[relz] Wrye Bash -- Thread #33

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

For so reason Im'm not getting an * next to mmm resixe the races. I have it uncheck in the merged section and in the list. I have it check in race section of rebuilt bash and that also checked. Can anyone explain what I need to do to get it deactived with the * next to it in the load order thanks in advance

It need to be selected under merge patches section before it will show up with * next to it..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 am

It need to be selected under merge patches section before it will show up with * next to it..

Thanks now I remember had a brain fart thanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 am

Ok I have mmm resize the races checked under merged and un race rocrds I have tried unchecking it in the merged part to get the * and have had it check under both . All I get is + or the check what could I be doing wrong ?
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 pm

Probably a dumb question, but what does it mean when, after rebuilding the bashed patch...
  • A mod is shown as green
  • And clicking the check box makes the mod inactive (ie it is blank rather than a plus or a dot sign)
I have been re-checking it because I am uncertain of what the implications are.

Many thanks for any help or guidance.

means that the mod was not included in the merge section of the patch (also not in any importers section of the patch)... if you want it merged make sure that esp is checked in the merge section... and imported as desired (and that would best be as Corepc suggestioned)
Pacific Morrowind
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:18 am

So has that changed then from the old advice of {{BASH:Delev,NoMerge,Relev}} and activating the plugin?

edit: already answered.
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James Potter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 am

soory for the bump I can't see the last post
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J.P loves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:53 am

If you deacitacte a mod like mmm resize the races does it have to have an * next to it or not ?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:26 am

Ok I have mmm resize the races checked under merged and un race rocrds I have tried unchecking it in the merged part to get the * and have had it check under both . All I get is + or the check what could I be doing wrong ?

If you get a + that is correct, has it has been imported correctly into bashed patch if you select it under merge patches and races section once again.

please do not bump the thread's, some one will answer, :deal:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:23 pm

If you get a + that is correct, has it has been imported correctly into bashed patch if you select it under merge patches and races section once again.

please do not bump the thread's, some one will answer, :deal:

Sorry for the bump I didn't mean to sometimes I don't see the other reply I won't happen again I appreciate all the help you have given me
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JR Cash
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am


it will be in the next version (not my scripting though... a donation of code)
Thanks for the extra features- they really help out.
? added an Export/Import script function to the right click menu of mod files
? added support for launching Bla, Bla, (all with settable paths in the ini)

Would like to see launching for http://www.fraps.com/, http://www.artweaver.de/home-en/, http://audacity.sourceforge.net/, http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm, DDS convertor, and say like 3-4 Custom launch buttons for whatever else a user would like to configure. Settable in the ini. Then make your own icons. Ex Custom.png 1, 2, 3, etc.

hey now that is funny... I was just thinking about adding 1 easy user setable path... but 4 sure... and adding those to the launch links. Glad you are enjoying the new options.
Would like to see an option to use bigger icons for the launch buttons also. Ex 32x32 for people with poor eye site. Plus they would look a little better. Sorry to say the gimp dog is more of a splotch than a dog.


well attempting... 16H*32W is definitely possible... but it looks like I may have found a bug in wx.python - setting the minheight of the status bar does nothing... crossing fingers that I'm doing it wrong but don't think so... if broken in wx.python hopefully it is easily fixable in the wx.python source and a new version can be released of that.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:10 pm

Is there or what is the point in deactivating mods that one has imported (not merged, only imported) into the Bash Patch? The BOSS log recommends to do that for certain mods. I am wondering what the benefit of subsequent deactivation is. Is it just to free up slots for more mods to load, to push out the 255 limit?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 pm

Is there or what is the point in deactivating mods that one has imported (not merged, only imported) into the Bash Patch? The BOSS log recommends to do that for certain mods. I am wondering what the benefit of subsequent deactivation is. Is it just to free up slots for more mods to load, to push out the 255 limit?

in most cases that is the only reason yes... also I've noticed but haven't done indepth benchmarking that OB is faster with loading a couple larger esps (ie the bash patch) than also a bunch of smaller (ie the individual imported mods)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 pm

Probably a dumb question, but what does it mean when, after rebuilding the bashed patch...
  • A mod is shown as green
  • And clicking the check box makes the mod inactive (ie it is blank rather than a plus or a dot sign)

Speaking of which.
One of the things I don't really understand is what the "dot" mark really means.

