[RELZ] Wrye Bash -- Thread 53

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:37 pm

Hi guys,

1. Is the reccommended setting for AutoGhosting on or off?

On Is a good idea for avoiding the file upper limit in your Data folder (<400.) It used to be that BOSS would take a while to deghost those files when run, but the latest version doesn't need to. So you might as well leave Autoghosting on (I do.)

2. After running BOSS and before rebuilding bashed patch, should I check/activate new esps - or it doesn't matter?

Doesn't really matter. But I would suggest activating anything you want activated beforehand anyway (deactivate any recommended by BOSS and/or Wrye Bash though - those that are to be merged/imported.) Just as a matter of course.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:53 am

It should be a green check box not a separate icon for starting. Having it checked toggles starting with OBSE.

Are you sure you installed 287 then 290 on top?

Okay, problem solved. I have the green box. I was looking for an icon lol. Thanks Psymon.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:54 am

[quote name='myk002' date='27 October 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1288194839' post='16578585']
Have you enabled CBash? If so, turn it off (it's not quite ready yet), select all mods, and select 'Mark Mergeable'. This will get things back in sync. If you haven't enabled CBash, there is a different problem.

Hi myk002,

and thx. I didn`t enable CBash.

Regards, Haldir
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:24 pm

[quote name='Haldir' date='28 October 2010 - 06:23 AM' timestamp='1288250591' post='16584168']
[quote name='myk002' date='27 October 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1288194839' post='16578585']
Have you enabled CBash? If so, turn it off (it's not quite ready yet), select all mods, and select 'Mark Mergeable'. This will get things back in sync. If you haven't enabled CBash, there is a different problem.

Hi myk002,

and thx. I didn`t enable CBash.

Regards, Haldir

Hey guys what's CBash anyway? How you enable it?
I've seen it mentioned many times, but without any explanation or link to one..

Thanks :)
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:34 pm

ame='Haldir' date='28 October 2010 - 06:23 AM' timestamp='1288250591' post='16584168']

Hey guys what's CBash anyway? How you enable it?
I've seen it mentioned many times, but without any explanation or link to one..

Thanks :)

Del Rename from "Rename_CBash.dll", in your Mopy folder...
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:54 am

Hey guys what's CBash anyway? How you enable it?
I've seen it mentioned many times, but without any explanation or link to one..
The link by brozly is a CBAsh updated on 1 june - bin it. As brozly says, in your Mopy folder there is a "Rename_CBash.dll" - rename it to Cbash.dll - my advice : leave it alone till it is stable - can do nasty things. Cbash is basically some of bash functionality coded in C++ instead of python to improve performance but also adds some more bashed patch capabilities. Repeat leave it alone for now.

EDIT btw has anyone tested python 2.7 ? What would the requirements be for 660 ?
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Assumptah George
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:26 pm

The link by brozly is a CBAsh updated on 1 june - bin it. As brozly says, in your Mopy folder there is a "Rename_CBash.dll" - rename it to Cbash.dll - my advice : leave it alone till it is stable - can do nasty things. Cbash is basically some of bash functionality coded in C++ instead of python to improve performance but also adds some more bashed patch capabilities. Repeat leave it alone for now.

EDIT btw has anyone tested python 2.7 ? What would the requirements be for 660 ?

290 sems to run Fine on 2.7..
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Ian White
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:20 am

I didn`t enable CBash.

It may still have gotten out of sync. Have you tried selecting all mods and running "Mark mergeable"?
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:33 am

An update to the Wrye Bash guide now uploaded, PDF for Advanced Installers Creation.


Please direct any comments to the usual place http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1123302-wip-wrye-bash-pictorial-guide-for-newbies/
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:30 pm

From a user on Nexus with v290 installed, not sure if this is Wrye bash or the mod (not seen it myself), but its throwing up an stdout


Here's the wxPython: stdout/stderr
MERGE/SCAN ERROR: Slof's Devil.esp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:\X64GAMES\STEAM\steamapps\common\oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4958, in Execute
File "G:\X64GAMES\STEAM\steamapps\common\oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4916, in Execute
patchFile.scanLoadMods(SubProgress(progress,0.2,0.8)) #try to speed this up!
File "G:\X64GAMES\STEAM\steamapps\common\oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15251, in scanLoadMods
File "G:\X64GAMES\STEAM\steamapps\common\oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 15247, in scanLoadMods
File "G:\X64GAMES\STEAM\steamapps\common\oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 27302, in scanModFile
eye_mesh[eye] = (record.rightEye.modPath.lower(),record.leftEye.modPath.lower())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'modPath'

Not even removing the {Eyes} tag will fix it.

well it's both really... the esp has no eye assigned to one or both of the race left/right eye subrecords, and bash expects there to be something there which it is trying to act on (get the model path... which None doesn't have)... will change to make it still skip but not have a fatal erorr).

