[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 48

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:02 am

The "dual-boot" is about modding. If you're making a mod using the SI version of Oblivion.esm, you may inadvertently include material only available in SI. Bethesda did a fairly good job of making it obvious what's what, but not everything is tagged in an obvious manner. So you need a way to positively check for this before making a release, assuming you don't want the mod dependent on SI.

That process is laid out in the Bash docs so you can get an older ESM file to work from. The problem is, the older ESM is not really necessary if all you're wanting is the ability to check non-SI setups.

So in order to get an Oblivion.esm patches to 1.2.0416, you need to install the game, leave out SI, and then install all of the official patches. Copy that ESM to a safe place.

You need to uninstall the game at that point if you intend to actually play SI or use its assets in mods because the SI patch will not work on a game already patched to 1.2.416.

Once that's done, you'd rename the non-SI Oblivion.esm file as Oblivion_1.1.esm and copy it to your Data folder. Then you can use Bash to switch between them and use something like TES4Edit to verify that you don't get any errors.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:06 am

The "dual-boot" is about modding. If you're making a mod using the SI version of Oblivion.esm, you may inadvertently include material only available in SI. Bethesda did a fairly good job of making it obvious what's what, but not everything is tagged in an obvious manner. So you need a way to positively check for this before making a release, assuming you don't want the mod dependent on SI.

That process is laid out in the Bash docs so you can get an older ESM file to work from. The problem is, the older ESM is not really necessary if all you're wanting is the ability to check non-SI setups.

So in order to get an Oblivion.esm patches to 1.2.0416, you need to install the game, leave out SI, and then install all of the official patches. Copy that ESM to a safe place.

You need to uninstall the game at that point if you intend to actually play SI or use its assets in mods because the SI patch will not work on a game already patched to 1.2.416.

Once that's done, you'd rename the non-SI Oblivion.esm file as Oblivion_1.1.esm and copy it to your Data folder. Then you can use Bash to switch between them and use something like TES4Edit to verify that you don't get any errors.

Oh, I just meant I was not paying attention to that conversation. I was only responding to the patch thing. That info about "Oblivion_1.1.esm" is neat though. I always wondered about that label Bash had in the window title and in the Load options. Anyway, I am too tired to do any more brain pushing tonight...

Happy gaming!
- Tomlong75210

Edit: wording, I tried...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:12 pm

Wrye Bash suddenly won't load. I force closed it the last time, so it might be connected to that. Anyway, I've seen some tip on what to do if it happens but I can't find it in the readme. Anyone?
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:37 pm

Look for pidfile.tmp (or something similarly named) in the Mopy directory. Delete it, and Bash should start.

Bash uses that file to prevent you from opening multiple instances of Bash. It's created when Bash is started, and deleted when Bash exits. If Bash crashes, or you forcibly close Bash, the file remains behind. Depending on your luck*, Bash may not start again until you delete it.

*it actually depends on what process id your operating system assigns to the new Bash instance...
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:39 am

Look for pidfile.tmp (or something similarly named) in the Mopy directory. Delete it, and Bash should start.

Bash uses that file to prevent you from opening multiple instances of Bash. It's created when Bash is started, and deleted when Bash exits. If Bash crashes, or you forcibly close Bash, the file remains behind. Depending on your luck*, Bash may not start again until you delete it.

*it actually depends on what process id your operating system assigns to the new Bash instance...

That worked fine, thanks! I'll keep it in mind as I force close WB rather often...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 pm

I'm back with more news about the MAO tweak setting in the bashed patch.

Honestly, I'm very surprised that more people dont use it- if they did someone SURELY would have noticed a quite severe flaw in the system. See my thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1106088-npcs-wont-sleep/ about it.

As it stands, the MAO tweak setting in the bashed patch will cause every NPC in the game to loose ALL animations in the idleanims folder! That includes sleeping, sitting, eating, getting up after a knockdown in combat, and pretty much any animation thats NOT otherwise combat related!

The flaw is that, for a system such as MAO to work properly, more than merely changing the animation paths of the NPCs in game is needed to be done. Specifically, Idle animations, and any animation that involves an item ALSO need to be pointed to the correct folder to work. See attached screen shots:
(This needs to be done for every animation in the idleanims folder)

This is the actual MAO esp, and what needs to be done for NPCs to have access to the idleanims folder and, at present, the MAO tweak is ONLY changing the NPCs skeleton path, and this is not enough to achieve a fully-functional setup.