There are four states the checkboxes can be in, each with a description (except BLANK) in Bash on rollover :

BLANK:		   ""				 : Disabled file, essentially removed from game, no worries there.TICK :	"Active in load list"	 :Active file, no worries, understood.PLUS :  "Merged into Bashed Patch"  : Merged, okay I think I get that, if it can be merged do so, saves a load order slot and everything still works, right?DOT  : "Imported into Bashed Patch" : Not sure of what that means exactly - questions below.

Re: Mods that can have a DOT in the check box:

The mods that show this; some show up as Green and some do not.
How else does Imported differ from Merged?

Should all that can be, be so marked (as in merged ones above) or not?
If not; which ones?
All Green onse?
What about non-green ones?
And/or what are the rules/guidelines for deciding either way, if there are any?
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:15 pm

Glad you're asking, Vargr, about the dot sign because. I don't really understand it either. :) Here is what I *THINK" I understand, and I would be happy if experienced Bashers could comment on one or the other:

1. If a mod has only one single tag, it is safe to deactivate it after import. When you deactivate it, it will show the dot then and the mod content will be play correctly in-game.

2. If a mod has multiple tags, but you do not import them and still deactivate the mod afterwards, the dot will show up and the tag field is green. But the mod will not work entirely correct. I would believe because you did not import ALL the tags.

3. On what criteria do modders base their choice of tags? I mean since they are applied manually using common sense (I believe), a tag could be forgotten or a tag could be assigned unnecessarily. Possibly this could produce issues one way or the other after import into Bash Patch?

4. What does merge do or can do that import does not?

5. Theoretically, one could build the mega-uber-super Bash Patch and deactivate the whole load order (kind of)? What speaks against that other than taking a lot of time and making tracing bugs and incompatibilities impossible? But for a mature, stable installation - theoretically - this might be very economical?

Sorry if the above is all a bit incoherent. But these are just some thoughts about WB. NO TRASHING OF WB INTENDED AT ALL! I LOVE IT AND USE IT CONSTANTLY! Really just trying to get a better understanding of the concepts.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 pm

Glad you're asking, Vargr, about the dot sign because. I don't really understand it either. :) Here is what I *THINK" I understand, and I would be happy if experienced Bashers could comment on one or the other:

I'll try and answer both your questions in an understandable way... let me know if what I say is not clear enough.
1. If a mod has only one single tag, it is safe to deactivate it after import. When you deactivate it, it will show the dot then and the mod content will be play correctly in-game.

pretty much 100% dependent on what the contents of the esp is - for example: if all it does is change graphics of exisitng items this is the case, however it it changes graphics and adds new items you would get the graphics changes but not the new items if it was deactivated... you will only get what you import.
2. If a mod has multiple tags, but you do not import them and still deactivate the mod afterwards, the dot will show up and the tag field is green. But the mod will not work entirely correct. I would believe because you did not import ALL the tags.

same thing really - if you import all that you want/need from the file it will be fine but you can't import all types of changes (ie new items, some changes to existing items) so not always the case.
3. On what criteria do modders base their choice of tags? I mean since they are applied manually using common sense (I believe), a tag could be forgotten or a tag could be assigned unnecessarily. Possibly this could produce issues one way or the other after import into Bash Patch?

that is true (as happened on the initial release of MMM - Knights.esp) however it is easy to fix (by the user or next release)... of course it can cause issues (f.e. the MMM Knights was missing delev tag which meant the LLs weren't getting built quite as intended)
4. What does merge do or can do that import does not?

merging can merge more things such as NPC stats... however it is broadspectrum; if it changes the stats and the graphics you will get both whereas if you tag it just stats and don't merge it you will get the stats and not the graphics (exampliary description)... merge is also totally limited by LO, whereas import is only affected by later loading mods with the same tag and that are also being included in the patch. Import is good for things that just want to override one part of record or that really have to take effect.
5. Theoretically, one could build the mega-uber-super Bash Patch and deactivate the whole load order (kind of)? What speaks against that other than taking a lot of time and making tracing bugs and incompatibilities impossible? But for a mature, stable installation - theoretically - this might be very economical?

