[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 44

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 pm

Thanks for the update guys. I have not time to check it out yet, but I am sure it is cool. ^____^
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:45 am

PacificMorrowind: I would like to request your help to get this resolved. I know that you are super busy and may not have all the time, but this issue has been dogging me (and only me!) for 2 FCOM installs. I am imposing on you, but would definitely appreciate your guidance and help in getting this resolved.

I guess I'll need to give you more info - load order, maybe the bashed patch file as well - how do you suggest that I send you all this info? Via a PM? I haven't figured out how to send a PM since the change to the new forums...

PM works fine (up top of the page, 'Messenger (x New)'... then compose is what I do), or email if you'd prefer (pacificmorrowindgmailcom)... I'd definitely really like to help you resolve this... hopefully I will be able to.
also OBSE (and version)?, OBSE Plugins (if using OBSE)?
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:57 pm

Not sure if it's been suggested yet or not, but an ini tweak that's fairly common: Enable/Disable music.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:12 am

Thanks for the support. I used BOSS again, and rebuilt the patch, and the issue seems to have sorted itself out. I'm not certain how I managed to mess that one up. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:40 pm

Not sure if it's been suggested yet or not, but an ini tweak that's fairly common: Enable/Disable music.

Excellent suggestion, I second this has well since my audigy4 died on me, using onboard currently..disabling Music make a difference sometimes...

easy enough done ...with that one..

enable/disable music

How about UgridCells for REAVWD ? Thought about that one has wel..
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 pm

I might be overthinking the INI tweaks for mod inis.

Do you simply copy the "set" or "setgs" lines you want to preserve into a blank file, give it an appropriate name (EEtweaks.ini), drop it in the INI tweaks folder and that's it. Wrye Bash scans through all INI files in the Data and Data/INI folders to find the appropriate one to apply it to?

Or do you have to somehow tell it the path to the target INI file?
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jess hughes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:50 pm

I might be overthinking the INI tweaks for mod inis.


MOD INI tweaks , not sure about that one, thought you where taking about oblivion.ini tweaks..not mod tweaks..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 pm

This isn't working: It's telling me it's an invalid formatted ini file.

set tnoEE.merchant_reset_interval to 48
set tnoEE.sellMax to 50
set tnoEE.buyMin to 180
set tnoEE.merchantQuests_locationMsg to 0
set tnoEE.removeFromDeadActors to 1
set tnoEE.removeFromContainers to 1
set tnoEE.removeFromNonSpawnable to 1
set tnoEE.useBrokenItem to 0
set tnoEE.removeUnEnchanted to 1
set tnoEE.ringAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.amuletAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.clothingAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.armorAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.weaponAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.staffAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.potionAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.scrollAdjustment to 20
set tnoEE.soulgemAdjustment to 20

edit: RESULT!!! There's a drop down box at the top of the INI tweaks tab now, which allows you to browse to new mod added INI files. Once they're added, you can use the dropdown to select which INI is the target file.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:56 pm

Yes, the uGridDistantCount and uGridDistantTreeRange values would be good ones to add for RAEVWD (Defaults 25/20).

So would bForceFullLOD for trees (Default 0).
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:47 am

edit: RESULT!!! There's a drop down box at the top of the INI tweaks tab now, which allows you to browse to new mod added INI files. Once they're added, you can use the dropdown to select which INI is the target file.

Never noticed that before ..learn something new every day about bash..thanks..

Yes, the uGridDistantCount and uGridDistantTreeRange values would be good ones to add for RAEVWD (Defaults 25/20).

So would bForceFullLOD for trees (Default 0).

Take a look at these tell me what you think..

Some INI Tweaks including UgridsDistantCount, enable/disable music/ amountofgrass / double grass distance..

will add bforcefulllod since I use that has well...

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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 pm

will add bforcefulllod since I use that has well...


Looks good, but the ones for RAEVWD should have the tree range values slightly higher than the grid distance values, otherwise what you've got here will have the trees quit before the objects do and that looks kind of silly in game.
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matt white
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:39 pm

Looks good, but the ones for RAEVWD should have the tree range values slightly higher than the grid distance values, otherwise what you've got here will have the trees quit before the objects do and that looks kind of silly in game.

Fixed Now (Redownload) - flipped the tree and object values

Got any suggestion for good name for bForceFullLod -?

ForceFullTreeLod for now

Will have to see if anymore really useful one's < - Already quite a few
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:02 am

I've not added a new mod in weeks. I have updated mods ... most notably Duke Patrick Combat Archery and NiceOne EE and the random UL or other such mod when it is released.

What I have done is used new tags such as ForceAI as prescribed in the FCOM thread.

I'm getting strange behavior from NPCs where they are initiating conversations with me even if they have no new topics to talk about.

Recently he did hit 100 fame (or very close that) - is this a result of that or perhaps the new tags? It is very annoying it is like they tag team the character and just walking through a crowd the NPCs will start jabbering away making it so that I have to click out of conversation a lot.

