[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 44

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:07 am

Since I love pushing you guys to your limits: If Cbash is technically capable of merging mods with new records, and since bash already deals with levelled lists. Could the combined might of these two enable the player to merge together a bunch of new item only type mods, add them to levelled lists (possibly using a text file for basic rules to follow: armor of x defense and y weight z type go here, sword of x type and y damage and z weight go there) and create a permanent merged mod with the items available for NPCs and vendors?
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:42 am

Sure, it could be done. Since CBash can already do the mod merging, your request basically boils down to automatic leveled list creation / insertion. It'd require some planning and work, but it is possible. The only problem is that I have enough projects on my plate atm...best way to get it done would be to do as much of the preliminary design as possible, and then get back to me with exactly what you want done.

The less thinking I have to do, the better :whistling:
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 pm

1) Using solid compression means that the file will be smaller on the disk, but that the entire file has to be extracted even if you just want to get the readme. With non-solid compression, the readme could be extracted without having to extract everything else too. So using solid compression will save disk space, but mean that things like annealing the package will take longer.
2) This is the command line that Bash uses "7z.exe a "DESTNAME" -tARCHIVETYPE -ms=SOLID -y -r -o"OUTPUTDIR" -i!"PROJECTPATH\\*" -x@FILELIST -scsWIN" where DESTNAME is the name of the archive to create, ARCHIVETYPE is the extension of the archive to create, SOLID is either "off" or "on" depending on if you use solid compression, OUTPUTDIR is the installers directory, PROJECTPATH is the path to the project, and FILELIST is a text file with a list of files to include.
3) Not sure what you mean. Disable the ability to hide files? Just disable that prompt? In both cases, there is not an option to do so.
4) I honestly don't know. I don't use that feature that often, and the last time I used it was before the boards switched over. Best I can say is to give it a try, and report here if it doesn't work.

Thank you kind sir ! :bow:
1) I see - so I already use solid compression - every time I read a readme 7z does un7z the whole file - http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=19472647zOptions.jpg again - probably solid matches to the LZMA. Then this should be changed in the readme :
Solid compression will improve performance (at the cost of disk space)

2) Can this be changed ? (not that I qualify - as I already said I have never been able to find some clear docs on 7z compression options - EDIT: hmm, working on it)
3) I did mean the prompt - sorry for being unclear - I think an ini option would be great - this is useful when backing up BFCs' prototypes among other things
4) Saved html using the button in the forum, renamed it to 10.05.31 title.html imported it and nothing happened.

I would like to remind you here of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1095482-relz-wrye-bash-thread-44/page__view__findpost__p__16039236. BOSS runs fine on its own but Bash seems to read his info not from the mos tab - maybe it's a corrupted file on my part or maybe Bash should read the info from the mods tab. When I move Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v1.0.esp.ghost back to the data dir bash complains for the next ghost in line (I had moved a number of ghosts out of Data at some point). It freezes.

Also please add to the readme which files/dirs should be backed up when formatting/migrating. And kindly post this info here please.

I am thrilled with BAIN :)
I will be posting an elaboration on my thoughts on backing up conflicts soon
:foodndrink: for Wrye Bash
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luis ortiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 pm

1) Yeah, the docs are wrong. I'll get it fixed.
2) It can be easily changed, given sufficient reason.
3) Hrm. Let me think on it. An ini option sounds good though.
4) It's probably broken then. I'll add it to the bug tracker, but I can't say when one of us will get to it.

Sounds like the ghosting feature is out of sync with reality (probably due to you moving the ghosts around). I'm not sure which data file that info is saved to (I don't use ghosting myself). You might be able to clear it by disabling ghosting entirely, and then re-enabling it. In any event, it looks like some more error checking code is in order. I'll add it to the bug tracker.

All of Bash's files are in the following locations:
1) Oblivion\Mopy (doesn't need backing up, can just reinstall it)
2) Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches (only needs backing up if you've exported any csv files)
3) Oblivion\Data\Docs (has all the documents from mods installed by BAIN. No real loss if not backed up since you can anneal)
4) Oblivion\Data\INI Tweaks (only needs backing up if you have custom INI tweaks you've added)
5) Documents\My Games\Oblivion (same place the Oblivion saves are stored. Important to backup)
6) Oblivion Mods (one directory prior to Oblivion. Includes the BAIN packages, and other settings. Important to backup)

Only the last two are truly important to back up. I'll see about adding something about this to the readme.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

Thanks for replying !
2) just an ini tweak again - like 7zcommandLine=...
I'll try the ghosting tips and keep you posted - thanks

EDIT : disabling auto ghost fixed the issue !
But when I re-enabled it, bash froze again and displayed the same error message (it could not find the same ghost)
freezes http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2823124bash_freeze.jpg
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:12 am

"Solid compression will improve performance (at the cost of disk space)"

utumno, I think you misunderstood Waruddar. It's more like this:

"Solid compression will improve disk space (at the cost of performance)"

To disable solid compression you have to use the option "non solid". Setting blocks of 4GB, like you have in the picture, means you are still using solid compression. Only difference is if the files you are compressing into an archive occupy more than 4GB, the final archive will be split into chunks, each with a maximum size of 4GB.