Sorry if the above is all a bit incoherent. But these are just some thoughts about WB. NO TRASHING OF WB INTENDED AT ALL! I LOVE IT AND USE IT CONSTANTLY! Really just trying to get a better understanding of the concepts.

the problem would be that Bash patch doesn't have the programming to include the first definitionof a record in the patch... just changes to said record (which could be just changed that Bash does)... and the dangers of letting it to that might be more than its worth for most users. and for worldspace or dialogue editing mods that would be impossible right now... at least for my coding.
(hope those answers also answer you, Vargr... if not just ask for more info.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 am

I'll try and answer both your questions in an understandable way... let me know if what I say is not clear enough.

pretty much 100% dependent on what the contents of the esp is - for example: if all it does is change graphics of exisitng items this is the case, however it it changes graphics and adds new items you would get the graphics changes but not the new items if it was deactivated... you will only get what you import.

same thing really - if you import all that you want/need from the file it will be fine but you can't import all types of changes (ie new items, some changes to existing items) so not always the case.

that is true (as happened on the initial release of MMM - Knights.esp) however it is easy to fix (by the user or next release)... of course it can cause issues (f.e. the MMM Knights was missing delev tag which meant the LLs weren't getting built quite as intended)

merging can merge more things such as NPC stats... however it is broadspectrum; if it changes the stats and the graphics you will get both whereas if you tag it just stats and don't merge it you will get the stats and not the graphics (exampliary description)... merge is also totally limited by LO, whereas import is only affected by later loading mods with the same tag and that are also being included in the patch. Import is good for things that just want to override one part of record or that really have to take effect.

the problem would be that Bash patch doesn't have the programming to include the first definitionof a record in the patch... just changes to said record (which could be just changed that Bash does)... and the dangers of letting it to that might be more than its worth for most users. and for worldspace or dialogue editing mods that would be impossible right now... at least for my coding.
(hope those answers also answer you, Vargr... if not just ask for more info.
Pacific Morrowind

When boss say to deactivate a mod like mmm resize the races it means to basically turn it off in the load order? I thought that when a mod is deactivated that an dot shows up in the load order. I have tried to get resize the races to do that but, it won't. I know that you don't want to merge it so I unchecked it in the load order. I have checks nest to race records and inside races records next to resize the races is this correct or am I not getting it thanks in advance.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 pm

Dear PacificMorrowind, thanks for taking the time. Yes this gets my thinking on the right track. I may have more questions at another time when I have digested what you were telling me now!

Just a quick one regarding Bash tags: Would it possibly be a good idea to start a project similar to BOSS to establish which are the correct tags for any mods? Because I see some inconsistencies with those, or maybe I should better they SEEM to be inconsistencies for my Bash newbie eyes.

For example in my load order i have "FineWeapons for OOO.exp" which has no tags and no recommendations by BOSS, and I also have "RustyItems for OOO.esp" which has Graphics and NoMerge tags. It is my understanding that both mods do essentially the same thing - improving graphic appearance - but with different objects / weapons of course. So I'm wondering why are there default tags for one but not the other? And BOSS gives a recommendation for RustyItems only, but not for FineWeapons.

Then, Bash indicates that these mods mergeable, both their names are written in green. If you can merge them you sure can import them, can you not? So why Fine Weapons doesn't have tags? Seems a bit illogical to me. Admittedly I understand little of the issue, I may be missing something. I have not looked in the construction set or any of the the TES4 tools, I don't have these installed at this time.

