Isn't that just when using the CD to launch, or am I thinking of something completely different?
The CD launch did not work either. I know I am not making this up. It has not been that long... Oh, I could compare the size with a copy of the launcher that has that functionality that I have saved.
Funny fact (to me, anyway): The 1.2.0416 Textures BSA is 33KB smaller than the 1.0 version.
Edit: I should have checked the version numbers. The launcher that has the pre-set video settings functionality is version ...No way, the official Oblivion patch, v1.2.0416, has the launcher. SI must get rid of the pre-sets. I have to save the pre-set values now. I was going to give them to you all to add to the Bash INI tweaks.
Edit: The official patch for Oblivion does not modify the Oblivion_default.ini either. I have not launched the game through one of the INI-changing methods yet, however.
Edit: On the other hand, the Oblivion.ini in My Games was patched. That's odd...
Edit: When it patches the Oblivion.ini it simply appends a bunch of new entries to each section, duplicating settings in different places. For example, bEnableBorderRegions (1.0 - [Main]) and bBorderRegionsEnabled (1.2 - [General]), crouch/sneak (1.0) and sneak (1.2)
Edit: More fun facts (Oblivion 1.2.0416 INI)
sLevelUpTrack is set to "" by default, newly-added
iShadowMapResolution is set to 1024, newly-added
sArchiveList is not in the Oblivion 1.0 INI file, newly-added
bUseMyGamesDirectory , newly added <-- had no clue there was such a thing, wonder what happens when it is disabled...
bAllowConsole is set to 1 by default, and is newly-added
bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch is newly-aded
Edit: The file must have been patched after I used the launcher.
Edit: Now, this is funny. If you delete the Oblivion.ini and use the launcher presets to reset everything to the defaults, it only changes the values required to meet whatever the standard is. I'll post the INI.
[Display]uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=3619102434uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=298833664uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=677080945uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=902546081iSize W=640iSize H=480iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=500.0fSpecularLOD2=800.0iShadowFilter=1iActorShadowCountExt=1iActorShadowCountInt=2bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=0iTexMipMapSkip=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0fGrassEndDistance=0.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0fDecalLifetime=10.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=0fLODMultTrees=0.5fLODMultActors=5.0fLODMultItems=5.0fLODMultObjects=5.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=1[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[Water]bUseWaterReflections=0bUseWaterDisplacements=0bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1
I thought I would have to extract these for you guys, but I guess not, haha.