[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 50

Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:42 am

RGO has a tag for importing actors.

Reneer doesn't use WB so here I am asking...do I check RGO active AND import actors or just deactivate and import?
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:40 am

I'd say keep RGO active. If it was meant to be deactivated, it would probably have a "Deactivate" tag.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:48 pm

Wrye Bash 287 - Error:
When you go to tab the installers during the checksums mods, an error message appears. His reason was the presence of a folder in the texture of one of the mods called in Japanese.
P.S. I apologize for the bad English.
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:15 pm

What is the direct link to the SVN builds? I cannot seem to find them.
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:30 am

Wrye Bash 287 - Error:
When you go to tab the installers during the checksums mods, an error message appears. His reason was the presence of a folder in the texture of one of the mods called in Japanese.
P.S. I apologize for the bad English.

This will likely be fixed in the next version, which is based on unicode instead of ansi character sets.

What is the direct link to the SVN builds? I cannot seem to find them.

You can download the source from the SourceForge link in the OP. The SourceForge has instructions for how to sync the source.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:22 am

I was wondering if you could solidify my understanding of something:

Say you have esp files A, B, and C, loaded in that order, all tagged with Stats. B and C both have A as a master, and all three have Oblivion.esm as a master. They all contain a particular armor entry.

Say the stats in the plugins are:
Oblivion.esm: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 100; weight: 10
A: armor: 5; value: 200; health: 100; weight: 10
B: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 1000; weight: 7
C: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10

What will the values in Wrye Bash be (assuming they are all checked in the "Stats" menu)

Will it be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 7

Whereas, if C additionally had B as a master, the final values would be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10

Is this right?
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:19 pm

If Last Mod loaded wins, and you check them All with Stats, it shouldn't have any effect... :unsure:

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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:31 am

Wrye Bash 287 "Bashed Patch" crashes minimal fresh install of SI.

After more than 100 hours of reducing mods and even re-installing from scratch I have determined that WB 287 (for me) produces a Bash patch that won't load even when only the basic game is installed. Since it worked fine with an earlier version of WB and around 170 mods, I assume something WB related got corrupted, but is still resident somewhere even though I've tried to remove and reinstall Bash, and reverted from Wrye Python03a, v2.6.5 back to WP02, v2.6.4.

The problem occurs either when I try to load a saved game just after the screen goes to black before displaying the cell, or when I tried to create a new character after that point where you tell it you are done modifying the features. I have tried with just SI, and with all the DLC plugins, and with Cobl 1.72 and latest unofficial patches installed; no other mods except SkipTutorialv2, and all with fresh characters. Disable Bash and everything tests fine: i.e. fast traveling to other cities, enter and exit buildings. Rebuild Bash from an empty patch file and enable it and it crashes. And yes, I have rebooted after each crash.

Any ideas what I missed?

Update: Deleted BashSettings.dat files from "MyGames". Using Python 2.8.4 with SI and all DLCs and WB 285 installed, rebuild leaves the empty patch file (97 Bytes) and tests fine. Upgraded to WB 287 (same version of Python) and rebuild of the same files produces a patch file of 6,290,009 Byes, which crashes. FormIDs were NOT replaced, but all other settings were enabled in both cases.

Update - Solved: For the benefit of anyone who encounters a similar issue. Features not installed but enabled were causing my crash, as one would expect. All the options in WB 287 "Tweak Actors" except "No Bloody Creatures" and "Vanilla Beast Skeleton Tweaker" require a mod be added. I had them all enabled, but not the mods. It pays to read the descriptions appearing at the bottom of the window when hovering your mouse over each option. (Too bad it took me so long to follow this basic advice.) The major clue was various save games crashing upon loading (even new saves after a fresh install). That usually indicates a missing ESP. But it only did it when WB was in use. I finally realized it had to be a mod I didn't have but WB was expecting. BTW: Bashed Patch of 10MB eventually loaded fine.
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:06 pm

Hey I'm using the mod "100% harvest chance" (changes harvest chance for all known plans to 100% for all 4 seasons)
but it won't work with newly added ingredients to flora nor with "harvest flora" mod (as both touches same flora)

would you please add a patcher in "tweaks assorted" to make all plants 100% harvestable? it would replace the need for the mod and solve it better...
and no it cannot been done by import stats as it doesn't touch flora records :P

thanks for reading this and please don't hesistate to add that feature as it would be almost trivial to do withyour skills
I ask this gently and not push, because I know you made (and still making) great job for free for us :) thanks

EDIT: also can you add fActorStrengthEncumbranceMult to gmst tweaks? in vanilla that is 5 and changing that make you easy change amount of things carried without stucking and don't need messing with strength nor patching all items
currently I do it with my own tweak mod "Carry More" which have wariants with diffrent multipliers, also there was a mod long time ago "carry four times more loot" which does the same but have only one option (20)
since it was made i think it's at least midle demand on this - and it will save a slot, make it fully configurable, and make avoid to clutter boss maserlist

how'd ya know that is almost trivial to add?... well okay it is definitely pushing trivial to add that... adding, thanks.
whereas it is very trivial to add GMST tweakers :)... adding, thanks.