[edit] I'm not using any bash tweaks on the greeting distance either. Is this what that controls? I thought that was for how far they have to be before they say the character has big muscled or looks like a shrewd something or other.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:46 pm

:blink: Paparazzi NPCs?, Black horse courier must be expanding, watch out for those up-shots when you get on your horse :)
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:04 am

Well, I finally got around to updating from 275, and I just wanted to take a sec to say Wow! 285 is really nice! And it's divisible by 3, which is always a plus...

Thanks for everything you do. Could not play this game without it!
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:18 pm

What I have done is used new tags such as ForceAI as prescribed in the FCOM thread.

Must have missed something somewhere, what's a ForceAI tag?
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:04 am

It is a tag in the latest Wrye Bash called Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd check the tags.

There seems to be nothing in Wrye Bash readme on it yet, but it was described as required in the FCOM thread. Nothing on http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/wiki/BashTags either.

I had some trouble divining why it was required or exactly what FCOM esp require which tags as posted about http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094510-relz-fcom-convergence-and-ufcom-relz/page__view__findpost__p__15999983. CorePC stated it was required
so that OOO aipackages do not ovewrite MMM aipackages settings on creatures in particular.

But I've not even played the game for over two weeks and really other than an update or two to Duke's Archery and the random update to things like display stats and other tweaks - nothing new has been added except these tags.
Could be Losing my religion, but I doubt it as I did play with that for about 4-5 hours when first released.

I've never had a character with this high or a Fame or disposition, so thought maybe it is actually vanilla and searched UESP finding nothing, so trying to get a clear understanding of that tweak (which i don't even use).

So I've not yet rebashed without the tag to see if it goes away - I'm just posting this as an exploratory question as it may be vanilla behavior I'm unaware of or it may be an issue uncovered that I'm unaware of.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:05 pm

I've never had a character with this high or a Fame or disposition, so thought maybe it is actually vanilla and searched UESP finding nothing, so trying to get a clear understanding of that tweak (which i don't even use).

Greetings Psymon,

For what it is worth, I am now running with Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd enabled for FCOM as you described, per the FCOM thread. My main character now has fame = 117 and infamy = 5. I've been in interiors, the Tamriel worldspace, and walked around in Leyawin, Bravil and the IC Market District. So far, NPCs seem to be behaving as expected. No "paparazzi" type activity going on.

So, it may not be the tags at all. Of course, I'm sure we have very different LOs, and that could make a difference. Just thought I'd add that to the discussion.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 pm

Good to know - thanks.

I've yet to experience this, so it is a weird one.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 pm

Paparazzi behavior should be impossible without either an AI pack directing it or a script directing it. NPCs shouldn't just be randomly approaching you for no reason. Perhaps a mod you've added has a busted package trying to do a greeting that's been set wrong and all NPCs are affected?
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Scared humanity
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:50 pm

And since I've only updated mods since my last round of playing and only added tags - that is what made me suspect the tags.

Well I guess I gotta knuckle down and disable those updated mods. Enhanced Economy and Combat Archery - that is it as far as I recall.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:35 pm

. Enhanced Economy and Combat Archery -.

Can't imagine either of those could be the cause, I would suspect part of a Quest stage,(maybe gone afoul) have you been working the Main quest??, I remember being "The Hero of Kavatch", but I've yet to see That kind of reception...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:06 pm

It is a tag in the latest Wrye Bash called Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd check the tags.

There seems to be nothing in Wrye Bash readme on it yet, but it was described as required in the FCOM thread. Nothing on http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/wiki/BashTags either.

I had some trouble divining why it was required or exactly what FCOM esp require which tags as posted about http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094510-relz-fcom-convergence-and-ufcom-relz/page__view__findpost__p__15999983. CorePC stated it was required

oh yes forgot to put in in the readme before release...
the reason for its creation is this: OOO removes some AIPackages from npcs/creatures and places its own... thats good and in importing AIPackages it is recorded that those vanilla packages were removed so won't readd them... but both MMMforOOO.esp and FCOM.esp then change (some) of those same creatures AIPackages list removing the OOO ones and restoring vanilla... which means that both the OOO and vanilla packages are marked as to be deleted, never add... but that's not the desired response so Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd does exactly what it's name implies... it forces the patch to add the packages (ie it doesn't check for deleted packages temporarily).

oh been a long long long time since I updated the BOSS website's list of BashTags... not since last September (and a lot of tags have been added since then)... I'll update it now, thanks.
(oh yes and just in case that wasn't clear the Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd tag couldn't (except through forced adding of a bad package) cause the issue you're describing.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 pm

This isn't working: It's telling me it's an invalid formatted ini file.

edit: RESULT!!! There's a drop down box at the top of the INI tweaks tab now, which allows you to browse to new mod added INI files. Once they're added, you can use the dropdown to select which INI is the target file.

Yep that's it... pretty easy... but not necesarilly the most self explanatory... I have some ideas for that though.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 pm

Turns out the mod that was causing the issue is a personal merger I made that included these mods:
SetsunaDummy Training
Tejon - KAYO
Spears of Cyrodiil
Ronyn Realistic Acrobatics
NPCs Jump

Now I can't say for sure if it is one of the mods included that has the issue or an error that was caused by the merger process, but that seems to have been it.
I've used this mod for a couple of months before so it may be a new mod conflict too.

Sorry to burn up thread space.
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Sam Parker
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