[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 51

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 7:36 am

If there is a compatibility problem WB and tags can't solve I suggest using TES4EDIT to make a custom patch to load after the Bashed Patch.

I think it's more that it is something that used to work just fine, so what has changed in 288 to make it not work anymore, and is this in fact a bug?

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Nick Swan
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 6:06 am

Whoops, looks like I am a fool that doesn't read changelogs. Sorry!

However, there still is a bit of a bug in 288 regarding Nehrim support... the Bashed Patch still adds Oblivion.esm as a master. As far as I've tested, however, changing getMastersUsed to use the "Oblivion or Nehrim" check that you put into ModInfos/__init__ fixes it.
    def getMastersUsed(self):        """Updates set of master names according to masters actually used."""        if not self.longFids: raise StateError("ModFile fids not in long form.")        if dirs['mods'].join('Oblivion.esm').exists():			masters = MasterSet(self.masterName)         elif dirs['mods'].join('Nehrim.esm').exists():			masters = MasterSet([GPath('Nehrim.esm')]) # insert witty joke here about the old comment        for block in self.tops.values():            block.updateMasters(masters)        return masters.getOrdered()

changed, thanks

Erm, correct, but I fail to see the relevance of your comment regards the conversation which started a little further back than that post...

No matter, PM's post above has given us a clue as to the cause of some BAIN installer problems and waruddars custom 7zip.exe...

but just before I switched back to using WB 287 after experiencing the problem with the new version of AWLS wizard, and the subsequent failure of Wrye bash 288 to install anything new from that installer - I was using 917 7Zip.exe and .dll, also copied to the mopy folder to overwrite the WB 288 installed version... so still have my doubts. Will have to look into it when I get home later.

Edit: Or, fingers crossed, I will be installing 289 instead :)

well as I said there was a few other er unicode artifacts from my disabling of the unicode support (which works great unless of course there is a non-ASCII char in the user folder/game folder name) - I missed a few spots to change.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:37 pm

Does anyone else notice pythonw.exe increasing memory usage over time while rebuilding a patch until you can't use WB anymore and must restart it?

I watch it at about 150,000-ish and eventually it goes to its max 32-bit limit of 1.8~1.9 million k. My patch hangs up or just stops like it never starts.
I get the small pop up error window saying there was a memory error.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:19 am

i have the latest python installed, i always have the latest things installed so i know its not an issue. ill just stick to 287 for now, and see what happens with 289 when its released

always having the latest installed doesn't mean the version isn't the issue... specifically Wrye Bash doesn't work with Python 3x only Python 2x.

I would like to make some patches for a mod I'm working on. However these patches would each have a quest mod and an associated script. Is there any way to make the patches mergeable? There is no dialog, but I suspect the presence of the quest means they aren't mergeable...

if they are new then unfortunately nope... however

Yeah, I figured that would be the case. Would be nice if this feature could be added though... Perhaps via a custom tag. This would really reduce the size of the main mod and make it infinitely customizable for people running it...

however there is a workaround; in the mod you're working on include blank quest(s) and script(s) that those said patches change and voila mergeable :)

Concerning this post http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1119710-relz-wrye-bash-thread-51/page__view__findpost__p__16460664 and my follow up to it in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1119357-wipz-mtes4-manager/page__view__findpost__p__16466506.

How does the settings in the bash.ini for:
Actually redirect the game into looking outside the usual places? Do setting these then running bash cause other settings in the Oblivion.ini or somewhere else to change. I don't understand how these can work - could you explain please.


those just tell Bash where those two folders are (basically only required if you have a funky registry and Bash can't locate it with it's normal Registry checks; or if you want it to use a custom location.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 5:25 am

Hmm, another bug here relating to 7zip and BAIN - in addition to newly added archives showing up greyed out, existing archives don't install - selecting install gives them the red checkbox, but all the files are listed under 'Missing' and aren't actually installed. Same for Annealling.

as soon as I've got that fixed 289 is heading up (expecting my next test to work but fingers crossed)

Hey, i've yesterday downloaded 288, and my only problem is "staff bug" and problems with id's of GMST
I had totally no problems with installer tab (though ui have windows 7)

I advise for people using 288 who have problem with installers to install standalone beta of 7zip - then it would find the libraries not included
(because I think they moved some LZMA functions to LZMA libraries (and other similair stuff) to cut out double code, as it before both in 7zip.dll and plugin dlls for another programs)

the staff bug is easy to fix - just use text editor and within py files search mxweight and insert missing 'a' (i've done it on my copy)

