[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 43

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:29 am

Download: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 or https://sourceforge.net/projects/oblivionworks/files
Readme: http://wryemusings.com/Wrye%20Bash.html (at time a fair bit outdated... most up to date readme in the download - the file named Wrye Bash.html in the mopy folder)
Wrye Bash Wiki: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Wrye_Bash
Screenshots: http://wryemusings.com/images/WryeBash_01.png, http://wryemusings.com/images/WryeBash_02.png, http://wryemusings.com/images/WryeBash_03.png, http://wryemusings.com/images/WryeBash_05.png
Previous Topic: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1092258-relz-wrye-bash-thread-no-42/
Python 2.5.4 and wxpython ansi (the old "official" setup) - if using this best to just download the Wrye Python 01 package from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368
http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.5/python-2.6.5.msi, http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-, http://sourceforge.net/projects/comtypes/files/comtypes/0.6.2/comtypes-0.6.2.win32.exe/download, http://www.voidspace.org.uk/downloads/psyco-1.6.win32-py2.6.zip, and http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=78018. (the newer stuff so should be faster, needed for newer versions of Blender/Nifscripts/PyFFI, tested as working well other than one bug to be fixed)
(Probably best to just download Wrye Python 02 package from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 unless you like to customize your install)

Wrye Bash has a lot of features. I mean a LOT. It's like twenty tools rolled into one. It includes as subfeatures the entire feature sets of other tools, and offers plenty of other features that no other mod tool has. Except installation. It's the "everything but installation" tool! Now with installation too!

* Install/uninstall mods from zip, 7z, archives, etc. No OMODs required!

Bashed Patchers
* Configure and build a custom patch mod to...
* Merge leveled lists
* Merge TNR faces over other changes to npcs
* Merge race eye/hair/body/voice changes over other changes to races
* Tweak clothes: Show amulets with robes, zero weight rings and amulets, etc.
* Tweak misc. GMST settings.

Repair/Edit Stuff
* Repair animation bug (various animations freezing)
* Repair hair bug (game ctds when viewing race menu after removing a hair mod)
* Remove spells from spell list
* Rename created spells, enchanted items
* Remove bloating (one use of this reduced a 158 Mb savegame to 2.5 Mb)
* Import NPC levels into an existing savegame (essential when switching to/from OOO, Frans, etc.)
* Import PC face from other savegame or any mod (e.g., import any of TNR's faces into game)
* Easily generate html readmes using wiki-like syntax.

Mod, Savegame, Screenshot Management
* Auto-Ghost mods to reduce espm thrashing.
* Launch Oblivion and TESCS (with or without OBSE).
* Mod, save, screenshot file management. (Rename, duplicate, etc.)
* Save Profiles: Have different sets of saves for different npcs with different loadlists, etc.
* Screenshots: View, delete, batch rename, open, etc.
* Readme Browser: Quickly view readme of currently selected mod.
* Quick/Autoswap between SI and pre-SI versions of Oblivion.esm.

Installation: First time installation is still a little difficult, but later updates are easy (just unzip latest version into Oblivion directory). However, for first time installation you have to preinstall two other packages and then (sometimes) tweak a shortcut. You can't just download and press the pretty buttons -- you have to follow the readme instructions. If you have followed the instructions and still have problems, post the bugdump. If you've havent followed the instructions and whine that it won't work without posting the bugdump, Wrye will bite your fingers off (it's a monkey thing). Otherwise he's quite helpful.

Linking: If you'd like to link to Bash from somewhere else, please do! But be sure to link to either Wrye Musings or the Bash Readme. Don't link to the actual Bash zip file, since that changes fairly frequently.

You should add a few more things to that list, Wrye. Almost none of the items from my list of the most compelling features in Wrye Bash are on your list:

For everyone:
* Accurately and quickly managing your load order (correctly sorts ESMs)
* Locking your load order (so updated mods automatically load in the exact same spot as the old version)
* Checking your load list for problems (missing mod dependencies)
* Checking savegames against load list and syncing load list to savegame
* Cleaning bloated savegames
* Archive Invalidation (now supports BSA-alteration BSA-redirection method)
* Replacers (install/remove texture replacement mods -- really any mod, too)
* Change master entry in savegame (to avoid losing items, quest progress, etc. when the name of a mod has changed)

For mod-makers:
* Add a master to a plugin (for mod de-isolation)
* Change master entry in plugin (for mod de-isolation)
* Locking your load order (so changes you make don't move the plugin to the end of your load list)
* Savegame profiles (so you can easily test with only your mod active, then easily switch back to playing with all your mods active)

Latest Version:
=== 284 [24/05/2010] (FULL)[Lojack,Metallicow,PacificMorrowind,ThreeD,Valda68k,Waruddar]
  • Incorrect italicization fixed.
  • BashIni changes:
    • text colours for mergeable/'No-Merge' tagged/non-mergeable/esm mods settable.