I also discovered another minor bug at the same time.
When you go to move or copy a save, in the menu popup to select the profile to copy to, the Default profile is supposed to be disabled if it's the active profile.
When a different profile is active, the behavior is correct. The active profile will not be selectable.

fixed, thanks. (though I guess you already know that given my comments on the sourceforge tracker)

Can someone tell me please why bash patch doesn't want to rebuilt itself properly?
File "D:OblivionMopyosh.py", line 155, in __str__
return self.inName.s+': '+self.message
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 's'

okay now that is almost a funny error... that is an error in an error message! -fixed so now it will give a proper message (say what mod and waht error reading it had).

Hello everyone,

I have an interesting.... Dilemma. I have recently started to reinstall packages from a prior BAIN installation due to a mistake I made a few days ago. Everything has been going steady for a while now, until I receieved this message trying to install a particular package:

WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'InstallerTemp\\sound\\fx\\fst\\earth\\fst_earth_01.wav'

I have no idea how to decipher this, as my knowledge of code is somewhat vacant. What I do know is that I can not install any other packages as this message keeps popping up. I am currently running the Wrye Bash 290 version update, and I will try and see if reinstalling the version prior/current version will fix the issue. Regardless, I posted this just for reference and to see if anyone else has reported this, as I cannot seem to find it. Thank you.


EDIT: No dice. Hm. Tried with v289,v288, and v287... Let me see with v285.
EDIT 2: No success. The good new is that this does not look like an issue with Wrye Bash v 290, or any other prior ones, I think. The bad news is that I while I can pinpoint the troubled files in question, I am not sure how to remedy this. Any aid will be appreciated. Thank you.

Thank you Aellis,

With your suggestion, I think I solved the problem. You were right about the file marked as read only, so I went into the InstallerTemp folder and disabled that setting. I was just about to install the package again when I noticed that the next ten files were marked the same way. As I looked through everything within the folder, I realized quite too late that this was actually the package I was trying to install! :shakehead: What I have just done is delete everything in the InstallerTemp folder (ironic that I did not truly notice the name of it) and did a quick reinstall of Wrye Bash 290. I can now install the rest of my packages. The problem was that particular package's contents were marked as "read only", causing the installation error. I am not sure how this happened during the installation though, and will have to work around it. My other packages should not have the same problem. Phew, learned something new today....

Many Thanks,

and when 291 is released there should no longer be any problems with that kinda files... automatically desets readonly flag on installer files :)
Pacific Morrowind
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Kaley X
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:40 am

@ Wrye bash team - Another suggestion for the help file (and possibly the online help if anyone is updating that)

Currently in the TESNexus description you are linking to http://wryebash.netai.net/#Installation installation advice.

My question insert and Bold

So users with Python installed in the nineteen hundreds ( slight exagerration :) ) still feel theres no need to upgrade Python and wondering why they have multiple problems.

Advice on un-installing previous version may also be required, where it may not be obvious they need to utilize Control Panels Add/Remove features to clean out all components of the previous which could confuse a fresh installation. When you un-install one of the new installers it does not clean out all aspects.

I am all for Wrye's idea of encouraging the user to applying grey matter, but current out-dated advice is causing problems.

P.S. Shameless plug - My Newbie Guide updated again today, new pdf is up http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35230

yes quite correct... updating readme.... done, thanks.
oh waita second... need to update the Nexus page as well... doing that shortly.

@WB team : In the wizard's html shouldn't this :be:

er I think so... fixing, thanks.
Pacific Morrowind
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casey macmillan
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:51 am

oh waita second... need to update the Nexus page as well... doing that shortly.

:whistling: Yep, thats where its most needed :nod: Along with another link which may help circumvent some negative comments there hint hint :angel:
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:47 am

:whistling: Yep, thats where its most needed :nod: Along with another link which may help circumvent some negative comments there hint hint :angel:

done :D ... also added in the changelog for 290; appears I forgot to put those 2 lines in.
Pacific Morrowind
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Philip Rua
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:57 am

It may still have gotten out of sync. Have you tried selecting all mods and running "Mark mergeable"?


and what should I do after "mark mergeable"? BTW, should .esms be included in that run?

Regards, Haldir
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:52 am

You can select everything and mark mergeable.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:00 am

You can select everything and mark mergeable.


is that all? Just mark it and rebuild bashed patch?

Ragards, Haldir
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:37 am

Can anyone confirm that the latest SVN does not start?
At least it does not for me; fallback solved the issue.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:04 pm

Hello, I was told you should select all of the Merge Patches and Import options when rebuilding a bashed patch. Also, your preferred tweaks, but what about the Replace Form IDs, Morph Factions, and Race Records option? What about files that end withh .csv in the Import options? They're fine to click also right?
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:04 pm

@IndianWarbones: You should read up more about what each function does. There is a HTML version of the http://wryebash.netai.net/ included with Wrye Bash, located in the Mopy folder. Or the online version I just linked you to is fine, maybe a little dated in some aspects though. Overall it's completely safe to use MOST if not all Import functions. Occasionally though you'll want to deselect some options within each.

