I'm back with more news about the MAO tweak setting in the bashed patch.
Honestly, I'm very surprised that more people dont use it- if they did someone SURELY would have noticed a quite severe flaw in the system. See my thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1106088-npcs-wont-sleep/ about it.
As it stands, the MAO tweak setting in the bashed patch will cause every NPC in the game to loose ALL animations in the idleanims folder! That includes sleeping, sitting, eating, getting up after a knockdown in combat, and pretty much any animation thats NOT otherwise combat related!The flaw is that, for a system such as MAO to work properly, more than merely changing the animation paths of the NPCs in game is needed to be done. Specifically, Idle animations, and any animation that involves an item ALSO need to be pointed to the correct folder to work. See attached screen shots:
(This needs to be done for every animation in the idleanims folder)
This is the actual MAO esp, and what needs to be done for NPCs to have access to the idleanims folder and, at present, the MAO tweak is ONLY changing the NPCs skeleton path, and this is not enough to achieve a fully-functional setup.
You would defiantly have my eternal gratitude if you could fix this! Even if MAO is'nt very popular now, I'm sure that with a fully-functional setting in the bashed patch, it could become a very lucrative tweak for many.
Can a GMST tweak be added for # of friendly hits allowed? I just found a mod that adjusts that setting and I felt that it might make a good new addition to bash's features (not to mention saving a plugin slot for me

). I hate it when my teammates jump in front of my sword and then turn hostile on me because of it lol.
The GMST setting is called "iFriendHitAllowed".
Also, i dont mean to sound like an a$$, but how about a GMST for reading books while in combat? I've been hoping there would be one like that for a while, so i could change my moves with AFC in battle!