I don't see rar problem, probably because no bains here are rars, but i discovered that in bash code is a dictionary which translates file types to extension, and it hat obviously only entries for zip and 7z, so i think that's not problem with 7zip but rather somebody removed the rar entry during fixing something other in that part of code

However i think Oblivion.pkl is still not fresh, because new gmst patcher throw an error on pickpocketing GMST - just not selecting bugged global settings patcher is a temporary fix (all older gmst tweakers work fine)

thats all about bugs...
I've seen that flora patcher works (I've tried on hard-to-harvest plants from hammmerfelll alpha) so really thank you for this (I'll try it later with harvest flora to see if scripts on them still works but I think it would be successful)
I've seen that new reweighters work also fine, so simple thanks
great work! and it applies also to all previous version changes :)

that'll work fine with harvest flora.
oblivion_ids.pkl has been regenerated a couple times. the 7z is fixed, the mxweight is fixed...
the .rar problem was from the 7z.dll/exe version - that code you are looking at I would think would be this:
writeExts = dict({'.7z':'7z','.zip':'zip'})readExts = set(('.rar',))readExts.update(set(writeExts))

... readExts is what it uses except for when it is writing.

How do I get the program buttons to show up on the bottom automatically?
I could have sworn at one time I had others there. I tried reading the cryptic readme that tells you to, I guess, create a bash.ini, but doesn't tell you where to put it.
I dumped all the gecko files straight into the Oblivion directory and the button didn't show up. I saved the default bash ini as bash.ini, placing it in the mopy folder. I restarted WB with no button.

Every other program I have dropped into the Oblivion folder has shown up (CS, TES4LODGen, TES4Edit).

Is there a way to get Snip to show up on the bottom too? It is not listed in the program list in the readme. Is this not used anymore?
I can't get the TES4Gecko.jar file to work either, clicking directly in the Oblivion folder. I get an error window saying,

"Exception during program initialization...java.io.IOException: Unable to locate oblivion installation directory

I was trying to follow the default bash ini's comments on paths, but noticed that tes4gecko.jar path is the same as the working button of my tes4edit. I'm confused.

well I'm confused by that last sentence certainly.
that is the correct way to create the bash.ini.
TesSnip... uh not set up... I'll add it.
Tes4Gecko: working fine here (set to Tes4Gecko 15.0\tes4gecko.jar in the ini, installed to Oblivion\Tes4Gecko 15.0\tes4gecko.jar)... try to use the shortcut included in tes4gecko if you can't get the bash shortcut to work. (I'd suggest double checking your path on that btw)

Seems that we have unicode problems with non-english OS in 288 :( When I try to select or install any package (projects have no problems), I get something like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):  File "D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 6938, in Execute    self.data.install(self.filterInstallables(),progress,last,override)  File "D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 11468, in install    installer.install(archive,destFiles,self.data_sizeCrcDate,SubProgress(progress,index,index+1))  File "D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10660, in install    self.unpackToTemp(archive,dest_src.values(),SubProgress(progress,0,0.9))  File "D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10640, in unpackToTemp    progress(index,_("%s\nExtracting files...\n%s") % (archive.s.encode('UTF8'), maExtracting.group(1).strip()))UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 37: ordinal not in range(128)

yes I er am not surprised... poorly reverted almost full unicode support = worse unicode support than previously... and nasty buglies.

Why can't it find/launch/place launch buttons on the bottom automatically like the other programs though?

(sTes4GeckoPath=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivionTes4Gecko.jar does not work in bash.ini placed in Mopy folder)

Steam/Beth does not have an entry in the Software section.

(found an entry under Wow6432Node>Bethesda Softworks>Oblivion...no idea what wow6432node is. It is only one install path among others noted among a few searches I did)

how about add a slash betwen the oblivion and Tes4Gecko.jar?
or check your java installation

Not sure, but Gecko disappeared from my "toolbar" as well, while I did not change anything. The same configuration on another PC works fine, so beats me what's up.

Regarding Steam, well.. I am still confused. Can you run Gecko, at all? Like I said, if it is throwing up errors of not finding the Oblivion directory, then you will need to add it yourself.

java installation?