  • Active mods with the 'Deactivate' tag will be highlighted in red.
  • Bashed Patch changes:
    • Actors.DeathItems moved (back) to seperate patcher for better Warcry & FCOM ease of use (and similar issues). (with fixes in the full release - reported by baphometal)
    • New Patcher: Import Spells - Actors.Spells and spellsOnly tags added for it, basically invent for spells.
    • RacePatcher changes:
      • Left eye import fix (contributed by Valda68k)
      • R.Ears tag added; imports ears
      • R.Attributes-F tag added; imports race attributes for females
      • R.Attributes-M tag added; imports race attributes for males
      • R.Skills tag added; imports race skill bonuses
      • R.Description tag added; imports race description
      • R.AddSpells tag added; imports race spells additions.
      • R.ChangeSpells tag added; imports race spell as totally new list.
      • R.Head added; imports race head record.
      • NPC Hairlength will also be randomized when random hair/eyes are assigned (and even if both of those are pre-set) __if__ hair length is 0.0 or None.
      • another not insignificant optimization.

    • Merge dialogue no longer shows mergeable mods that load after the patch (those are not and have never been merged anyways)
    • Warning about delinquent/missing masters on rebuild doesn't warn for such errors for the patch itself (since presumably you are rebuilding the patch since you've changed your LO intentionally)
    • New warnings about NoMerge/Deactivate tagged mods being active at rebuild time (they shouldn't be).
    • No warning about NoMerge tagged mods that are non-mergeable anyways.
    • 4 new GMST changers added to tweak settings
    • New Names tweaker added: 'Lore Friendly Names: Dwarven -> Dwemer' added.
    • NPC Tweaker changes:
      • Renamed to Tweak Actors.
      • 'No Bloody Creatures' tweak added.
      • 'As Intended: Boars' tweak added.
      • 'As Intended: Imps' tweak added.
      • Redguard FGTS Nuller now correctly handles npcs with no race assigned (very odd!) (reported by blake7791, specifically found in Skin Toned Mannequins) - just skips such NPCs instead of raising a fatal error in patch build.

    • Select/Deselect All buttons on list/tweak patchers (ie everything except for a few special patcher such as SEWorld Tests etc.) added.
    • All patchers no longer display mods that are loading after the patch (since they were not included in build anyways (even selected) this makes it much simpler and less confusing).

  • Mod Checker now alerts you if you have NoMerge or Deactivate tagged mods active instead of imported & deactivated.
  • BAIN:
    • Renaming now updates the 'Mods' and 'INI Edits' tabs
    • 2 bugfixes dealing with filtering (reported by Vindicator)
    • Double or middle clicking on an image in a BAIN Wizard will open the full image.
    • You can now create your own 'Markers'. Right click->Add Marker..., then type the name. the '==' will be added before and after for you.
    • List Packages now has option to only export active packages
    • List Packages shows whether package is active or not.
    • Files ending in '.ace','.tgz','.tar','.tar.gz','.omod' will no longer be installed by BAIN. (requested by myk002)

  • INI Edits:
    • Now supports applying tweaks to any Ini
    • Supports script type Ini files. Can modify any __set__ or __setGS__ command.

  • comtypes is optional now. It is required for a couple function but most have work arounds enabled (ie Bashe Patch log loads in default internet browser) and Wrye Bash will work without it (features currently without workarounds are: the PM Archive panel, Doc Browser).
  • You can delete Installers and INI Edits with the Delete key now.
  • You can rearrange Load Order/Install Order on the Mods Tab and Installers Tab by dragging and dropping.
  • German translation updated to Wrye Bash 284RC1 (contributed by ThreeD).
  • 3 new tool launchers added (contributed by Metallicow).
  • Save/ESP Details window shows current order as well as saved order of esp/ms. (so you can see what the difference is much easier when (for example) updating a save game.
  • Some image files renamed to be correct case for case sensitive OSes (patch from Frodo_TheDarkLord)
  • Fix so that it is impossible to open multiple copies of Wrye Bash at the same.
  • Added option in Patch dialogue to save configuration (ie then you can click cancel without loosing the configuration changes you've done).
  • Taglist updated to BOSS masterlist revision 943.