Rough example:
You have a 12GB folder that compressed occupies 9GB.
With solid blocks of 4GB selected, 7z compression of that folder will create two 4GB files (=8GB) + 1GB file (=9GB).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:44 pm

I just noticed that one cannot hide multiple files at once - if it is easy to implement please change this for the next rlz.

utumno, I think you misunderstood Waruddar. It's more like this:
"Solid compression will improve disk space (at the cost of performance)"
No, the readme misunderstood solid compression - and I mistyped the quotation - corrected my post :D
Thanks for the solid block size explanation - I figured out I had to use non solid in the drop down menu, still didn't know what these blocks meant - could you point to me some explanation/link for the dictionary and word size options (PM me - lets not clutter this thread)
thanks :)
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:47 pm

:shocking: Found something strange in WBv285.
Under the Installers tab, If I select a package (ie:Enhanced Economy) that has enough options to cause the Sub-packages window to scroll, then scroll down to a Sub-package that is initially hidden, then select the Sub-package, the list returns to the top, but the scroll bar does not follow (out of sync). That was a complex sentence!
I've reproduced this with two mods so far (EE and AWLS).
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 pm


In the BAIN installer tab, the BAIN options/selection window for the selected mod does not stay at the current position when you select an option.
It scrolls all the way top when you tick a check box.
Could it be fixed somehow? I believe it worked right before.
:shocking: Found something strange in WBv285.
Under the Installers tab, If I select a package (ie:Enhanced Economy) that has enough options to cause the Sub-packages window to scroll, then scroll down to a Sub-package that is initially hidden, then select the Sub-package, the list returns to the top, but the scroll bar does not follow (out of sync).

Reverting a line of code back to what was in v284 seems to return the previous subpackage-list-positioning behaviour.
In basher.py, search for:
and replace it with:

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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:02 am


Reverting a line of code back to what was in v284 seems to return the previous subpackage-list-positioning behaviour.
In basher.py, search for:
and replace it with:

That works. Thanks!
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:57 am

So I have a new issue with my game - not surprising I suppose.

My character is doing a lot of dungeon diving right now and fighting hoards of FCOM type baddies. In the specific instance I'm looking at (inside ayleid ruin Sardavar Leed). They are human and those giant blue things called Xivilia or whatever.

What seems to be happening is that after I kill these nice folks their bodies lay there and after a while they disappear (right off that is unusual - that usually happens with cell reset) and in their place are little rings. I used console command GetBaseObject on them and they are token clothing left by Duke Patrick's Actors Can Miss and Combat Archery.

hmmm - I've seen tokens become visible when using a setting on the bashed patch to make all clothing playable and that was mostly for when searching the dead bodies. Well the rings are not on the bodies but appear on the ground when the bodies disappear. So the real issue could be that something is making the bodies disappear. What is making all the more frustrating is that it coincides with crashes. Once the rings start appearing the game has about 1 minutes before crash. This could be coincidental though with another issue I've not identified.

Of note - I don't use the all clothing playable option in bash and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17647 I do use that allows for playable armor I've used forever and has never caused this before (I think it address the armor case by case instead of setting flags for all armor as there are still several clothes and armor my character can't equip - or however bash does it). Further even though Combat Archery has been updated recently Actors Can Miss has not - so I thing something else is making them appear.

I'm also not getting token drops from other mods - and I know several other mods that can give token clothing (having experienced this with Bash before).

I checked and rechecked and do not have the all clothing or armor playable options checked in bashed patch. If I were to look in tes4edit is there an entry I can check to see if this tweak is active by another mod?
I also continue to load Duke's mods after the bashed patch.

Or - any other ideas before I open a thread about it?
Already PM'd Spookyfx regarding this too, but know he is not a bash user - so thought I should ask here too.

Maybe this is a bash issue of that tweak being applied automatically anyway.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 pm

When a dead NPC or creature disappears, its inventory goes with it. The only way I can think of that a token equipped on a creature would end up on the ground is if its script used DropMe when RemoveMe was intended.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:15 pm

If you aren't using that tweak, it isn't Bash related. Even if you were using that tweak, there is no possible way for Bash to be causing corpses to disappear and be replaced by an item.

I wish I could be more helpful, but that is a very odd situation.

The only way I could see it happening is if there is a token script doing something along the lines of:
set rContainer to GetContainerrContainer.disableDropMe

set rContainer to GetContainerrContainer.disablerContainer.PlaceAtMe SomeItem

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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:41 am

Hmm - OK - I think I need a break from thinking about this and sleep.

the only truly new mods in my load order are http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25841 and Phitt's Actors Care. I doubt either one, but will look at it tomorrow night.