Really just meant as an example. And sorry if I should not ask about it here.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 am

OK this time I have mmm resize the races checked under race records and that is it not checked under merged and when I rebuild my bash I just checked the mod and left it blank is that OK? It is not merged at all just check under race records not dot though is this OK and is it deactivated?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 pm

OK this time I have mmm resize the races checked under race records and that is it not checked under merged and when I rebuild my bash I just checked the mod and left it blank is that OK? It is not merged at all just check under race records not dot though is this OK and is it deactivated?

Did you not understand what I posted yesterday, does not matter if you have it activated or not in load order..

When you select under merge patches and races section it get imported has needed into bash patch..and will end up with + next to it..It hsa to be select under merge patches section in order to get merged into bash patch. or work with other races mods has well..

you are making it more complicated then it seems once again
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:40 pm

When boss say to deactivate a mod like mmm resize the races it means to basically turn it off in the load order? I thought that when a mod is deactivated that an dot shows up in the load order. I have tried to get resize the races to do that but, it won't. I know that you don't want to merge it so I unchecked it in the load order. I have checks nest to race records and inside races records next to resize the races is this correct or am I not getting it thanks in advance.

deactivate means it is not active in LO -- unless it is imported or merged (dot or +), in which case you can or should often deactivate (always for merged). What you are doing sounds correct.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:48 pm

Dear PacificMorrowind, thanks for taking the time. Yes this gets my thinking on the right track. I may have more questions at another time when I have digested what you were telling me now!

Just a quick one regarding Bash tags: Would it possibly be a good idea to start a project similar to BOSS to establish which are the correct tags for any mods? Because I see some inconsistencies with those, or maybe I should better they SEEM to be inconsistencies for my Bash newbie eyes.

I would say not -- there already is BTFE (Bash Tags For Everyone... thread somewhere down a few weeks, and excel doc on nexus), and BOSS, which has mainly superceeded BTFE.. the best thing to do IMO is to suggest tags on the BOSS thread.

Tagging fineweapons for OOO in my next BOSS commit... that should have been tagged, but obviously got missed when added.
Then, Bash indicates that these mods mergeable, both their names are written in green. If you can merge them you sure can import them, can you not? So why Fine Weapons doesn't have tags? Seems a bit illogical to me. Admittedly I understand little of the issue, I may be missing something. I have not looked in the construction set or any of the the TES4 tools, I don't have these installed at this time.

Really just meant as an example. And sorry if I should not ask about it here.

asking here is fine (really the best place or on BOSS thread... but today I'm more active on this thread) Mergeable!= importable... neither does Importable == Mergeable... if it only changes existing items it is often both but not always.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 pm

Did you not understand what I posted yesterday, does not matter if you have it activated or not in load order..

When you select under merge patches and races section it get imported has needed into bash patch..and will end up with + next to it..It hsa to be select under merge patches section in order to get merged into bash patch. or work with other races mods has well..

you are making it more complicated then it seems once again

Sorry If I'm making this hard or not getting it. But Boss says deactivate the mod .. I thought that a dot in the box is what I wanted . And, that a merged + isn't. Is it OK to leave it blank or to have the + in the box . Because for example better red guards also must be deacitved so it has a dot in it so that my whole issue is boss says to deactivate it and that why I thought a dot is what I want and not the + because that would mean active. I do apologize for being so ignorant to your suggestions please forgive my ignorant concerning this mod. Thanks again in advance.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 pm

Sorry If I'm making this hard or not getting it. But Boss says deactive the mod .. I thought that a dot in the box is what I wanted . And, that a merged + isn't. Is it ok to leave it blank or to have the + in the box . ASgain I 'm sorry for not understanding this .

it is fine if it has a + or a dot... the important thing is to import the race changes... blank is definitely no good (as in no effect whatsoever).
Pacifci Morrowind
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 am

Then what if BOSS Says to deacive the mod like resize the races does it still matter if there is a dot or a +?
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

...the best thing to do IMO is to suggest tags on the BOSS thread.

Sure, great! I will gladly do so if I stumble into something again.
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