» Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:06 pm
krabman7, try reinstalling Bash again. If that doesn't work, I'll need a bug dump to see what's going on (see Wrye Bash.html for instructions).
Arkngt, I'm not too sure how easy/hard that will be to do. Will keep it in mind.
Ninlil, there are already larger icons available by editing the ini file. Copy bash_default.ini, and rename the copy to bash.ini. Open it, and look for iIconSize=16. Change it to iIconSize=32 for larger icons. The ini file isn't well documented in Wrye Bash.html, but the file itself is very self explanatory.
Arthmoor, yes to the first question, and no to the last. Also, if you're using CBash or the latest SVN, the bug won't be triggered.
Spotty42, I'm honestly not sure. I don't use the exhaustion feature myself, so I don't know exactly how it works. You may try asking in the Cobl thread since it is the mod that actually implements the Exhaustion feature...Bash basically just makes Cobl aware of the spells.