[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 48

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:15 pm

I didn't see a main tab for import races to be checked. All I saw that was close to it was Race Records or Import NPC Faces. Bashing a bare FCOM setup atm to see if I get an error. Went to list mods in Wyre Bash and it seems it only shows the active list so I will have to get you that load order to you later Corepc when I get back and finish with a full rebuilt patch.

Update: It seems just bashing a bare FCOM setup came up with no errors. I was bashing everything before hand so I am wondering now since I did not have BgBalancingEVCore.esp active for the Race Records section if that could of caused the error. I'll do another post after I have the bash patch completed.

I got it. It seems to throw the error when you Merge Patches->bgBalancingEVOptionalFangs.esp. I meant Race Records, yes, not Import Races...
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:02 pm

I got it. It seems to throw the error when you Merge Patches->bgBalancingEVOptionalFangs.esp. I meant Race Records, yes, not Import Races...

Thanks for confirming that. I'll have to see if it works out later.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:37 am

I have started the testing process, and I thought that with the 1.0 launcher I would have a chance to use the various video setting presets? What version of the launcher do I need for that?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 am

I didn't see a main tab for import races to be checked. All I saw that was close to it was Race Records

Race Records is what I meant to say

I got it. It seems to throw the error when you Merge Patches->bgBalancingEVOptionalFangs.esp. I meant Race Records, yes, not Import Races...

Still can't duplicate the message on my side.

It is not listed under Race Records for me, because it does not have tags. (need to update my masterlist.txt, and taglist.txt has well)

Try adding this tag R.Teeth that should make it show up in race records

Make sure that is getting selected under merge patches has well. Has to be merged else will not get imported into Race Records correctly.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:57 pm

I have started the testing process, and I thought that with the 1.0 launcher I would have a chance to use the various video setting presets? What version of the launcher do I need for that?

Isn't that just when using the CD to launch, or am I thinking of something completely different?
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:15 pm

Isn't that just when using the CD to launch, or am I thinking of something completely different?

The CD launch did not work either. I know I am not making this up. It has not been that long... Oh, I could compare the size with a copy of the launcher that has that functionality that I have saved.

Funny fact (to me, anyway): The 1.2.0416 Textures BSA is 33KB smaller than the 1.0 version.

Edit: I should have checked the version numbers. The launcher that has the pre-set video settings functionality is version ...No way, the official Oblivion patch, v1.2.0416, has the launcher. SI must get rid of the pre-sets. I have to save the pre-set values now. I was going to give them to you all to add to the Bash INI tweaks.

Edit: The official patch for Oblivion does not modify the Oblivion_default.ini either. I have not launched the game through one of the INI-changing methods yet, however.

Edit: On the other hand, the Oblivion.ini in My Games was patched. That's odd...

Edit: When it patches the Oblivion.ini it simply appends a bunch of new entries to each section, duplicating settings in different places. For example, bEnableBorderRegions (1.0 - [Main]) and bBorderRegionsEnabled (1.2 - [General]), crouch/sneak (1.0) and sneak (1.2)

Edit: More fun facts (Oblivion 1.2.0416 INI)

sLevelUpTrack is set to "" by default, newly-added
iShadowMapResolution is set to 1024, newly-added
sArchiveList is not in the Oblivion 1.0 INI file, newly-added
bUseMyGamesDirectory , newly added <-- had no clue there was such a thing, wonder what happens when it is disabled...
bAllowConsole is set to 1 by default, and is newly-added
bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch is newly-aded

Edit: The file must have been patched after I used the launcher.