Hey all. I'm trying to get ROM tagged properly. I have a quick question: is there a tag for Magic Effect/Data records? I know Graphics gets some of them, but I'm looking for Flags, Magic School, Projectile speed, Base cost, Casting sound, Bolt sound, Area sound, and Enchant effect

all those sound ones are covered by Sounds; school, resistances, speed, costs nothing currently... I'll add in a MGEF importer... hmm tag name...hmm good name... uh M.Effect... er guess that would work... unless anyone (hopefully) has a less clonky suggestion?

I was wondering if you could solidify my understanding of something:

Say you have esp files A, B, and C, loaded in that order, all tagged with Stats. B and C both have A as a master, and all three have Oblivion.esm as a master. They all contain a particular armor entry.

Say the stats in the plugins are:
Oblivion.esm: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 100; weight: 10
A: armor: 5; value: 200; health: 100; weight: 10
B: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 1000; weight: 7
C: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10

What will the values in Wrye Bash be (assuming they are all checked in the "Stats" menu)

Will it be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 7

Whereas, if C additionally had B as a master, the final values would be:
Bashed Patch, 0.esp: armor: 5; value: 100; health: 500; weight: 10

Is this right?

exactly, perfectly and precisely correct :D
oh and while I'm responding directly to a post of yours, I just wanted to say thank-you for all the very informative and accurate posts you've done lately responding to other users questions about Wrye Bash :tops:
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Laura Richards
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:33 am

Could you add a new setting for the bashed patch?

Cap arrows weight:
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:44 pm

I have a small question....I have two mods which show that they can be bash patched, but do not patch. The lettering are green and Bash says they should be patched, but they don't. Any way of forcing them to?

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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:08 pm

I have a small request as well. How difficult would it be to add a "No Wind" tweak to the Bashed Patch. It basically involves changing the "WInd Speed" setting of every weather to zero. The main effect of this is that trees and other objects don't move when the wind is blowing, which might improve FPS for lower end PCs. There is already a mod that does this for vanilla weathers but if you have a weather mod installed, these ones won't be covered.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:17 pm

exactly, perfectly and precisely correct :D
oh and while I'm responding directly to a post of yours, I just wanted to say thank-you for all the very informative and accurate posts you've done lately responding to other users questions about Wrye Bash :tops:

You're very welcome. Just trying to take the load off the more experienced members : ) I'm continually impressed with the work you do here.

I have actually been getting into some pretty technical discussions over in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1115419-rom-revised-oblivion-mod/page__view__findpost__p__16423351. I'd like to ask about one question that came up there: ROM injects a large number of records into OOO.esm (due to its history of being previously combined with that plugin). When we clean the ROM plugins with tes4edit, all the injected records get cleaned away, leaving the mod incomplete. Is there some step he's missing so as not to clean the injected records away, or is the injecting itself the problem, and all the formIDs should be changed?
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:45 am

Tag and bash question:

Mods loaded in this order:

Mod A - tagged names, stats
Mod B - tagged names, stats

If in the game I want names from Mod A and stats from both, I should untag names from MOD B and that should do the trick?

Is there one tag that controls health and fatigue for the player character or is this something that varies between mods? If it is the same for all or most mods, and using the above example, if I want everything from Mod B EXCEPT the changes to health and fatigue (I want those health and fatigue changes from Mod A), what tags, if any, can control that?
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:47 pm

Question regards the new T.I.E v1.38

New features:
3) The chance of retrieving arrows from corpses and kills has been increased, and vendors sell a few more arrows.

Pretty sure I know this but just checking - If using the Wrye Bash tweak to increase arrow retrieval, the bashed patch tweak being load ordered last should override T.I.E percentage tweak for arrow retrieval? - Unsure because there are a lot of imports from T.I.E these days so wondering if an import would win over a Wrye bash tweak, in which case I would prefer the Wrye bash tweak for this aspect for some of the other users at my abode.

I am assuming Tweaks with Wrye bash coming later in the order of a build than Imports, will win out.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:55 pm

Tag and bash question:

Mods loaded in this order:

Mod A - tagged names, stats
Mod B - tagged names, stats

If in the game I want names from Mod A and stats from both, I should untag names from MOD B and that should do the trick?