I've a feature request to avoid a major annoyance with Wrye Bash:

My mouse is super-sensitive (I play on a 46" TV, so it has to be). Sometimes, I inadvertently double-click on something I intended to single-click on, and that opens two instances of that program.

When this happens with Wrye Bash (v 287), it always creates an interesting problem - some of my esp files disappear (Wrye bash comes with a message on one of the program instances that the following esps cannot be found and are removed from the load order etc.). After clicking OK, these esps disappear from both instances of Wrye Bash. Usual esps that get deleted and disappear are DLC Orrery.esp, Knights.esp, TR_OOT.esm - I am not sure why these particular ones get deleted, but there it is.

Thankfully, I can "Anneal All" to get my files back, but it is a major annoyance nevertheless in case multiple files disappear (I've had one instance when Oblivion.esm disappeared and WB wouldn't start then). Thankfully, a backup copy of a clean Oblivion install came to the rescue.

Please create a setting that only one instance of WB can be open at a given time, similar to what OBMM does.

it should only be able to open one copy at a time - as in it has since er twoeightsomething; as long as it is the same folder name... wait unless you click before it has completed its very first initialization step (hmmm that must probably take at least 1/20th of a second)... is that what is happening? - if so I'll have to have some hard thinking to figure out a way to stop that.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 11:37 am

Oh boy!
Like I wrote before I tried 288 and it did not work out - error report - so I reverted to 287.
I entered the game and suddenly every merchant had 0 gold. I use enhanced economy but did not install or deinstall the mod. Then the crashing began.
Because I did not install or deinstall any mods the thought was near that maybe anything with Bashed patch.
So I copied 287 again into the Oblivion folder, had no problems with opening it, BAIN or building the Bashed patch - no error report -, entered the game ....
- the merchant still have 0 gold
- after opening the menu of enhanced economy I can not close it again and have to shut down the game.
I did not try to find out if the crashes still occur. I am to frustrated. :brokencomputer:

I have no idea if these could have anything to do with 288, but honestly the only thing I changed was from 287 to 288 and there were not these problems.
I do not know if anybody else had similar things going on.

Anyway you are doing an amazing job. Just keep going :goodjob:

well if you didn't rebuild the bashed patch I can't think of anyway that could have affected the merchants - and if you had I can't think of any logical reason it would since it doesn't touch merchant gold except in actor importing and that hasn't changed lately.

Ok, I just updated to the new version and it doesnt even start up. I double click the launcher and nothing happens, so it looks like Im going to stick to using 287 for now. Anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?

bugdump = know what is happening... otherwise = well it could be blabla or bleble or dede...
seriously though just try 289 when I put it up... and this gives me a though... I'll make a batch file to include with Bash that'll generate the bugdump as a txt file in Mopy for those that don't like cmd line use of anykind, thanks :)
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:23 pm

as soon as I've got that fixed 289 is heading up (expecting my next test to work but fingers crossed)

that'll work fine with harvest flora.
oblivion_ids.pkl has been regenerated a couple times. the 7z is fixed, the mxweight is fixed...
the .rar problem was from the 7z.dll/exe version - that code you are looking at I would think would be this:
writeExts = dict({'.7z':'7z','.zip':'zip'})readExts = set(('.rar',))readExts.update(set(writeExts))

... readExts is what it uses except for when it is writing.

well I'm confused by that last sentence certainly.
that is the correct way to create the bash.ini.
TesSnip... uh not set up... I'll add it.
Tes4Gecko: working fine here (set to Tes4Gecko 15.0\tes4gecko.jar in the ini, installed to Oblivion\Tes4Gecko 15.0\tes4gecko.jar)... try to use the shortcut included in tes4gecko if you can't get the bash shortcut to work. (I'd suggest double checking your path on that btw)

yes I er am not surprised... poorly reverted almost full unicode support = worse unicode support than previously... and nasty buglies.

how about add a slash betwen the oblivion and Tes4Gecko.jar?
or check your java installation

java installation?

it should only be able to open one copy at a time - as in it has since er twoeightsomething; as long as it is the same folder name... wait unless you click before it has completed its very first initialization step (hmmm that must probably take at least 1/20th of a second)... is that what is happening? - if so I'll have to have some hard thinking to figure out a way to stop that.
Pacific Morrowind

All those quotes of mine are old. Issue is resolved except noticing Snip, which I only got because Tom's website said it is a tool for merging, which I haven't seen anyone use or describe using it. I assume it is old.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 6:04 am

All those quotes of mine are old. Issue is resolved except noticing Snip, which I only got because Tom's website said it is a tool for merging, which I haven't seen anyone use or describe using it. I assume it is old.

ah sorry, I was just catching up from the start, without reading the whole thread.
yeah Snip is old... and a doesn't catch errors but still can be useful.
installers is working properly again... though if you refreshed with 288 you *MAY* have to delete your installer data and do a full refresh. - so uploading 289 momentarilly.
Pacific Morrowind
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:03 pm

First off, could we have Ini tweaks for Screenshots, and Start from last Save?