Edit: Now, this is funny. If you delete the Oblivion.ini and use the launcher presets to reset everything to the defaults, it only changes the values required to meet whatever the standard is. I'll post the INI.
[Display]uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=3619102434uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=298833664uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=677080945uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=902546081iSize W=640iSize H=480iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=500.0fSpecularLOD2=800.0iShadowFilter=1iActorShadowCountExt=1iActorShadowCountInt=2bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=0iTexMipMapSkip=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0fGrassEndDistance=0.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0fDecalLifetime=10.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=0fLODMultTrees=0.5fLODMultActors=5.0fLODMultItems=5.0fLODMultObjects=5.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=1[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[Water]bUseWaterReflections=0bUseWaterDisplacements=0bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1
I thought I would have to extract these for you guys, but I guess not, haha.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:13 am

New post for the Oblivion 1.2.0416 (non-SI) video pre-sets
(I hope the game does not actually launch like this...)

Very Low
[Display]iSize W=640iSize H=480iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=250.0fSpecularLOD2=550.0iShadowFilter=0iActorShadowCountExt=0iActorShadowCountInt=0bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=0iTexMipMapSkip=2fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0fGrassEndDistance=0.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0fDecalLifetime=0.0bFullBrightLighting=1iMaxLandscapeTextures=1bLODPopActors=1bLODPopItems=1bLODPopObjects=1bUseRefractionShader=0[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=0bDisplayLODBuildings=0bDisplayLODTrees=0fLODMultTrees=0.2fLODMultActors=2.0fLODMultItems=2.0fLODMultObjects=2.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[Water]bUseWaterReflections=0bUseWaterDisplacements=0bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=0

[Display]iSize W=640iSize H=480iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=250.0fSpecularLOD2=550.0iShadowFilter=0iActorShadowCountExt=0iActorShadowCountInt=0bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=0iTexMipMapSkip=2fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0fGrassEndDistance=0.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0fDecalLifetime=0.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=0bDisplayLODBuildings=0bDisplayLODTrees=0fLODMultTrees=0.2fLODMultActors=2.0fLODMultItems=2.0fLODMultObjects=2.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[Water]bUseWaterReflections=0bUseWaterDisplacements=0bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1

[Display]iSize W=640iSize H=480iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=500.0fSpecularLOD2=800.0iShadowFilter=1iActorShadowCountExt=1iActorShadowCountInt=2bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=0iTexMipMapSkip=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0fGrassEndDistance=0.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0fDecalLifetime=10.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=0fLODMultTrees=0.5fLODMultActors=5.0fLODMultItems=5.0fLODMultObjects=5.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=1[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[Water]bUseWaterReflections=0bUseWaterDisplacements=0bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1

[Display]iSize W=1024iSize H=768iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=750.0fSpecularLOD2=1050.0iShadowFilter=2iActorShadowCountExt=2iActorShadowCountInt=4bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=0bDynamicWindowReflections=1iTexMipMapSkip=0fGrassStartFadeDistance=3000.0fGrassEndDistance=4000.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1fDecalLifetime=10.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=1fLODMultTrees=1.3fLODMultActors=7.0fLODMultItems=7.0fLODMultObjects=7.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=1[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=1[Water]bUseWaterReflections=1bUseWaterDisplacements=1bUseWaterHiRes=0[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1

Ultra High
[Display]iSize W=1024iSize H=768iAdapter=0bFull Screen=1iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=1fSpecularLOD1=1000.0fSpecularLOD2=1300.0iShadowFilter=2iActorShadowCountExt=3iActorShadowCountInt=5bActorSelfShadowing=0bShadowsOnGrass=0bDoCanopyShadowPass=1bDynamicWindowReflections=1iTexMipMapSkip=0fGrassStartFadeDistance=6000.0fGrassEndDistance=7000.0bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1fDecalLifetime=10.0bFullBrightLighting=0iMaxLandscapeTextures=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0bUseRefractionShader=1[LOD]bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=1fLODMultTrees=1.8fLODMultActors=10.0fLODMultItems=10.0fLODMultObjects=10.0[BlurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[BlurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=1[Water]bUseWaterReflections=1bUseWaterDisplacements=1bUseWaterHiRes=1[General]bUseEyeEnvMapping=1

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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:12 am

Blend settings did not change when launching with the Ultra High Oblivion.ini vs. 1.0 defaults. RenderInfo.txt changed. All of the different methods of generating the Oblivion.ini are generating different settings and values. It is all very confusing...

Edit: The default INIs really do match. No wonder the generated INIs are not consistent. It is pulling 1.0 settings and throwing them together with 1.2.0416 settings. The updated launchers values seem more updated. Going through the menu option, launching Oblivion directly, many of the settings seem to be more 1.0-ish...

Edit: After launching the game directly (using Oblivion.exe) the file still had bEnableBorderRegion, there is a warning message about errors, STrackLevelUpPath is set to that odd string, Controls has the duplicate Slide settings...

Edit: Okay. The launcher and the direct method are generating the same settings, whew... All the duplicate settings really exist though, including bEnableBorderRegion, but I assume it does not do anything with the 1.2 version of the game. Time for the SI install...
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trisha punch
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:14 am

I wasn't quite sure where to ask this, but here seems to make sense...

Is it only in my imagination, or did various Unique Landscapes plugins get tagged for Import Cells [whatever the details for each] in previous versions of Wrye Bash (like, maybe 2.85 and back...?) and now none of them does?

Of course, it could be another mod's, or mod utility's, "fault". Or, uh, mine somehow. If it's even true! :P

I have this feeling, that I'll feel pretty daft once it's answered. But then again, who knows - I mightn't be imagining anything! If so though, sorry for posting something so dumb.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:29 pm

The SI 1.2.0416 patch does not modify the "Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa"

Edit: It does not patch the launcher either. Only the Oblivion patch modifies the textures BSA and the launcher.

Edit: Those are the only differences between going the two routes to get Oblivion+SI The ReadMe and all the rest are the same in the end. I am definitely changing my installation instructions, now...
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Peter lopez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:45 pm

Hi folks,

I'm in the process of migrating to a new computer. The old one is XP, the new one Windows 7. I know about installing Oblivion in a non-default folder; I usually install all games to c:\Games anyhow. Is there anything special I need to know about installing Bash and all of it Python-related stuff?

I'm also wondering if there is any way to export my groups list, my load order, and the order of my BAIN packages to the new install. What I'd like to avoid is having to reorder everything manually. You know, an export LO/import LO function. I had a look at the docs, and at the context menus in Bash, but couldn't find anything relevant. Am I in for an hour of hand-editing everything?
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:25 pm

Hi folks,

I'm in the process of migrating to a new computer. The old one is XP, the new one Windows 7. I know about installing Oblivion in a non-default folder; I usually install all games to c:\Games anyhow. Is there anything special I need to know about installing Bash and all of it Python-related stuff?

I'm also wondering if there is any way to export my groups list, my load order, and the order of my BAIN packages to the new install. What I'd like to avoid is having to reorder everything manually. You know, an export LO/import LO function. I had a look at the docs, and at the context menus in Bash, but couldn't find anything relevant. Am I in for an hour of hand-editing everything?

No. The Bash install is the same. With Wrye Bash, you can actually just copy everything: Oblivion, My Games\Oblivion and Oblivion Mods.

Edit: You can reinstall Bash on top of the copied setup to ensure all of the paths are correct and the newly produced shortcut will point to the new location.

Wrye Bash Config - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=wrye_bash#Config <-- There is possibly one extra step (for the install), related to wxPython ansi

Edit: Your LO list is in your save or save profile's folder. For Bash, the BAIN-related configs are saved in Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash and Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data (and bash.ini, if you changed it) and the rest of the Bash config files are in your Saves folder and the Mopy\bash.ini (if you changed it.)

Edit: Could one of the GOTY users that installed disc 2 with SI post the size of the Oblivion Textures BSA? I am wondering if their version installs the official patch for Oblivion at all. Can GOTY users install SI after installing the latest official patch for Oblivion?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 pm

Hi folks,

I'm in the process of migrating to a new computer. The old one is XP, the new one Windows 7. I know about installing Oblivion in a non-default folder; I usually install all games to c:\Games anyhow. Is there anything special I need to know about installing Bash and all of it Python-related stuff?