You would defiantly have my eternal gratitude if you could fix this! Even if MAO is'nt very popular now, I'm sure that with a fully-functional setting in the bashed patch, it could become a very lucrative tweak for many.

Can a GMST tweak be added for # of friendly hits allowed? I just found a mod that adjusts that setting and I felt that it might make a good new addition to bash's features (not to mention saving a plugin slot for me :P). I hate it when my teammates jump in front of my sword and then turn hostile on me because of it lol.

The GMST setting is called "iFriendHitAllowed".

Also, i dont mean to sound like an a$$, but how about a GMST for reading books while in combat? I've been hoping there would be one like that for a while, so i could change my moves with AFC in battle!

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Jake Easom
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:46 am

So in order to get an Oblivion.esm patches to 1.2.0416, you need to install the game, leave out SI, and then install all of the official patches. Copy that ESM to a safe place.

You need to uninstall the game at that point if you intend to actually play SI or use its assets in mods because the SI patch will not work on a game already patched to 1.2.416.
Thanks Arthmoor- http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1093212-tesivpositive-installation-guides/page__view__findpost__p__16119439 it is said that if I patch Oblivion to and then install SI on top of it the patch still applies - do you think this can be true (to avoid uninstalling) ?
Also the patch patches some BSAs apart from Ob.esm - would these be patched the same way by both SI and Vanilla patch ?
Once all is perfectly clear the Bash docs should be updated - and probably the 1.1 become 1.2

Backing up (>>> suggestions):
? "Oblivion\Mopy" >>> contains also bash.ini - and what about Mopy\Data\Actor Levels ?
? "Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches" >>> contains also Bashed Patch, 0.esp_Configuration.dat files
? "Oblivion\Data\Docs">>> contains also Bash Readme Template and some css files - maybe user edited - not sure which exactly can be edited / worth backing up
? "Documents\My Games\Oblivion" >>> BashProfiles && BashSettings DATs are the only files that are added there by Bash ? Important to know
Maybe a more detailed account of the files would be helpful (albeit a bit anol)
for the time being (Oblivion Mods needs special treatment as is usually huge):
rem alpha - if any wizard of Dos is available - after you...MKDIR "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"MKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\MopyMKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopy\DataMKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Datacopy Mopy\bash.ini c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopyxcopy "Mopy\Data\Actor Levels" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopy\Data\Actor Levels" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\INI Tweaks" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\INI Tweaks" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Bash Patches" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Bash Patches" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bash Readme Template.html" c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bash Readme Template.txt"  c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bashed Lists.html" c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bashed Lists.txt"   c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy Data\Docs\wtxt_sand_small.css  c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy Data\Docs\wtxt_teal.css c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Ycopy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\BashSettings.dat" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"copy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\BashProfiles.dat" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"pause

Finally a Bashed patch question : when a mod is merged the import parts should be checked ? I'd say no but I do not know
Also I need to report that when I merge OOO.esp I get CTDs consistently - maybe should be tagged no merge ?

Thanks for everything :tops:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 pm

Did I miss something or did you just say you merged the main ESP of OOO? I really hope I missed something...

Edit: ...by request.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 pm

Utumno is probably using CBash, which allows you to merge OOO.esp into the Bashed Patch.

Didn't you a few posts back say that you experienced problems when trying to patch Shivering Isles that you had installed on top of Oblivion v1.2.0.416? And no, according to my observations, the v1.2.0.416 Shivering Isles patch only patches Oblivion.exe, Oblivion.esm and the readme (no BSAs). Then again, maybe installing SI patches Oblivion's BSAs to the level found in the latest patch.

I'd say that you should check the Import options for a mergable mod.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 am

Utumno is probably using CBash, which allows you to merge OOO.esp into the Bashed Patch.

Didn't you a few posts back say that you experienced problems when trying to patch Shivering Isles that you had installed on top of Oblivion v1.2.0.416? And no, according to my observations, the v1.2.0.416 Shivering Isles patch only patches Oblivion.exe, Oblivion.esm and the readme (no BSAs). Then again, maybe installing SI patches Oblivion's BSAs to the level found in the latest patch.

I'd say that you should check the Import options for a mergable mod.

