Hey I'm using the mod "100% harvest chance" (changes harvest chance for all known plans to 100% for all 4 seasons)
but it won't work with newly added ingredients to flora nor with "harvest flora" mod (as both touches same flora)
would you please add a patcher in "tweaks assorted" to make all plants 100% harvestable? it would replace the need for the mod and solve it better...
and no it cannot been done by import stats as it doesn't touch flora records

thanks for reading this and please don't hesistate to add that feature as it would be almost trivial to do withyour skills
I ask this gently and not push, because I know you made (and still making) great job for free for us

EDIT: also can you add fActorStrengthEncumbranceMult to gmst tweaks? in vanilla that is 5 and changing that make you easy change amount of things carried without stucking and don't need messing with strength nor patching all items
currently I do it with my own tweak mod "Carry More" which have wariants with diffrent multipliers, also there was a mod long time ago "carry four times more loot" which does the same but have only one option (20)
since it was made i think it's at least midle demand on this - and it will save a slot, make it fully configurable, and make avoid to clutter boss maserlist
how'd ya know that is almost trivial to add?... well okay it is definitely pushing trivial to add that... adding, thanks.
whereas it is very trivial to add GMST tweakers

... adding, thanks.
Hey all. I'm trying to get ROM tagged properly. I have a quick question: is there a tag for Magic Effect/Data records? I know Graphics gets some of them, but I'm looking for Flags, Magic School, Projectile speed, Base cost, Casting sound, Bolt sound, Area sound, and Enchant effect
all those sound ones are covered by Sounds; school, resistances, speed, costs nothing currently... I'll add in a MGEF importer... hmm tag name...hmm good name... uh M.Effect... er guess that would work... unless anyone (hopefully) has a less clonky suggestion?
I was wondering if you could solidify my understanding of something:
Say you have esp files A, B, and C, loaded in that order, all tagged with Stats. B and C both have A as a master, and all three have Oblivion.esm as a master. They all contain a particular armor entry.
Say the stats in the plugins are:
Oblivion.esm: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 100; weight: 10
A: armor: 5; value: 200; health: 100; weight: 10
B: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 1000; weight: 7
C: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10
What will the values in Wrye Bash be (assuming they are all checked in the "Stats" menu)
Will it be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 7
Whereas, if C additionally had B as a master, the final values would be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10
Is this right?
exactly, perfectly and precisely correct

oh and while I'm responding directly to a post of yours, I just wanted to say thank-you for all the very informative and accurate posts you've done lately responding to other users questions about Wrye Bash :tops: