**Trying out WB285, got a shout box
['soundOpen', 'soundClose']
['soundOpen', 'soundClose', 'soundLoop']
['sound', 'sounds']
['castingSound', 'boltSound', 'hitSound', 'areaSound']
fixed (just some debug text), thanks
(though somewhat confused by the first line there... I'm obviously missing some slang I'm guessing)
The breakline isn't working right in the description box in a wizard. The \t tab is though.
The breakline is showing a little box shape...
"Description of Mods/Subpackages/Numbering/Other Info","01 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n 02 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n 03 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n 04 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n 05 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n 06 Dummy- Bla bla bla \n","DummyPic.png"\
Is there going to be a Message window that can be called upon...?
Message "line 1 bla bla"\ "line 2 bla bla"\ "line 3 bla bla"
If I had a detailed read me or just a message window for longer explanations that would be great.
Also ;DisplayImage "TestArchive.png" "Short Description" ;Or something of the sort would be nice.
The small pic window isn't exactly scaling larger images. And if I stick a small image in, It blows it up....
adding to the list
(Side note: If you're using Battlehorn Castle and you start at a higher level like I did, you won't get the quest - apparently it glitches the scripts, and the man-at-arms isn't set to essential, so if he dies, he can't give you the deed to the castle.)
Edit: I've also found out that it automatically gives you the level of the save you're importing, regardless of your wishes. Is there a way to make that optional? I thought unchecking "stats" would do it, but it doesn't.
I've got some planned improvements to the import face to savegame feature... basically to give you a bit more choices (ie import x and a and c but not y or z or b for example (with for example x being the hair, a bieng class, c being skills etc.)... but that's going into 286 or higher.
Thanks in advance for any help or guidance.
just say 'Yes' keep going in build... or upgrade to 285 when it is released shortly (tomorrow morning probably - Pacific Time that is); the warning is fixe to no longer warn about missing masters tot he patch (seeing as that is quite possibly why one would be rebuilding).
Pacific Morrowind