Got a problem with 288**SVN 627, I started recieving a http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/CRuntime.png , witch Seems to be caused by http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25612 *That wasn't it , But when I deselect it and rebuild the patch, everything looks fine, but it's Reenabled afterword... :shakehead:


*** Went back to 287, rebuilt same LO, and it no longer crashes the C++ Runtime
****(Tried SVN #634, didn't want to work (nothing in the Installers payne, (That's all I remember right off)))
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 6:50 am

Not sure, but Gecko disappeared from my "toolbar" as well, while I did not change anything. The same configuration on another PC works fine, so beats me what's up.

java installation?

I run both the latest SDK w/ the regular Java. Gecko works fine outside of WB, but it no longer adds the button in the "toolbar".

The path is correctly as well, and no worries about having it installed in %program files(x86)% because that is definitely not the issue.

;--sTes4GeckoPath is the path to look for Tes4Gecko (defaults to Tes4Gecko.jar).;	sTes4GeckoJavaArg is the memory size argument used for launching Tes4Gecko.sTes4GeckoPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Utilities\TES4Gecko v15.2-8665\Tes4Gecko.jarsTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx1024m

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james kite
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 9:56 am

PacificMorrowind: Turns out I was using the wrong terminology when I was asking about merging patches. I've actually put in a feature request on the sourceforge page. Is it possible to get some new tags created so that patches are importable? Here's the deal: I am currently overhauling Oblivion XP. It has a large block of code dedicated to awarding points for the completion of quests in other mods, like The Lost Spires, OOO, Ayleid Steps etc. It currently supports 25 mods. I would like to strip all that code out and create a series of patches. Each patch would have a single quest and an associated script. I have posted an example of a patch on the sourceforge site in my feature request. I can't modify the original mods that I will be patching. Although your idea of adding a stub quest and script is very tempting - I just don't think it's feasible.

Separate patches have several advantages over the current structure, but if they can't be imported into the Bash Patch, then they will probably be of limited use to most players because a lot of the players playing these quest mods are already pretty close to the limit in terms of the number of mods in their load order. I do think that this solution will help with the performance of Oblivion XP though - if we can figure out some way to get these patches into the player's Bash Patch.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 pm

it should only be able to open one copy at a time - as in it has since er twoeightsomething; as long as it is the same folder name... wait unless you click before it has completed its very first initialization step (hmmm that must probably take at least 1/20th of a second)... is that what is happening? - if so I'll have to have some hard thinking to figure out a way to stop that.

One way to do this is to create a "lock file". see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576891/.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 11:02 am

Sorry for posting here, I already had an answer on another thread.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:42 am

One way to do this is to create a "lock file". see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576891/.

Bash already does, but if you manage to click faster than the file can be generated, it won't realize this until it's too late.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 5:54 am

Bash already does, but if you manage to click faster than the file can be generated, it won't realize this until it's too late.

Ah, I see. Let me see if I can write a race-condition-free version.

Edit: I found an example online of how to do this "properly". I attached a patch to bug #3087032
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:13 pm

Hi guys.

An attempted Bain install of a newly cleaned package (Audia_Arcanum_Sound_Overhaul) brought up the “wxPython: stdout/stderr” window with this message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 6919, in Execute
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 11414, in install
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10607, in install
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10572, in unpackToTemp
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 9640, in clearTemp
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bolt.py", line 477, in rmtree
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 221, in rmtree
onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 195, in onerror
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 219, in rmtree
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'InstallerTemp\\sound\\fx\\fst\\earth\\fst_earth_01.wav'0

This resulted in not only being unable to install this particular mod, but now some (not all) other mods can not be installed or uninstalled.

I tried what seemed the most obvious solution, to install the uncleaned version of the mod above, but the same window with the same message comes up.

HHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppp! :cry: Please. :bowdown:

It may or may not be relevant, but I'm using Wrye Bash 287 and BOSS 151.
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patricia kris
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 11:39 am

First off, could we have Ini tweaks for Screenshots, and Start from last Save?

Got a problem with 288**SVN 627, I started recieving a http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/CRuntime.png , witch Seems to be caused by http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25612 *That wasn't it , But when I deselect it and rebuild the patch, everything looks fine, but it's Reenabled afterword... :shakehead:


*** Went back to 287, rebuilt same LO, and it no longer crashes the C++ Runtime
****(Tried SVN #634, didn't want to work (nothing in the Installers payne, (That's all I remember right off)))

yeah 634 would't work because I had meant to commit 3 files but commited 2...
what values would you want for those ini tweaks? (and what are the exact in ini names for those- could find start from last save or similar, and screenshot are you meaning basename, index, enable or ?)

I run both the latest SDK w/ the regular Java. Gecko works fine outside of WB, but it no longer adds the button in the "toolbar".

The path is correctly as well, and no worries about having it installed in %program files(x86)% because that is definitely not the issue.

;--sTes4GeckoPath is the path to look for Tes4Gecko (defaults to Tes4Gecko.jar).;	sTes4GeckoJavaArg is the memory size argument used for launching Tes4Gecko.sTes4GeckoPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Utilities\TES4Gecko v15.2-8665\Tes4Gecko.jarsTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx1024m

okay that is very very very odd... er no ofcourse...
what is your path to javaw.exe?
(Bash looks for os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'].join('system32','javaw.exe') - so Vista 32 for example that would be C:/windows/system32/javaw.exe... but with 64bit OSes what is the correct path fo rthat?)

PacificMorrowind: Turns out I was using the wrong terminology when I was asking about merging patches. I've actually put in a feature request on the sourceforge page. Is it possible to get some new tags created so that patches are importable? Here's the deal: I am currently overhauling Oblivion XP. It has a large block of code dedicated to awarding points for the completion of quests in other mods, like The Lost Spires, OOO, Ayleid Steps etc. It currently supports 25 mods. I would like to strip all that code out and create a series of patches. Each patch would have a single quest and an associated script. I have posted an example of a patch on the sourceforge site in my feature request. I can't modify the original mods that I will be patching. Although your idea of adding a stub quest and script is very tempting - I just don't think it's feasible.

Separate patches have several advantages over the current structure, but if they can't be imported into the Bash Patch, then they will probably be of limited use to most players because a lot of the players playing these quest mods are already pretty close to the limit in terms of the number of mods in their load order. I do think that this solution will help with the performance of Oblivion XP though - if we can figure out some way to get these patches into the player's Bash Patch.

Oh yes I think I understand... I'll have to consider if there is a way to do so... I think so - certainly doable with CBash and probably also with the old strictly python implementation as well... looking into it.

One way to do this is to create a "lock file". see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576891/.

yep that is what it does (well differently coded but same theory)... but if you double click close enough it is very remotely possible you might get in and both run the blocks at the same time and hence fail (but the likelyhood of that is fairly microscopic)

Ah, I see. Let me see if I can write a race-condition-free version.

Edit: I found an example online of how to do this "properly". I attached a patch to bug #3087032

okay... logging in to sf (which is always slow on dialup for some nasty reason), will look over it and almost certainly just apply it right away. :)

Hi guys.

An attempted Bain install of a newly cleaned package (Audia_Arcanum_Sound_Overhaul) brought up the “wxPython: stdout/stderr” window with this message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 6919, in Execute
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 11414, in install
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10607, in install
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10572, in unpackToTemp
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 9640, in clearTemp
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bolt.py", line 477, in rmtree
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 216, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 221, in rmtree
onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 195, in onerror
File "C:\Python26\lib\shutil.py", line 219, in rmtree
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'InstallerTemp\\sound\\fx\\fst\\earth\\fst_earth_01.wav'0

This resulted in not only being unable to install this particular mod, but now some (not all) other mods can not be installed or uninstalled.

I tried what seemed the most obvious solution, to install the uncleaned version of the mod above, but the same window with the same message comes up.

HHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppp! :cry: Please. :bowdown:

It may or may not be relevant, but I'm using Wrye Bash 287 and BOSS 151.

