Also -
really really glad I see this backing up feature coming up :goodjob:
Still I will here some should-be-made additions to the manual back up part of the readme :
Maybe a more detailed (a la
account of the files created by Bash would be helpful (albeit a bit anol)
Gaticus posted a long list the other day - not sure which ones are worth backing up
On the other hand maybe worth backing up user made ini tweaks etc (etc ?).
In general I think this whole backing up feature asks for some discussion. I had posted a BAT file for doing the backup (my first or second bat so it is terrible - does not check for identical files etc - but gives you an idea of what I am talking about) :
In short - I think that apart from
Saves and
Oblivion Mods folders (the second one due to its size) all other files should be backed up.
Unlike mine the backup module should compare the CRCs of all ini tweaks and css files (and I know not what else) to the default bash ones and include them in the back up - so the user will have to just back up his/her saves and oblivion mods folder and be good to migrate
Thanks for bearing with me

Glad you are looking forward to the backup feature. Me too

Yes, I suppose the Mopy/Data, Bashed Patches, INI Tweaks folders and the css files in the Docs folder should be backed up. Did I miss anything you suggested? Should the user's Bashed Patch(s) be backed up? Is there any other files that might need to be backed up? What is Bash Lists.txt/html. I'm not familiar with those files. Load order list?
Here is the list of files that are being backed up so far:
Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Converters.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Installers.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data\Table.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data\INI Data\Table.dat/pkl/bak
AppData\Oblivion\bash config.pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\BashProfiles.dat/bak
My Games\Oblivion\BashSettings.dat/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Messages.dat/pkl/bak/html
My Games\Oblivion\ModBase.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\People.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Bash\Table.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save Profile *\Bash\table.dat/pkl/bak
That is all the data files that bash generates as needed. The files you mentioned are never altered by Bash unless you update versions so I did not consider them, though they do need to be accounted for.
I should point out that the purpose of the new backup feature is not for migrating to a new version though. In fact, the intention is that you can backup your settings in case you need to revert back to an older version, or in case your Bash settings get corrupted for some reason. As it is, and in future versions, Bash will correctly migrate your existing settings to your new version for you, adjusting the format as needed, etc. This is why the backup feature is necessary. Because if the formats do change and you wish to revert, it would be difficult to restore your old settings.
Now that you have brought it up though, I will need to make a minor adjustment to how restore operations are handled. Right now, it will not let you restore a backup into any version of Bash that does not use the same internal formats, although it should only matter if you are trying to restore a backup to a version of Bash that is older than the backup. Bash versions that are newer than the backup should automatically adapt your settings to it's new formats.
This backup feature is actually a stepping stone toward a complete rollback functionality (which will include ALL bash files and folders, but not your Installers and Savegames) so that reverting to a previous version can be automated from an un/installer.
All of this is a grand scheme to provide Bash users with some protection before some more significant changes are implemented that will break backward compatibility. If the upcoming changes cause problems, at least you guys will be able to easily go back to your old version and people won't have to yell at me