Bash 2.87 once again, Python 2.6, Comtypes 0.6.2, Pysco 1.6, pywin32 - 264, wxpython
To be on the safe side.
OptionalFangs needs R.teeth added to it. Has it changes races to have a different set to teeth. According to tes4edit.
It should not be selected in load order , but it needs to be merged. It should be selected under merge patches and under races has well.
And if you deactivate all mods exepect these and build patch do you still get the same error..?
Are you ghosting it by chance ?
I'm building the BP with no mods active.
Adding the R.Teeth tag to the OptionalFangs plugin is needed to get it to work, yes, but it doesn't stop the crashing when I merge it and import race records from bgBalancingEVCore.esp and the OptionalFangs plugins. Only when I don't merge the OptionalFangs plugin, does it not crash.
It'll even crash if I have Race Records->OptionalFangs and Merge Patches->OptionalFangs checked, but not bgBalancingEVCore.esp. Even more weirdly, it still gives
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race Mazken
as the error. :shrug: bgBalancingEVCore.esp is a master of OptionalFangs, but I don't know why it's causing such problems when it's not even doing anything. I suspect that there's something wrong with how OptionalFangs is being merged that causes it to look at the master file wrongly or something, and so it throws an error. That, or there's something wrong with OptionalFangs itself, but it looks fine in TES4Edit.
EDIT: Brain imploding... When I activate bgBalancingEVCore.esp in my LO and then rebuild my patch, the error disappears under all circumstances. I wasn't aware that you could get different results with mods active or de-active when building a BP, surely that's not meant to be the case?