It is a tag in the latest Wrye Bash called
Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd check the tags.
There seems to be nothing in Wrye Bash readme on it yet, but it was described as required in the FCOM thread. Nothing on either.
I had some trouble divining why it was required or exactly what FCOM esp require which tags as posted about CorePC stated it was required
so that OOO aipackages do not ovewrite MMM aipackages settings on creatures in particular.
But I've not even played the game for over two weeks and really other than an update or two to Duke's Archery and the random update to things like display stats and other tweaks - nothing new has been added except these tags.
Could be Losing my religion, but I doubt it as I did play with that for about 4-5 hours when first released.
I've never had a character with this high or a Fame or disposition, so thought maybe it is actually vanilla and searched UESP finding nothing, so trying to get a clear understanding of that tweak (which i don't even use).
So I've not yet rebashed without the tag to see if it goes away - I'm just posting this as an exploratory question as it may be vanilla behavior I'm unaware of or it may be an issue uncovered that I'm unaware of.