My suggestion wasn't to make a safe list, but to have different levels of warnings. One warning for known files and a more serious warning for unknown files.
If there isn't a distinction between the two, people will probably just install any such files. This will make any warning only serve the purpose of removing liability from Wrye Bash, but will not help people determine how unsafe the file is.
A example could be a mod that have eg. pluggy packaged with it, a list would be able to recognize this file based on name, size and hash. If it is a valid pluggy.dll you should still get a warning, but if it a unrecognized file the warning should be more serious.
If there isn't a distinction between the two, people will probably just install any such files. This will make any warning only serve the purpose of removing liability from Wrye Bash, but will not help people determine how unsafe the file is.
A example could be a mod that have eg. pluggy packaged with it, a list would be able to recognize this file based on name, size and hash. If it is a valid pluggy.dll you should still get a warning, but if it a unrecognized file the warning should be more serious.
Sounds like a Good plan.. :goodjob:
Just tried 291(SVN-673) with 64bit Python,(, wxPython/ and it's liking it... :drool:
Hadn't tried on 290, might have been good there too.
(I'll look for links)
*added links and correction.
**** :celebration: