[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 51

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:01 am

Ref: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1119710-relz-wrye-bash-thread-51/page__view__findpost__p__16463723

Totally stumped on this one, I have no problems whatsoever on windows 7 with Wrye Python 03a, Wrye Bash 288 and the new BOSS

On windows XP I thought it could be read/write permission related - I have checked I have the registry setting to override custom folder settings, opened a command line and applied attrib -r /S /D recursively to all relevant paths where files are affected. Cleaned out and re-installed Wrye Python 03a, Wrye bash 275 installer followed by an overwrite with 288 (previously just tried without the 275 installer, but knowing that using the 275 installer prior to the latest Wrye bash had solved a problem before gave that a go aswell).....

Stumped, I still get the stdout error, meaning I have everything working as expected but just cant get to the Installers tab - Which renders my primary installation method useless. It goes through the motions of refreshing/re-scanning all files, crc checks - but at the end of the progress I hit the stdout error and the installers tab does not display. Its stuck with the installers tab selected but still showing the mods tab info.

From what I can tell, Windows is throwing an error when WB tries to start 7z to read your packages, hence the windows error code (14001). The only other time I've seen this (not related to WB or Oblivion) was when I tried running an app that required one of the MSVC Redistribuables.

Firing up http://www.dependencywalker.com/ shows it needs msvcrt.dll to run, so looks like that's you're problem. I can't tell you which MSVC redist package you need, but you can find them on the M$ website http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=a5c84275-3b97-4ab7-a40d-3802b2af5fc2&displaylang=en.

I'm not sure if this is a change for 7z, or something that's come up in recent releases but hey *shrug*. I'd try installing the redistributable package and seeing if that works.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:36 pm

As as this sounds, I may as well ask - what's the word on supporting Nehrim as an alternate master? Currently, Bash does a lot of Oblivion.esm specific checks, but it seems that you could probably have it disregard them for Nehrim in those cases so as to allow it to be used for both games. Of course, it might be more complex than that, but considering how it works near flawlessly when you replace Oblivion.esm with Nehrim.esm wherever the aforementioned is referenced, it seems quite reasonable to posit that all that's needed are a few extra checks on the magnitude of "is this Oblivion, or Nehrim?".

Or is this already accounted for, and I'm a foolish fool who foolishly fails to read changelogs ever so foolishly?
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 pm

From what I can tell, Windows is throwing an error when WB tries to start 7z to read your packages, hence the windows error code (14001). The only other time I've seen this (not related to WB or Oblivion) was when I tried running an app that required one of the MSVC Redistribuables.

Firing up http://www.dependencywalker.com/ shows it needs msvcrt.dll to run, so looks like that's you're problem. I can't tell you which MSVC redist package you need, but you can find them on the M$ website http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=a5c84275-3b97-4ab7-a40d-3802b2af5fc2&displaylang=en.

I'm not sure if this is a change for 7z, or something that's come up in recent releases but hey *shrug*. I'd try installing the redistributable package and seeing if that works.

O_o aah maybe, I updated 7z on the win 7 machine to beta 917, (win 7 machine okay), but on the problem xp machine we are still at 7z 916, will look into the MSVC redist on that machine too (the xp installation is quite new had to rebuild it recently after the old mobo blew... so possibly a few of the old matured dependancies along the way have not been installed yet despite being up to date with windows updates)... will get back on this one (xp machine being used at the moment :rolleyes: )
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 pm

I just opened up Wrye Bash and got a message saying that the dates for some mods had changed. I've had it happen one other time several months ago. Does changing the dates like that do anything that can screw with your game? I hope I made sense I forgot to write down exactly what the pop up said when I opened up wrye Bash.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:57 am

Updated to latest version and getting this error while trying to rebuild patch every time. Any help would be appreciated!

Traceback (most recent call last):

'Staffs set to maximum weight of %f') % mxWeight
NameError: global name 'mxWeight' is not defined

This was posted earlier in this thread, rreferenced a Typo for yhe Staff Weight tweak, I belive there is a corrected Wrye uploaded now...
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Jah Allen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:20 am

Thanks, but I'm starting to think to think it's been too long since you people have been noobs. Those read-me may tell you all you need to know, but for someone who has to start from scratch the information is just too buried.

Sorry if it seemed that way... thought you just needed a gentle nudge towards the 'official' Readme. :shrug

Regardless, after much google'ing I did manage to actually createa bashed patch. Joy. However that created a new problem; loading Oblivion with the bahsed patch enabled CTD's the game at start up. If I load the game with all mods checked, save for the bashed patch; the game does start and I can start a new game just fine.

So... erm, how did I screw up? How can I stop screwing up? And finally; what information do you guys need from me in order to answer the first two questions?

If you still need advice, probably best to open a new thread and post your Load Order -
- Open Wrye Bash at the Mods tab (it will show a list of your plugins)
- Right click 'File' header (near the top of page)
- Left click 'List Mods'
- Copy/paste into post.

Good luck :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 am

Ref : http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1119710-relz-wrye-bash-thread-51/page__view__findpost__p__16464052

:shakehead: :banghead: Thought we were onto something there but nope.

Updated 7zip to 917 (needed a restart), installed Visual C redist, allowed windows to update it to the latest security patches. Restart again.

Control panel, un-install all components Python/wx etc etc, deleted python folders on c drive, ran CCleaner to cleanup and clean out registry

Restart. Install Wrye Python 03a, Install Wrye bash 288.

Again all works fine as usual - with the exception of going to the Installers tab - Same stdout error result as before.

Is Wrye bash now dependant on VC?, I ask because I have never dabbled with CBash, was waiting for the official release which is still on hold. Either way as far as I can see anything it requires is installed correctly, and I did not have this problem previously on the same XP machine, setup as it was with Wrye Bash 287.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 am

This was posted earlier in this thread, rreferenced a Typo for yhe Staff Weight tweak, I belive there is a corrected Wrye uploaded now...

It's not there, I just downloaded it not one minute before this post and the patch still crashed out with the same message.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 pm

It's not there, I just downloaded it not one minute before this post and the patch still crashed out with the same message.

Hmm, sorry about that, I had that yesterday, downloaded the http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/?view=tar and it worked with Staff Weights, seen there was an upload to Nexus Today, but didn't try it... :shrug:
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 am

i ahve an issue with Wrye Bash 288. I downloaded and installed this afternoon and it refuses to even start-up. i double click the launcher and nothing happens. i opened the task manager and clicked processes and tried to start the launcher again to no success. it doesnt even register as being processed in the processes panel. i moved back to version 287 archive and now it starts again. any ideas?
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:13 am

@ Lojack - FOUND IT! :celebration: :flamethrower: :brokencomputer:

and to your good self :foodndrink: :hugs:

That 14001 error has been driving me nuts all day, trying different combinations of installations, examining event logs, checking read/write permissions throughout the system, looking up ntfs formatted partitioned problems as a potential, even local network file shares.....

I came back to your post ( wish I did that earlier :D ) - Decided to install dependancy walker and investigate all avenues therein

blasted 7zip

The 915 version included with 288 is the source of all my problems on XP, I grabbed the 917 version of 7z.exe and 7z.dll out of my c:\program files\7zip folder, copied them to mopy and overwrote those ones .....

Fired up Wrye bash 288 went to installers tab ... after much twiddling of thumbs waiting for the refresh to complete (for the thousandth time today) - Big sigh of relief time :)

Noticed the size of the 288 installed 915 7z.exe is rather large compared with the newer 917 beta, I dont have my own version of 915 to compare but its approx 509k, whereas the 917 is just over 158k

Anyway thanks again for the pointer - Took me a while to get there, but well it may be helpful to others too experiencing problems with 288.

Edit: @ PacificMorrowind please add the above to trouble shooting knowledge. 288's 915 7zip on XP potentially problematic.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:21 am

...blasted 7zip...

Does this also solve the problem with archives added to BAIN since installing 288 being greyed out?

@ Bash Team: Perhaps it would be better to use the stable 4.65 instead of the beta 7zip versions? I don't know what the improvements made are, of course, I still use 4.65.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 am

I'm still on 4.65 myself. I recall having problems with the beta even outside of Bash the last time I tried it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 am

i ahve an issue with Wrye Bash 288. I downloaded and installed this afternoon and it refuses to even start-up. i double click the launcher and nothing happens. i opened the task manager and clicked processes and tried to start the launcher again to no success. it doesnt even register as being processed in the processes panel. i moved back to version 287 archive and now it starts again. any ideas?

Double check that everything Python related you installed matches what's in the first post. Some of mine were older versions, and Wyre Bash wouldn't start until I updated those.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:54 am

7-zip beta here, been using the latest beta builds for weeks right now, no issues whatsoever.

Still the BOSS issue has yet to be addressed though..
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:54 am

I'm having the same problem as Johnn123, tried reinstalling wrye python, but it did not help.

Edit: Just had another look, noticed I had python 2.5 installed still, along with 2.6. So I uninstalled 2.5 and everything to do with it, and now 288 fires up. Took a long time the first time and threw me an incomprehensible error message, but I can't reproduce it, so I'll assume it's fine (while hanging onto a backup of 287, heh).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:24 am

Hmm, didn't see this one on my browse through the post, so I'll add it on.