Thanks a lot for the reply ! I must admit I do not understand much about the bashed patch options - which have grown exponentially as of late - if an esp is merged why also import it ? And why do I have all these crashes with OOO ? Hmm batch patch is what is called an art
As for patches - and please someone confirm - IIRC when running the v1.2.0.416 vanilla patch some BSAs get patched - IIRC
Apart from this - yes I can't apply the SI v1.2.0.416 patch on top of a v1.2.0.416 vanilla patch - this much is clear - but in the post I link above it is suggested that installing SI on top of Vanilla v1.2.0.416 one does not need to patch using the v1.2.0.416 SI patch - anyway - thanks again :)

@Tomlong75210 : I would appreciate if you deleted my quote as the post was in an unfinished state
Edit : Thanks :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 pm

Utumno is probably using CBash, which allows you to merge OOO.esp into the Bashed Patch.

Didn't you a few posts back say that you experienced problems when trying to patch Shivering Isles that you had installed on top of Oblivion v1.2.0.416? And no, according to my observations, the v1.2.0.416 Shivering Isles patch only patches Oblivion.exe, Oblivion.esm and the readme (no BSAs). Then again, maybe installing SI patches Oblivion's BSAs to the level found in the latest patch.

I'd say that you should check the Import options for a mergable mod.

That almost make more sense (have not been following CBash at all, yet.)
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Charles Weber
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:03 am

As for patches - and please someone confirm - IIRC when running the v1.2.0.416 vanilla patch some BSAs get patched - IIRC
Apart from this - yes I can't apply the SI v1.2.0.416 patch on top of a v1.2.0.416 vanilla patch - this much is clear - but in the post I link above it is suggested that installing SI on top of Vanilla v1.2.0.416 one does not need to patch using the v1.2.0.416 SI patch - anyway - thanks again :)

Well the only way to confirm that would be to reinstall the game and take note to see if the BSAs get updated. I doubt very many people want to do that just for the sake of verifying something. I know I'm not keen on the idea of uninstalling the game to find that out.

As far as SI, I ran into the problem myself once where Oblivion had been patched to 1.2.0416, SI installed, and then the SI version of that patch would not apply. Had to reinstall to get it right.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:09 am

Well the only way to confirm that would be to reinstall the game and take note to see if the BSAs get updated. I doubt very many people want to do that just for the sake of verifying something. I know I'm not keen on the idea of uninstalling the game to find that out.

As far as SI, I ran into the problem myself once where Oblivion had been patched to 1.2.0416, SI installed, and then the SI version of that patch would not apply. Had to reinstall to get it right.

I do not have a working setup, so I certainly would not mind. How should I check, BSA size?

Edit: This will be kind of convenient, since I need to catch some of the preset INI changes related to video settings. I have both of the patches downloaded too.

Edit: My current config: Oblivion > SI > SI patch and you want to test? Oblivion > Patch > SI AND Oblivion > Patch > SI patch <-- How am I supposed to get this guy to work?
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:36 am

What we're looking to test:

Oblivion -> check BSA size, date, etc.
Oblivion 1.2.0416 patch. Not the SI version of said patch. Check BSA size, date.

Uninstall the game.

Oblivion->SI->SI 1.2.0416 patch. Check BSA size, date.

Compare the size and date results to see if any changes were made. The patcher usually rolls by it too fast to notice, and SI has its own assets to check.
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KIng James
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 pm

MAO - I'll take a look at it. I don't use it, so I assumed that the patch option worked as intended.

GMST for reading books in battle - Find me the GMST that controls this, and I'll add it.

Import & Merging - Two entirely separate things. Merging makes the file included in the bashed patch while respecting load order. Importing makes that option disregard the normal load order rules. Think of merging as nothing more than activating the mod with the exception that it doesn't take up a slot in the load order. So importing from a merged mod is something you should do.

If you're able to merge OOO.esp with the latest official release, you need to right-click OOO.esp and select "Mark Mergeable...". Actually, you should do that on every mod, just to be safe. This will make Bash reset its mergeable status, so that it no longer erroneously thinks that it's mergeable. A quick explanation: with CBash it is mergeable, but with regular Bash it isn't. When you switch from CBash to regular Bash, the mergeable status of mods can be a little out of whack until you manually make Bash check the status.

If Bash tries to merge a mod that isn't actually mergeable, crashes are the least of your worries.