I've had that problem on one archive... ah lets me see what was the problem... hmmmmmm... oh yes that was it;
that file (sound\fx\fst\earth\tst_earth_01.wav) has a readonly attribute set and hence Python isn't wanting to remove the temp copy of it.
to fix: just manually delete mopy/installertemp, and manually install it or fix the readonly flag to false on that file in the archive and then try again.
Pacific Morrowind
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:11 am

One little thing about the on-line help file.
I notice that the "Tweak Settings" section does not include what is now the very first option:

Actor Strength Encumbrance Multiplier
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carrie roche
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 8:58 am

Yeah, just "Allow Screenshots" should be fine.
I thought I Used to have tweak to "Load from last Save" along with Skip Intro, and a couple others, but I'm not sure anymore, maybe a differant game
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 7:31 am

I've had that problem on one archive... ah lets me see what was the problem... hmmmmmm... oh yes that was it;
that file (sound\fx\fst\earth\tst_earth_01.wav) has a readonly attribute set and hence Python isn't wanting to remove the temp copy of it.
to fix: just manually delete mopy/installertemp, and manually install it or fix the readonly flag to false on that file in the archive and then try again.
Pacific Morrowind

Actually, all files under fx/fst/earth/ are read-only... so, the read-only flag will have to be toggled on all those files.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:08 pm

Thanx P.

Your solution, plus a little tweaking, solved my problem. :dance: Everything now back to it's normal precarious state of stability, and running as smooth as a ....well ....you know ....something really smooth.

@ anithinks

Yeah, I stumbled into that fact as I muddled my way to a fix.

Given the popularity of that mod, and the increasing move over to BAIN installation, you'd think this problem would have come up more frequently. Maybe it did, and I just passed over it in my past infatuation with the voluptuous OBMM. :hugs:
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sam westover
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:02 pm

I thought I Used to have tweak to "Load from last Save" along with Skip Intro, and a couple others, but I'm not sure anymore, maybe a differant game

I don't think there's an ini setting for this. The "continue" button on the load menu should do the trick.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:19 pm

those just tell Bash where those two folders are (basically only required if you have a funky registry and Bash can't locate it with it's normal Registry checks; or if you want it to use a custom location.
Pacific Morrowind

Just saw your reply regarding my question on the Bash ini settings:
So these then can't be used to have the game itself look elsewhere for these folders?

Then wait am I missing something - 289 still not released right?
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evelina c
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:56 am

Then wait am I missing something - 289 still not released right?

Unless it was an svn release, "momentarily" has not happened yet, at least not on tesnexus .
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Madison Poo
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 10:48 am

One little thing about the on-line help file.
I notice that the "Tweak Settings" section does not include what is now the very first option:

Actor Strength Encumbrance Multiplier

oh guess I'll update that... fixed, thanks.

Yeah, just "Allow Screenshots" should be fine.
I thought I Used to have tweak to "Load from last Save" along with Skip Intro, and a couple others, but I'm not sure anymore, maybe a differant game

must a been a different game I think.
will add bAllowScreenshots as ini Tweak.

Actually, all files under fx/fst/earth/ are read-only... so, the read-only flag will have to be toggled on all those files.

oh right... well as I don't have it that was only a guess (okay a reasonably educated and logical deduction like guess)... a nicely correct one :)

Thanx P.

Your solution, plus a little tweaking, solved my problem. :dance: Everything now back to it's normal precarious state of stability, and running as smooth as a ....well ....you know ....something really smooth.

@ anithinks

Yeah, I stumbled into that fact as I muddled my way to a fix.

Given the popularity of that mod, and the increasing move over to BAIN installation, you'd think this problem would have come up more frequently. Maybe it did, and I just passed over it in my past infatuation with the voluptuous OBMM. :hugs:

I've never seen reference ot hat with this... in fact never seen reference to it with anyone but once back back back in time before I was doing development when I ran into the same thing witha different mod.
I should be able to adjust the BAIN code to deset the read-only flag so that it doesn't have to be manually messed... I'll look into it anyways.

Just saw your reply regarding my question on the Bash ini settings:
So these then can't be used to have the game itself look elsewhere for these folders?

Then wait am I missing something - 289 still not released right?

well I've tried to upload it about half a dozen times... dialup failure... finally jsut went through about 2 minutes ago :D... starting new thread momentarily, posting changelog etc.
Pacific Morrowind
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Charlie Ramsden
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