Just updated to Wrye Python 03a and Bash 288 today, and everything is working fine it seems... except for BOSS (Upgraded to 1.6 yesterday). The icon is there, and when I click it it runs the .EXE and sorts my mods properly, but when it comes time to display the BOSSLog, Bash hangs until I shut BOSS down, then it returns to normal. Perhaps it's because my browser is open? Lemme check...

EDIT: Nope, not that. I really don't know what might be wrong here... BOSS is working just fine, the only real problem here is that Bash is hanging up for no reason.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 am

Does this also solve the problem with archives added to BAIN since installing 288 being greyed out?

After posting earlier, on the XP machine I have done a complete re-install of all BAINs (the only mods not BAIN on our setup is the anims from sensual walks and DarkUI Darn which are still installed with OBMM), rebuilt bashed patch, and made sure alls well accessing Wrye bash 288 and new BOSS (complete with auto updates) from different user accounts aswell as the admin account - No more problems experienced.

@ Bash Team: Perhaps it would be better to use the stable 4.65 instead of the beta 7zip versions? I don't know what the improvements made are, of course, I still use 4.65.

(I am obviously not one of the bash team but think I have some observations worth mentioning here) - Well, I think the only problem seems to be system dependant, for instance on the windows 7 machine it appears that the separately installed version of 7zip was being used by Wrye bash instead of the Wrye bash installed version, because I have had no problem on that machine (I have since finding the above out also overwritten the Wrye bash installed version with 917 on the 7 machine aswell just in case). Whereas on windows XP the Wrye bash installed version was being used and the individually installed 917 in c:\program files\ was being ignored. Hence the need to overwrite the Wrye bash version and end the problems.

The only doubt I have is the source of the included one with Wrye bash, as mentioned the file size of 915 which comes with Wrye bash 288 seems to be rather big compared with the 917 I have installed, and there seems to be very little change recently to reduce the exe file size so much within the two revisions since 915. Considering also the re-upload to nexus which I think was indicative of PacificMorrwind having had problems compressing files.... might be worth investigating PM

The version I'm using is from here http://www.7-zip.org/ recent changelog.....

HISTORY of the 7-Zip
9.17 beta 2010-10-04
- Disk fragmentation problem for ZIP archives created by 7-Zip was fixed.

9.16 beta 2010-09-08
- 7-Zip now supports files that are larger than 8 GB in TAR archives.
- NSIS support was improved.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localizations: Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit.

v915 included in WB 288 is 509k, whereas the 917 is just over 158k
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:45 am

I didn't know WB installed a version of 7z in the mopy folder.

I was using the 4.65, upgraded to the beta since someone said to try that, then saw the comment about mopy so I copied the beta files to mopy.

I still can't open rar's with right click in WB 288 after doing a full refresh. I can't install or uninstall any mods that turned grey with black + sign.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:03 am

i have the latest python installed, i always have the latest things installed so i know its not an issue. ill just stick to 287 for now, and see what happens with 289 when its released
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:06 am

I don't understand why installing 287 after installing 288 doesn't revert back and give me my right click options back.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 am

I don't understand why installing 287 after installing 288 doesn't revert back and give me my right click options back.

Most likely because 288 either adds something that 287 doesn't -OR- you are not saying overwrite when prompted.

Or, it could be a setting in another folder (In BAIN folder likely) that does not revert.

I'd hang in there for an update but if impatient you probably could go in and delete all Wrye Bash files in your Oblivion folder then reinstall 287 and if then the problem persists take a more drastic measure and delete (or rename or move) the bash folders in the BAIN directory and re-initialize the installers tab again with 287 installed. Doing that all packages will be seen as uninstalled but a quick reinstalling them should then return functionality.

That is my best guess and I take no responsibility if it does not work.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:58 am

I would like to make some patches for a mod I'm working on. However these patches would each have a quest mod and an associated script. Is there any way to make the patches mergeable? There is no dialog, but I suspect the presence of the quest means they aren't mergeable...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:56 am

I would like to make some patches for a mod I'm working on. However these patches would each have a quest mod and an associated script. Is there any way to make the patches mergeable? There is no dialog, but I suspect the presence of the quest means they aren't mergeable...

As I understand it plugins are only mergeable if they contain records that alter pre-existing records (from either Oblivion.esm or any other active esm or esp). Any new records at all mean it must be active.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 am

Yeah, I figured that would be the case. Would be nice if this feature could be added though... Perhaps via a custom tag. This would really reduce the size of the main mod and make it infinitely customizable for people running it...
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