*** Graphics patcher will print out a bit of junk this version sorry I left that in accidentally - Pacific Morrowind

and just to repeat some links and news:
TheLORDofDOOM of has taken on making a FO3 version... and here's the first little bit of it (not all translated to account for FO3 but it's showing promise). And another, a bit further along, by Valda called http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1079607-relz-garybash/.

and a bit more news:
There is now a listserve for the svn and bug/request/patch/support trackers; if you want to get emails whenever changes to those items happen just join over https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/oblivionworks-committers. You can also use it for support requests/questions if you desire.
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John Moore
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:33 pm

Well done and my thanks for an another version of Wrye Bash. :foodndrink:

Just of curiosity, which version of http://www.python.org/ (higher than v2.5.5) is not recommended with Wrye Bash 2.84?
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:21 pm

Well, you're just making my day then. ^____^
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:17 am

I've got Armamentium female getting tagged NoMerge, but it not turnning Purple...??
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:25 am

Well done and my thanks for an another version of Wrye Bash. :foodndrink:

Just of curiosity, which version of http://www.python.org/ (higher than v2.5.5) is not recommended with Wrye Bash 2.84?

2.6.5 is the latest and greatest Python that will work with Bash - 2.7 won't work because there isn't a 2.7 version of wxPython yet (AFAIK) - same for 3x

I've got Armamentium female getting tagged NoMerge, but it not turnning Purple...??

try right clicking and running 'mark mergeable'
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:07 am

"?You can rearrange Load Order/Install Order on the Mods Tab and Installers Tab by dragging and dropping."

I wish you could see my jaw. It has dropped to the floor. Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou.

And thanks for all the other stuff you've done but which all flew out of my head the moment I read the above. :twirl:

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:09 am

try right clicking and running 'mark mergeable'
Pacific Morrowind

Yeah, it seems to be happy with that,( I had to "Untag" it as NoMerge)
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:53 pm

Much thanks for the update. :thumbsup:
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:44 am

Thank you for the updated Wrye Bash 284 full.

First run after installing, refreshed all installers, then went for a rebuild of the bashed patch..... bashed patch built successfully but received an error box

wxPython: stdout/stderr







Currently using the Wrye Python 02 installer.

Went for a second run and rebuilt bashed patch, same error again.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:45 am

Thank you for the updated Wrye Bash 284 full.

First run after installing, refreshed all installers, then went for a rebuild of the bashed patch..... bashed patch built successfully but received an error box

wxPython: stdout/stderr

Currently using the Wrye Python 02 installer.

Went for a second run and rebuilt bashed patch, same error again.

oh rats... oh well at least nothing bad is happening... and it isn't an error!
what it is some testing print calls that I left in... fixed, thanks. It won't cause any errors just print a bit of junk out.
EDIT: new changelog up on OP (as well as the usual spot in the readme in the package)... I think quite a few of you should really enjoy the last two things I added yesterday:
?Fix so that it is impossible to open multiple copies of Wrye Bash at the same.
?Added option in Patch dialogue to save configuration (ie then you can click cancel without loosing the configuration changes you've done).

Pacific Morrowind
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Emily Jones
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:20 am

oh rats... oh well at least nothing bad is happening... and it isn't an error!
what it is some testing print calls that I left in... fixed, thanks. It won't cause any errors just print a bit of junk out.
EDIT: new changelog up on OP (as well as the usual spot in the readme in the package)... I think quite a few of you should really enjoy the last two things I added yesterday:

Pacific Morrowind

Many thanks for the new version - your hard work is always appreciated.

Re the "oh rats" - is there a line we can comment out to stop the window being displayed?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:53 pm

Many thanks for the new version - your hard work is always appreciated.