If you're using an older version of Bash where CBash is still enabled, please update and stop using CBash. CBash had some flaws that are still being corrected, and conceivably those could cause crashing as well. Most of the issues have been fixed, but there are still some oddities to track down.

Lastly, I won't be around as much as usual for a bit. StarCraft II is going to keep me occupied ;)
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:39 pm

What we're looking to test:

Oblivion -> check BSA size, date, etc.
Oblivion 1.2.0416 patch. Not the SI version of said patch. Check BSA size, date.

Uninstall the game.

Oblivion->SI->SI 1.2.0416 patch. Check BSA size, date.

Compare the size and date results to see if any changes were made. The patcher usually rolls by it too fast to notice, and SI has its own assets to check.

I missed this reply. I wish I had seen it earlier. I may still have time to do it today, but I am washing clothes and about to get ready to go out and see a movie with some friends. If I do not get to it today, I will post my findings tomorrow morning.

Happy gaming!
- Tomlong75210
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:45 pm

Hey, no problems or stupid questions from me this time, I just wanna tell you guys a little story about how awesome Bash is while I wait for my patch to rebuild.

Last weekend, my housemate and I were going through our massive pile of old computer parts, and we ended up putting a system together on which I wanted to see how my current Oblivion setup would run. Installed Oblivion and SI, patched it, and copied over the Oblivion Mods folder from my main PC. Other than obse (and its plugins) and bash itself, which I also copied over, everything else is nice and cleanly organized in BAIN.

So, installers tab, select all, install, wait. Copy over the bashed patch while that's going to save a step. Mods tab, load saved checkmarks, fire it up, load my save game, works perfectly.

Ended up going back to the other machine, so that install just sat there. (For those interested in hardware, my trusty old desktop has an Athlon XP 3200+, 256mb GeForce 7-series, 2gigs of DDR which I doubled to 4GB that same day. The new-to-me one is an HP Pavilion with a 3ghz P4 and a 512mb GeForce-9, but only a gig of DDR2, which is a serious bottleneck and the reason it's not getting used just yet.)

Then, a few days later, after probably installing some mods I maybe shouldn't have, perhaps without paying enough attention, my game developed a strange bug of vanilla npc voice dialogs intermittently not playing. I was getting frustrated trying various things to fix it, when I remember the other install on the other computer that Bash had made so nicely and cleanly. So I renamed my oblivion folder and copied over the other one in its place. Tada, problem solved, quickly and easily, and Bash never forgot where anything was or what to do with it.

Anyway, the point of the story is that Bash is totally awesome and saved me a massive ton of work, as it has many times before and will many times again. So major kudos to Wrye as always as well as everyone else who's become involved it maintaining and improving Bash. If any of you are ever in Saskatoon, I will bake you a pie.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 pm

Import & Merging - Two entirely separate things. Merging makes the file included in the bashed patch while respecting load order. Importing makes that option disregard the normal load order rules. Think of merging as nothing more than activating the mod with the exception that it doesn't take up a slot in the load order. So importing from a merged mod is something you should do.
Got it - I understand import is combining info from two (or more) mods on the same record - and only taking into account load order if those mods edit same info (field) on said record. Since merging is just active but not taking a slot if some other mod edits same records as merged one and loads later wins. I thought merging was partly importing - clear now, thanks.
If you're able to merge OOO.esp with the latest official release, you need to right-click OOO.esp and select "Mark Mergeable...". Actually, you should do that on every mod, just to be safe. This will make Bash reset its mergeable status, so that it no longer erroneously thinks that it's mergeable. A quick explanation: with CBash it is mergeable, but with regular Bash it isn't. When you switch from CBash to regular Bash, the mergeable status of mods can be a little out of whack until you manually make Bash check the status.
:goodjob: this is my case - I just thought as it is still green that Bash itself (287) could merge it - I know about CBash being off at the mo - going to mark mergeable all o'm
@Warrudar still : when you come back from StarCraft II please have a look at the notes on backing up Bash in my prev post - eager to hear from you :D

As for patches : apart from the BSA thing please read my linked posts - if the SI setup replaces the esm then yes one needs to patch this to - but if the SI setup just patches the ( esm (as implied in linked posts) then final SI.esm probably is already patched to

Last - there is some talk in the BOSS thread on ghosts - I believe handling of ghosts by boss via Bash as it is now is really really good - was buggy at some point (see thread 44 IIRC). Leave it as is is my vote.
Thanks everybody :)
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:33 am

I was wondering if anyone found a fix to an error I am having when building my bash patch. I've looked through the forums and have found no answer on how to fix it.

