bMenus = truewhile (bMenus) "option n" selectOne ... case "take me back to the menus" break case "go on with installation" bMenus = Fasle break EndSelectBreakEndSelectLoopWould this work ? (or would it show the initial dialogue over and over - would while wait for the EndSelect ?)Some kind of goto maybe ?You see many times this would be very usefulWorking with bain wizards at the mo so maybe I will come up with more questions, requests etcThanks indeed for the nice job :tops:EDIT : if I get it right, undefined variables count as True (see my post - also on missing quotes)Also when a SelectOne dialogue has no default option (denoted with |) and the auto wizard is used the dialogue is just skipped - not good. Is there a way to use the Default case to circumvent this ?This makes things difficult when the user really has to answer some questions - it is really a limitation of the wizardEDIT2 :
Cancel 'No components were selected.'does not appear ever - bAN is always true I think.