Re the "oh rats" - is there a line we can comment out to stop the window being displayed?

yes - lines 14881-14883.
Next version should have a test version up by tomorrow... doing some significant refactoring in it (Actors.AIPackages and Actors.Anims)... while fixing that debug prints I also discovered something very odd - graphics patcher was doubled... harmless but still odd.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:28 am

yes - lines 14881-14883.

Thanks for the fix – no window any more :)

I presume that the oDeactivateTextStyle parameter in the INI file is not yet implemented - really minor, but looking forward to colour coding :)

Am I correct in assuming that order of the TextColour settings in the INI file dictates which colour "wins" if more than one attribute is applicable (eg Deactivate and Mergeable will use oMergeableTextColour)?

Are there any plans to override an ESPs bash tags with the BOSS ones (ie replace rather than merge)?

Many thanks

Edit: Fixed wording

Edit 2: Ignore TextColour questions - just re-read the OP
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gemma king
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:07 pm

yes - lines 14881-14883.

:) Fix applied - no more prints here too

Edit: Now where was I, oh yes!, Combat Archery is out and v2 TGND - It must be christmas early
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:56 am

A bit of feedback on the new Ini Tweaks functionality for you:

I'm looking at Ini Tweaks as a BAIN parallel to OBMM's XML editing functions. While this isn't really a fair comparison, it's one that will be made by mod packagers, as it's the only thing that offers a similar end result. I'm essentially looking for Ini Tweaks to simplify editing the settings of config files added by mods, so users can cut out steps in the install before they get to play as they want. For that end, I've got a fair few negative comments (sorry guys, :():

. No tweak ordering. If a mod has several tweaks which overlap in different areas, perhaps of varying specialisation, the tweaks are ordered alphabetically, and applied that way. It would be really nice if we could choose the overlap order.
. No tweak removal. I understand this one's tricky, as you don't know what the file was like before the tweak was made. Perhaps taking a snapshot before the edit, which you can then revert? Not having this isn't such a big deal, as we can just include a 'vanilla' tweak for resetting stuff, but it still requires the inclusion of another tweak. As I said, not really a big deal. :shrug:

Pre-284, ini tweaks were made soley to Oblivion.ini, which is a long, featureless text file, with no explanation as to what settings do what. For such a file, a set of simple, well labelled tweaks for the most popular changes was ideal. Mod inis though, are generally well-documented and significantly shorter. This makes them a lot less of a hassle to edit yourself, to the point where Bash's functionality may actually be more complex, and would definitely miss out on the instructions and explanations in the ini.

In this light, perhaps the tweaking of mod inis needs to be handled a bit differently: perhaps integrating with Wizard in a similar manner to OBMM has done. For me, ini tweaking goes hand-in-hand with scripted installs. They're both designed to simplify the process of getting a mod installed in the way that you want it, so why not join them together? Make mod ini tweaks a page in the Wizard install window, that comes up before the final confirmation window, and lists the tweaks that the packager has pre-made. This would allow that great big info box to be put to use, containing descriptions of each of the tweaks. Continuing on with this, make the ini tweaks defined within the wizard.txt, as a function where you can specify the file, the line string to match, and its replacement? That would remove the need to include separate files in the archive as tweaks.

A bit on Wizards too: I'm not sure on what their intended purpose is, but ATM they're sort of a semi-automatic installer. Not like an OMOD script, which can toast your bread and butter it, but it's got more doing-stuff for you than the standard BAIN install. I'm a big fan of BAIN myself, what with it being a powerful tool for managing and installing your mods, but I do realise that some people prefer to do things the easy way, and I'm wondering if Wizard is an answer to them? The trouble is that, as it stands, the semi automatic approach means that it gives neither the power of a normal BAIN install, or the simplicity of a OMOD install. It probably just needs to mature a bit, but I can't help but think that it's a bit of a third wheel. :shrug: That, or I've just got the intended use of Wizards wrong. :P

Anyway, I know it's a brand new feature, and that Wizards are still kind of WIP, so I'll pipe down now. The above is heavily IMHO, and is a bit of a ramble. Aside from that, I'd like to offset the negativity above by thanking you again for another great release. :)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:17 am

O__O The drag and drop works.... THE DRAG AND DROP WORKS!!! ^___^ :D ^_____^
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:35 am

Thanks so much for the new release! And for letting us know the "Oh rats" isn't anything big :)
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:33 am

Well done and my thanks for an another version of Wrye Bash. :foodndrink:

Just of curiosity, which version of http://www.python.org/ (higher than v2.5.5) is not recommended with Wrye Bash 2.84?

