the load order wouldn't matter at all.
For the record, in my bashed patch the RBP relations information, and most other data was getting through even before I moved the EVE_KhajiitFix.esp. The main thing I was losing was the changes to the racial powers, which were getting reset by the EVE mod. This is because Spell imports aren't supported yet, I believe.
Since the primary purpose (possibly only purpose) of the EVE_KhajiitFix.esp is to redirect the foot model to a different one, moving it and using the Body-F tag is the easiest solution.
One more thing, just as a disclaimer, my copy of the RBP core file was still tagged with Body-F and Body-M from when I was working around the Race bug from the 282 version. I've removed them and am currently rebuilding my patch to see if it alters the results at all.
Oh... okay, I just misunderstood what the race record tags were doing... why can't they be like other imports, importing just what's been tagged? If that was considered, but canned because it would cause problems, then that's the way it is :sheug: But if it's just that no one's brought it up, then consider this a feature request

The reason the racepatcher doesn't work like the standard import X: Bash currently via the bashed patch doesn't support (it could but would be a fair bit of coding... maybe in the future) adding brand new records; and hairs, eyes are brand new records (for the most part, exept for unlocked vanilla ones basically) which are then linked to in the race... necesitating the race be active/merged; same for racial powers (which it is true are not imported by any tags). However for Body-F, Body-M, R.Tongue, R.Teeth, R.Relations, and the upcoming R.Ears tags it would work fine not to just import without them being active/merge since those are simple paths for the most part... I'll add that to my list - and aso racial powers (probably will be tag R.Powers). Do note that currently (as of 281) it only imports changed values for each tag... like Body-F with just a changed foot path the rest will not be imported (but still could be merged last etc)
Can the purple highlighting be removed? The italics and the deactivate tag are cool, but I do not think the purple is very useful anymore.
not going to happen... but see my next post (running out of number of allowed quotes)
There appears to be a problem with BAIN in 283. I've dropped a couple of files into the Bash Installers folder and the installers tab is not registering that they've shown up there. Even a full data refresh did not fix this. This was working fine with 282.
adding to investigate list
Pacific Morrowind