I'm also wondering if there is any way to export my groups list, my load order, and the order of my BAIN packages to the new install. What I'd like to avoid is having to reorder everything manually. You know, an export LO/import LO function. I had a look at the docs, and at the context menus in Bash, but couldn't find anything relevant. Am I in for an hour of hand-editing everything?

By all means you do not need to do anything manually !!!
There is a section for backing up in the WB readme 286-287 (recent addition) - do read this - also check http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107163-relz-wrye-bash-thread-48/page__view__findpost__p__16223473 for some details

Basically copy the whole oblivion mods dir (I think the installers.dat holds the install order) and the dat files from my games\oblivion - back up your ini tweaks also if any.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:25 pm

Hi folks,

I'm in the process of migrating to a new computer. The old one is XP, the new one Windows 7. I know about installing Oblivion in a non-default folder; I usually install all games to c:\Games anyhow. Is there anything special I need to know about installing Bash and all of it Python-related stuff?

I'm also wondering if there is any way to export my groups list, my load order, and the order of my BAIN packages to the new install. What I'd like to avoid is having to reorder everything manually. You know, an export LO/import LO function. I had a look at the docs, and at the context menus in Bash, but couldn't find anything relevant. Am I in for an hour of hand-editing everything?

The only minor snag I had on win7 was with the new WryePython03 installer, first run it did not do the auto-compile of py files, second run I right clicked the installer and ran as administrator, no other problems after that.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:59 am

I forgot one. You may want to grab the modlist.txt file, which is the last order Bash had. The lists in your Saves folder are associated with various save profiles. The modlist.txt files is not. Unless you ran a game and saved your most recent Bash LO, copy that.

Edit: I added the run as admin flag note to all of the utility and mod EXE installers on my site except for the v275 installer, geez...
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Shae Munro
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:04 am

Edit: Could one of the GOTY users that installed disc 2 with SI post the size of the Oblivion Textures BSA? I am wondering if their version installs the official patch for Oblivion at all. Can GOTY users install SI after installing the latest official patch for Oblivion?

GOTY SI install, all BSAs
File                                  Size            MD5Oblivion - Meshes.bsa                   647,547,026   cbfae6ff4cc15e8651a93da44eaae883Oblivion - Misc.bsa                       7,229,551   2f5761282fb50ebc22ee3166fe097bf3Oblivion - Sounds.bsa                   330,432,865   67ef4f487a6a1d7a46ccf75ccaf759c3Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa  1,217,852,280   e92f05e6a07c1b399b31b9c007255022Oblivion - Voices1.bsa                  783,373,673   bb6e998dcea77954e3e547a56ed11240Oblivion - Voices2.bsa                1,005,007,382   a5a4ac74d56a52d95f3c71bb07725661

You can install SI (+KOTN disc 2) after installing the latest patch, but it does not touch the "Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa"

Something that might be relevant, I have the European GOTY, and patched with the EU patch.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:38 am

Is it only in my imagination, or did various Unique Landscapes plugins get tagged for Import Cells [whatever the details for each] in previous versions of Wrye Bash (like, maybe 2.85 and back...?) and now none of them does?

They were never supposed to have those tags, and we never attached them to the mod descriptions. So I don't know where Bash would have gotten the idea they were needed because I don't think we told BOSS to do that either.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 pm

They were never supposed to have those tags, and we never attached them to the mod descriptions. So I don't know where Bash would have gotten the idea they were needed because I don't think we told BOSS to do that either.

Hm. Very odd. Because, the more I think about it, the more I'm certain that, at some stage, either Wrye Bash or BOSS (I guess) was doing so. Because I surely didn't go adding any tags to any of them.