2.6.5 is the latest and greatest Python that will work with Bash - 2.7 won't work because there isn't a 2.7 version of wxPython yet (AFAIK) - same for 3x

so guess what just got released this afternoon (about 10 minutes ago)?
a wxPython for Python 2.7... no idea if it works yet - downloading on dialup... but I expect it to work and then I'll be using Python 2.7 which claims to have some significant speed improvements... this should be great. - Also some nice new features in this new version of wxPython
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:55 am

I'd be leary of updating to python 2.7. Psyco won't work, and it'll therefore take much longer to make the patch. Of course, we won't need psyco once I get CBash integrated...
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sally coker
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:04 am

yes - lines 14881-14883.
Next version should have a test version up by tomorrow... doing some significant refactoring in it (Actors.AIPackages and Actors.Anims)... while fixing that debug prints I also discovered something very odd - graphics patcher was doubled... harmless but still odd.
Pacific Morrowind
Is that bosh.py? Its the only file with enough lines ~20K.
Thanks for the updates!
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Timara White
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:05 pm

Is that bosh.py? Its the only file with enough lines ~20K.
Thanks for the updates!

oh yes that it is :)
I've also just discovered that the save configuration of the bashed patches has an unintended side effect... Bash will then believe that you have built the patch with that config and show merge/imported mods as such... so that will be removed (but don't worry everyone, there is a (well okay 4 depending on how you count it) much much better feature going in to replace/supersede it - though I was working on them when I discovered the display bug).
edit: so far found no problems with using Bash and Python 2.7/new wxPython... haven't tested everything to say the least but no explosions so far :lol:
Pacific Morrowind
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:42 am

This is probably a dumb question, but I feel the need to ask anyway:

If a mod has {{BASH: whatever}} in the description and you manually add other tags in the gray box, which ones take precendence? I tried removing the tags in the description for FCOM_Francescos.esp, and it removed the file from my load order! This happened three times, and I finally got around it by leaving BASH: in and just removing the tags (call me paranoid; I'm trying to track down a really annoying bug, and I think it's related to bash tags).
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:17 am

This is probably a dumb question, but I feel the need to ask anyway:

If a mod has {{BASH: whatever}} in the description and you manually add other tags in the gray box, which ones take precendence? I tried removing the tags in the description for FCOM_Francescos.esp, and it removed the file from my load order! This happened three times, and I finally got around it by leaving BASH: in and just removing the tags (call me paranoid; I'm trying to track down a really annoying bug, and I think it's related to bash tags).

the grey box should turn white when you right click and add tags... hopefully it is?
when you add tags there it turns OFF automatic tag grabbing for that mod so from then on (or until your turn automatic back on) Bash only sees that tags there (does NOT see the masterlist/taglist/esp suggested tags)... but prior to that point it will have merged those sources into the grey box and those will be included when you edit the box - though ofc you can remove them and they won't be readded).
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:55 am

so guess what just got released this afternoon (about 10 minutes ago)?
a wxPython for Python 2.7... no idea if it works yet - downloading on dialup... but I expect it to work and then I'll be using Python 2.7 which claims to have some significant speed improvements... this should be great. - Also some nice new features in this new version of wxPython

All indications at python.org are that 2.7 is still considered beta. I don't think it would be useful to commit to using it just yet. Unless their beta cycle is shorter than normal.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:40 am

All indications at python.org are that 2.7 is still considered beta. I don't think it would be useful to commit to using it just yet. Unless their beta cycle is shorter than normal.

I'm running 2.7 beta 1 right now... by using I ofc mean playing (yeehaa) with and testing for changes that should to be compatible with it while still maintaining compatibility to 2.5 and 2.6 (which is generally possible unlike 2x and 3x where you just can't have em compatible with both)... I'm guess that 2.7 will be none beta probably say October (but that is pure conjecture on my part)...
also that new wxPython is a new version of wxPython not just a new build of the exisitng one changed to point to python 2.7's filenames... so some tasty changes there too... but maintianing older compatibility is still high on the list (though not really worried about any users using pre 2.8.7 wxPython versions - they can upgrade - seeing as this new version is
Pacific Morrowind
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