And it is odd - truly never seen this before.

In that ruin my character perched on a ledge and sniped a bunch of npcs, dremora, and Xilivia tryingto get at him. He went off to do other things in the same area (huge cell that dungeon) came back (after several saves too) and saw half of them missing with rings in their place. In-game nor more than 2 hours had passed though.Then after checking the rings out and looking at the loot - upon exiting the inventory of a Dremora there was yet one less body there and more rings.

So it was happening that the bodies were being removed at a set time from when they died and why saves up to a point in that dungeon were safe and after that point crashes are immanent.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 pm

Had that happen with FCOM once before. The game is removing actors when you exceed your allowable actor limit. You can bump this up....it's just a couple of game settings (one or two of which are now able to be be set in the bashed patch, I think.).

Oddly, one thing I found that helped me greatly was adding the "No Carrion Rats" file. The little buggers are inconspicuous, non-hostile and easily ignored....but they count as actors as far as the game is concerned. And yes, the corpses were leaving behind token items. Once that happened it was "get the hell outta that cell" time, or a crash was inevitable.

All tokens should probably have an "if container == 0, removeme" or something similar in their script.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 am

Last night I did add in no carrion rats, but if they already spawned then they will remain for now right? Well they did. I used the MMM version of that remover.

When that happened to you then - tokens were left? And tokens by Duke's mods?

I will see if I can up the allowable players (already at 40 or so) - will try 50. What do you use?

I did try and kill the remaining rats. But even after doing that I saw the dead disappear right before my eyes.

Well I may redo the dungeon with no Carrion Rats and maxed actors allowable

Thanks Showler.
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matt white
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:49 pm

I wasn't using Duke Patrick's mods at the time, but I was getting MMM tokens left behind. Just basic rings named "MMM Wounding Token" and the like. The only reason I can think of was that their script was processing at the same time that the creature was removed.

I was convinced the Carrion Rats had the ability to eat the bodies and leave the tokens behind. This was in Fatback Cave, which spawns a huge number of Goblins.

I found if I saved in a different cell from where the tokens dropped I was fine, but any save in the cell with them was doomed and seemed to take the game with it after a few minutes.

I actually made myself a tiny little file with:
iRemoveExcessDeadCount 35
iRemoveExcessDeadTotalActorCount 50
iRemoveExcessDeadComplexTotalActorCount 50
iRemoveExcessDeadComplexCount 15
fRemoveExcessDeadTime 100
fRemoveExcessComplexDeadTime 25

Seems to work without problems so far. I may even try bumping them up some more.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:23 pm

I actually made myself a tiny little file with:
iRemoveExcessDeadCount 35
iRemoveExcessDeadTotalActorCount 50
iRemoveExcessDeadComplexTotalActorCount 50
iRemoveExcessDeadComplexCount 15
fRemoveExcessDeadTime 100
fRemoveExcessComplexDeadTime 25

All of those are gmst tweaks, so I wonder once PM is back, if he could not add those like how MASSAI was added, and then give user control to match their system per say..Will talk about it alpha forum..since we need to up them in MMM anyways.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:36 am

Reverting a line of code back to what was in v284 seems to return the previous subpackage-list-positioning behaviour.
In basher.py, search for:
and replace it with:

Many thanks for this - you have fixed my biggest gripe with v285 :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:06 pm

I wonder how all these issues with too many actors and carrion rats and disappearing bodies has been affecting my game in exteriors - with cells I cannot see as loaded.

I'm certain it has been a factor.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:22 pm

With the MAO error that was present in v285 fixed in v286 I was able to successfully rebuild my bashed patch. But as I loaded the game up and attempted to create a new character the game would instantly crash after the opening cinematic with the emperor talking. After that I rebuilt my bashed patch without the MAO option selected and then started my game up again blah blah blah and then my game didn't crash after the emperor cinematic. Is this a problem with how wrye bash implements MAO? Do you have to remove all non-vanilla animations from your meshes/character/_male folder before rebuilding the patch with the MAO part selected or something?
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:16 pm

Don't know anything about the MAO patcher. You'll have to wait until PacificMorrowind gets back. Sorry. When I convert it over to CBash, I'll see if there's anything glaringly obvious that needs fixing.

Everyone, please use the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1098740-relz-wrye-bash-thread-45/.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:15 pm

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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:19 pm

I fear that being #199 means this question gets overlooked, but cest la vie :shrug: I'm wondering if the 'Import Inventory' tag will produce adverse effects when used on mods that don't have unique leveled lists. Specifically for the mods http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20728 and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=4987. Both are distributed amongst vanilla NPCs, but using FCOM, I don't know if their spawn frequency changes. I thank anyone who can shed some light on the subject :) Also the first reply means a new thread :facepalm:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:21 am

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