First error is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4906, in Execute
patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15111, in buildPatch
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 26501, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race HighElf

I saw from the RBP posts that someone mentioned bgBalancingEVOptionalSeamReducerHighElfFix.esp was the culprit. I took this esp out of the merged patch.
Now it gives me this new error after rebuilding my patch:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4906, in Execute
patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15111, in buildPatch
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 26501, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race Mazken

Any help to this eluding error is very appreciated.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:46 pm

I was wondering if anyone found a fix to an error I am having when building my bash patch. I've looked through the forums and have found no answer on how to fix it.

First error is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4906, in Execute
patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15111, in buildPatch
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 26501, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race HighElf

I saw from the RBP posts that someone mentioned bgBalancingEVOptionalSeamReducerHighElfFix.esp was the culprit. I took this esp out of the merged patch.
Now it gives me this new error after rebuilding my patch:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4906, in Execute
patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15111, in buildPatch
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 26501, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race Mazken

Any help to this eluding error is very appreciated.

Same problem here. I must have had it for over a year now, no idea what's causing it, because the mesh doesn't look undefined to me in TES4Edit. I once solved it by accident, but then I must have broken it again. I just leave bgBalancingEVCore.esp out of my Bashed Patch, though since I hardly ever play I suppose it doesn't really matter that it's wrong and would probably cause problems. :shrug:
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:30 pm

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4906, in Execute
patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15111, in buildPatch
File "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 26501, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFid(eye),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (bgBalancingEVCore.esp,0x000CED) in race HighElf

Same problem here. I must have had it for over a year now, no idea what's causing it, because the mesh doesn't look undefined to me in TES4Edit. I once solved it by accident, but then I must have broken it again. I just leave bgBalancingEVCore.esp out of my Bashed Patch, though since I hardly ever play I suppose it doesn't really matter that it's wrong and would probably cause problems. :shrug:

I can't duplicate the problem, do not get that error message at all when I build my patch.

Are you both sure you have 10.52 Version of Race Balancing Project and are you importing any other race mods has well?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 am

I can't duplicate the problem, do not get that error message at all when I build my patch.

Are you both sure you have 10.52 Version of Race Balancing Project and are you importing any other race mods has well?

I have the main and resource pack (most current versions) for RBP installed. The only other races I have installed are Chocolate Elves, Tabaxi 2.0, and Moon Elves (Using them just for the textures and meshes atm). With the Bash Patch it seems to get all the way near completion but at the very end when it usually pops up a website it will give the error message instead. I am unsure if this effects the mods I am loading at all due to the patch was near to finishing but was not able to complete due to those two errors.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:28 pm

I have the main and reasource pack for RBP installed. The only other races I have installed are Chocolate Elves, Tabaxi, and Moon Elves (Using them just for the textures and meshes atm)

Do you get the error message if you only select BgBalancingEVCore.esp under import races no other mod selected in that section.

Try deleting the Oblivion\ mopy folder and then copy the mopy and data folder from 2.87 archive back into the oblivion folder see if that helps any.


ps: post your load order has well
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Philip Rua
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 pm

I can't duplicate the problem, do not get that error message at all when I build my patch.

Are you both sure you have 10.52 Version of Race Balancing Project and are you importing any other race mods has well?

Ah! I just tried rebuilding my BP with only Import Races and only the RBP plugin checked, and that worked. I'll go through rechecking all the options to see what triggers it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:35 pm

Ah! I just tried rebuilding my BP with only Import Races and only the RBP plugin checked, and that worked. I'll go through rechecking all the options to see what triggers it.

I didn't see a main tab for import races to be checked. All I saw that was close to it was Race Records or Import NPC Faces. Bashing a bare FCOM setup atm to see if I get an error. Went to list mods in Wyre Bash and it seems it only shows the active list so I will have to get you that load order to you later Corepc when I get back and finish with a full rebuilt patch.

Update: It seems just bashing a bare FCOM setup came up with no errors. I was bashing everything before hand so I am wondering now since I did not have BgBalancingEVCore.esp active for the Race Records section if that could of caused the error. I'll do another post after I have the bash patch completed.
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