What about just (as previously put forward) having an ini option or right-click menu option to allow the installation of OBSE plugins in BAIN? Like 'Has Extra Directories', the menu option ('Install OBSE Plugins'?) would be on a per-archive basis, and the ini option would be a global setting for all archives.
I don't see why Bash has to go to great length (giving warning messages, maintaining lists of so-called 'approved' plugins) to hand hold users - making it an option that is off by default already removes liability from Bash as it means the user is acting on their own to do whatever they do, and so it's no fault of Bash's if they install a rootkit. How is it Firefox's fault if you download a virus? The same applies here (though FF does provide a warning, that's because it doesn't not download files by default). All these measures just confuse the process and make things more likely to go wrong - the more code something needs, the more likely it is to contain mistakes.
If you just went for one or both of the menu and ini options, all you'd need is a message in the WB readme explaining the security issues, and you can't say you didn't warn people - everybody wins, apart from the idiots, and it's their own fault in this case.
I am very much opposed to the idea of a list of OBSE plugins WB will install, it is the first step on many negative slippery slopes. A warning message when you install a mod containing an OBSE plugin and you have the option(s) enabled to install the plugin itself is intrusive, but a much better solution as it brings the potential issue to the user's direct attention (though I'd prefer neither). Such a message would just have to be along the lines of "Are you convinced of the validity and security of
? It is possible for such files to contain viruses/malware." "Yes (install)" "No (skip plugin)"
EDIT: Upon further reflection, such a warning message as my example would be OK too. I don't find Windows 7's UAC to be an annoyance, and so I can't see why this would be an issue for me. So +1 to a Bash.ini global setting, +1 for a per-archive menu setting and +1 for a warning message when either setting is enabled. -1 to any lists, I don't see the benefit even of recording what you've already installed - these files change, so you should review each time. What if you accidentally install a malware plugin one time, quickly remove it, but then along the line make the same mistake again?