Is there one tag that controls health and fatigue for the player character or is this something that varies between mods? If it is the same for all or most mods, and using the above example, if I want everything from Mod B EXCEPT the changes to health and fatigue (I want those health and fatigue changes from Mod A), what tags, if any, can control that?

don't need to detag names from Mod B; just don't select Mod B in the Import Names section of the Bash Patch Build Dialogue.
Any changes made directly to the player character generally don't occur in game unless you start a new game since the player record is saved in the save game; so the tag would be Actors.Stats but it probably wouldn't halp at all)

Question regards the new T.I.E v1.38

New features:
3) The chance of retrieving arrows from corpses and kills has been increased, and vendors sell a few more arrows.

Pretty sure I know this but just checking - If using the Wrye Bash tweak to increase arrow retrieval, the bashed patch tweak being load ordered last should override T.I.E percentage tweak for arrow retrieval? - Unsure because there are a lot of imports from T.I.E these days so wondering if an import would win over a Wrye bash tweak, in which case I would prefer the Wrye bash tweak for this aspect for some of the other users at my abode.

I am assuming Tweaks with Wrye bash coming later in the order of a build than Imports, will win out.

the tweakers run after importers in Bash so the tweaks will win over mods (unless the mods are scripted to do changes in game)
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:17 am

the tweakers run after importers in Bash so the tweaks will win over mods (unless the mods are scripted to do changes in game)
Pacific Morrowind

Thanks PM, I had an idea that was the case logically the bash patch build would have to be as sequential as everything else, and I understand the note reference scripting which in game could re-instate a condition on the fly. Its not a concern with T.I.E.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:13 am


This was originally a post requesting a feature for swapping out the ini files.

A feature that already exists.

I posted that request 2-3 times and no one corrected me that it already exists ... interesting.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:46 am

how'd ya know that is almost trivial to add?... well okay it is definitely pushing trivial to add that... adding, thanks.
whereas it is very trivial to add GMST tweakers :)... adding, thanks.

well I'm homebrew programmer - and I know it's a simple loop with a few conditionals - and aswell you have similair code in "reweight ..." patchers

also could you add tweakers to reweight ingredients? similair one you have with reweght potions ... just some players want to carry plenty of ingredients (which some are currrently heavy) but doesn't want to get encumbrance out of game at all
also could you add tweak "Reweigth Normal clothes"? it would go through all clothing/armor without defence nor enchantments... could you?

PS: Would you like get me working on some features in Wrye Bash? I'm good at programming (well i have some leaks at derivation of classes), also I know python well (nice programming language) - so i think there my capabilities would be better used than in just making mods (and I'm also not think about making OBSE plugin as it would need some more hackish abilities)
PS2: If you get me to the team I definatelly can do as easy things as patchers (as simple as weigth ones), and I'll be able do more complex things if you would say what would you want (even much more complex as i suppose most desires won't need heavy professional coding)
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:50 pm

If you get me to the team I definatelly can do as easy things as patchers

You can actually contribute effectively without having write access. Try syncing the tree from sourceforge and coding (and testing!) the change locally. Then you could send PM a patch file for the feature (don't forget documentation : )
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Paul Rice
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:07 pm

Yeah, I thought about it, but it seems my change could make sometimes problem when someone changes the same part of code, also I haven't downloaded the SVN release yet.

Hmm but I'll try do something.

PS: If Ido a change that is visible would I have nice line in credits? It would me made so happy that would be written my name as one of contributers of those great tool (of course with a note that it's some particular feature, as my contributions probably wouldn't be great)
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sally R
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:41 am

@ Anyone who knows: What's the requirements for the SVN version of Bash? I've checked it out to test the BOSS-related changes, but I'm not sure what other python packages I need to install on top of the ones for regular Bash. Do I just need to grab the unicode versions of whatever is the ANSI version?
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:00 am

When rebuilding the Bash patch, there are many options which have values in []s. I'm assuming this is the value that would be set if I select this option.
It would be nice if the [default value] was listed as well. Then, I could better determine how my selection will effect the current value (+\-).
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:55 am

Is it possible to change the Import NPC Faces so that it does NOT *merge* the FaceGen Data but *overrides* all the sub-records (FGGS, FGGA and FGTS)?

Logic is that when you merge the sub-records, you can get some strange facial results rather than the last mod winning in what an NPC's face will look like.

Many thanks for considering this request and apologies if I have already asked (can't remember)
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:11 am

When rebuilding the Bash patch, there are many options which have values in []s. I'm assuming this is the value that would be set if I select this option.
It would be nice if the [default value] was listed as well. Then, I could better determine how my selection will effect the current value (+\-).

The values listed in [] are indeed the default vanilla values.

The value that will be set in the option is marked by a a check mark...
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