Eh, well, never mind. The main thing, they're not meant to be there. And they're not there. So it's all good. :)

Apologies for the (as it turns out) reather pointless tangent, and thanks for setting me straight on that. Cheers.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:40 pm

Where does BASH store its info for all the BAIN packages installed?

I just installed quite a few mods using BAIN, I then went to rebuild the BASH patch and halfway through PYTHON threw an error and it crashed. On reloading BASH it had lost all the info on what BAIN packs I had installed. Is there a way to prevent this, or at least revive a backup of the files BASH uses to store the info?

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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:39 am

Edit: Could one of the GOTY users that installed disc 2 with SI post the size of the Oblivion Textures BSA? I am wondering if their version installs the official patch for Oblivion at all. Can GOTY users install SI after installing the latest official patch for Oblivion?

Not sure What your looking for, here's Screenies of the http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/OblivionDisks-1.jpg the Size (from File Properties) is 1.13 GB (1,217,818,624 bytes)
The size displayed in the data window is 1,189,276KB (witch I Presume is the Same)
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:37 pm

GOTY SI install, all BSAs
File                                  Size            MD5Oblivion - Meshes.bsa                   647,547,026   cbfae6ff4cc15e8651a93da44eaae883Oblivion - Misc.bsa                       7,229,551   2f5761282fb50ebc22ee3166fe097bf3Oblivion - Sounds.bsa                   330,432,865   67ef4f487a6a1d7a46ccf75ccaf759c3Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa  1,217,852,280   e92f05e6a07c1b399b31b9c007255022Oblivion - Voices1.bsa                  783,373,673   bb6e998dcea77954e3e547a56ed11240Oblivion - Voices2.bsa                1,005,007,382   a5a4ac74d56a52d95f3c71bb07725661

You can install SI (+KOTN disc 2) after installing the latest patch, but it does not touch the "Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa"

Something that might be relevant, I have the European GOTY, and patched with the EU patch.

The SI install is not supposed to modify the textures BSA. Could you post the ...regular BSA size, the size you see in the explorer view? I just want to know whether or not BSA users also need to use the official patch for Oblivion or if installing disc 2 already does that.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:08 am

The SI install is not supposed to modify the textures BSA. Could you post the ...regular BSA size, the size you see in the explorer view? I just want to know whether or not BSA users also need to use the official patch for Oblivion or if installing disc 2 already does that.

Disc 2 of GOTY only have a combined install of SI + KOTN + patch, you can not choose anything, and it installs them at the same time. That is why I said that the install didn't touch the textures BSA, because a "normal" patch does.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:36 pm

Disc 2 of GOTY only have a combined install of SI + KOTN + patch, you can not choose anything, and it installs them at the same time. That is why I said that the install didn't touch the textures BSA, because a "normal" patch does.

Okay, so the GOTY disc uses the SI patch. That is what I needed to know. That means that GOTY users need to follow nearly the same steps in my installation guides.

Thanks for the replies!
- Tomlong75210

Edit: H2Odk, another GOTY user said that his BSA is 1,189,276 KB, which is the size of the patched BSA.

Edit: My guess is that the BSA patching is part of the 1.1.?.? patch (which is the default for GOTY disc 1) and that is why installing the second disc does not do the patching. I could further expand that to say the SI patch is not entirely cumulative.

Edit: I am not sure whether or not I have already made this clear, but SI does not affect the Oblivion Launcher EXE. The only way to have the video presets is to install the latest official patch (or probably even the 1.1 patch, which GOTY users have out of the box.)
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:42 pm

It seems the R. Teeth tag worked for bgBalancingEVOptionalFangs.esp. Bashed the Patch and it completed to the end.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:36 pm

It seems the R. Teeth tag worked for bgBalancingEVOptionalFangs.esp. Bashed the Patch and it completed to the end.

That is a good thing... That tag might have been one of those fixed in the v285 or v286 release.
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casey macmillan
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