1) Using solid compression means that the file will be smaller on the disk, but that the entire file has to be extracted even if you just want to get the readme. With non-solid compression, the readme could be extracted without having to extract everything else too. So using solid compression will save disk space, but mean that things like annealing the package will take longer.
2) This is the command line that Bash uses "7z.exe a "DESTNAME" -tARCHIVETYPE -ms=SOLID -y -r -o"OUTPUTDIR" -i!"PROJECTPATH\\*" -x@FILELIST -scsWIN" where DESTNAME is the name of the archive to create, ARCHIVETYPE is the extension of the archive to create, SOLID is either "off" or "on" depending on if you use solid compression, OUTPUTDIR is the installers directory, PROJECTPATH is the path to the project, and FILELIST is a text file with a list of files to include.
3) Not sure what you mean. Disable the ability to hide files? Just disable that prompt? In both cases, there is not an option to do so.
4) I honestly don't know. I don't use that feature that often, and the last time I used it was before the boards switched over. Best I can say is to give it a try, and report here if it doesn't work.
Thank you kind sir ! :bow:
1) I see - so I already use solid compression - every time I read a readme 7z
does un7z the whole file - http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=19472647zOptions.jpg again
- probably solid matches to the LZMA. Then this should be changed in the readme :
Solid compression will improve performance (at the cost of disk space)
2) Can this be changed ? (not that I qualify - as I already said I have never been able to find some clear docs on 7z compression options - EDIT: hmm, working on it)
3) I did mean the prompt - sorry for being unclear - I think an ini option would be great - this is useful when backing up BFCs' prototypes among other things
4) Saved html using the button in the forum, renamed it to
10.05.31 title.html imported it and nothing happened.
I would like to remind you here of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1095482-relz-wrye-bash-thread-44/page__view__findpost__p__16039236. BOSS runs fine on its own but Bash seems to read his info not from the mos tab - maybe it's a corrupted file on my part or maybe Bash should read the info from the mods tab. When I move Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v1.0.esp.ghost back to the data dir bash complains for the next ghost in line (I had moved a number of ghosts out of Data at some point). It freezes.
Also please add to the readme which files/dirs should be backed up when formatting/migrating. And kindly post this info here please.
I am
thrilled with BAIN

I will be posting an elaboration on my thoughts on backing up conflicts soon
:foodndrink: for Wrye Bash