Bringing this back from the dead as now I have some time on my hands - finally.
For "3" which was the Swamp Troll - I tried disabling the filter mods, one by one, I removed all the "tweaks" from the bashed patch. The thing remains just as silly (I mean the troll, of course).
Easy answer to this (and sorry for taking so long asnwering it):
1. it is Actors.Stats that imports the intelligence...
2. all the import X (as of 280 or so depending on the individual patcher) only imports each particular value if it is different than the master - which that 35 for intelligence is not...
3. now you may be wondering why doesn't it get the 35 anyways because it is the last loading mod... because (I can tell with that one screenie) you have UOP also tagged with Actors.Stats and selected in import actors; the intelligence (and one AI pckg) is the only change UOP makes to troll and it gets imported since nothing later is importing for that particular value.
the assumption basically is that if a value isn't changed it is not as important to stay that way... and let others before/after change that (inlcuidng non import X mods)... way safer for many thing (ie import scripts)
Hope that explains it
For "1", I can confirm that it's not Item Interchange, it's not COBL, it's not All Natural (only mentioning this because it was the only other "filter" mod.
I should note that, while typing this, I've rebuilt the patch deselecting all the "Merge Patches". The changes persist even then.
Any ideas? 'Cause I'm out of them.
for that one I really am not sure... sorry.
For the troll, check to see if TIE is tagged with Actors.ACBS and that it is selected under Import Actors.
Also check if a later loading merged mod alters the Troll in any way and is also tagged Actors.ACBS and selected under Import Actors.
For the weapon list, Check if TIE is tagged with "Delev" and/or "inventory". I believe those two tags allow a mod to specifically remove items from a levelled list. If it wasn't done intentionally, then it's a bad edit that needs to be cleaned.
And for the second one, you've confirmed that it's an empty levelled list, and apparently bash removed it for that. I didn't know it removed empty levelled lists, which is odd because I thought they were sometimes used to purposefully overwrite other entries (FCOM does this, I think, for compatibility reasons). I'll have to ask about that.
Invent doesn't tag LLs - only container, creature, npc inventories.
in regards to empty LLs being remove, it has done that as long as I can remember... like 200 or so when I first installed FCOM... and I haven't yet done anything with LL or content checker - some of the very few patchers that I haven't changed.
Pacific Morrowind
(muahah triple poster is me)