There is an index on the left covering each individual option.

For example, http://wryebash.netai.net/#ImportFormids is the section regarding FormID's.

In your other thread about your names changing, due to the http://wryebash.netai.net/#ImportNames and http://wryebash.netai.net/#TweakNames options, I had mentioned this. Under Import Names you'll have two .csv files. One changes Gaurds names, hence the name Gaurd_Names.csv and the other, Rational_Names.csv, changes many items names. You just have to read over the descriptions and decide if they apply to you and do you want the changes. It's really up to you, user preference.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:52 am

done :D ... also added in the changelog for 290; appears I forgot to put those 2 lines in.
Pacific Morrowind

:) not quite, have a look at the tesnexus description ( think you missed url= ) - Edit Noticed the update Thank Yoooo :celebration:

For anyone thats interested, the Wrye Bash Basics Guide has been once again updated after feedback from Gaticus (Thanks for that, included some of your wordage)

Update 29 Oct 2010 @14:24 - Basics Guide PDF MkV (a little less rough around the edges, using lossless PDF compression for better end user quality), Wrye Bash Installers Advanced Guide PDF - Mark III (same treatment as Basics Guide) Uploaded. Also added Complete Guide (JPGs) MkIII - All files now considered final(ish)


@ IndianWarbones - What smooth said, have a read of Picture 6. In the Basics Guide images linked above
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David John Hunter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:24 pm

Couple of typos in last wrye bash html :
Read-Only files in installers will now longer throw errors (automatically converted to non-ReadOnly).
These commands to not backup/restore any mod files or saves, just the Wrye Bash settings/data.

Also - really really glad I see this backing up feature coming up :goodjob:
Still I will http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1109736-relz-wrye-bash-thread-49/page__view__findpost__p__16263865 here some should-be-made additions to the manual back up part of the readme :
Backing up (>>> suggestions):

? "Oblivion\Mopy" >>> contains also bash.ini - and what about Mopy\Data\Actor Levels ?
? "Oblivion\Data\Bash Patches" >>> contains also Bashed Patch, XXX.esp_Configuration.dat files I already made
? "Oblivion\Data\Docs">>> contains also Bash Readme Template and some css files - maybe user edited - not sure which exactly can be edited / worth backing up
? "Documents\My Games\Oblivion" >>> BashProfiles && BashSettings DATs are the only files that are added there by Bash ? Important to know

Maybe a more detailed (a la http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=1&rm=show_topic&topic_id=106) account of the files created by Bash would be helpful (albeit a bit anol)
Gaticus posted a long list the other day - not sure which ones are worth backing up
On the other hand maybe worth backing up user made ini tweaks etc (etc ?).
In general I think this whole backing up feature asks for some discussion. I had posted a BAT file for doing the backup (my first or second bat so it is terrible - does not check for identical files etc - but gives you an idea of what I am talking about) :
rem alpha - if any wizard of Dos is available - after you...MKDIR "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"MKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\MopyMKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopy\DataMKDIR c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Datacopy Mopy\bash.ini c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopyxcopy "Mopy\Data\Actor Levels" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Mopy\Data\Actor Levels" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\INI Tweaks" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\INI Tweaks" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Bash Patches" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Bash Patches" /D /E /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bash Readme Template.html" c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bash Readme Template.txt"  c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bashed Lists.html" c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy "Data\Docs\Bashed Lists.txt"   c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy Data\Docs\wtxt_sand_small.css  c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Yxcopy Data\Docs\wtxt_teal.css c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\Data\Docs /D /C /R /I /K /Ycopy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\BashSettings.dat" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"copy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\BashProfiles.dat" "c:\games\oblivion\BashBack\My Games\Oblivion"pause

In short - I think that apart from Saves and Oblivion Mods folders (the second one due to its size) all other files should be backed up.
Unlike mine the backup module should compare the CRCs of all ini tweaks and css files (and I know not what else) to the default bash ones and include them in the back up - so the user will have to just back up his/her saves and oblivion mods folder and be good to migrate

Thanks for bearing with me :D
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:55 pm

Ah yes - now that I am back into it - I had requested once to be able to specify command line options for 7z - pack to archive is one of the commands in the installers tab I never use - and it is of course a shame - reason being that I want my 7z ultra compressed while Bash has the second from the top setting (IIRC). As I understand you added an option for specifying solid block size - would be great if we could provide in the ini a default command line for 7z (which if present would bypass all other settings).
This feature - pack to archive from the installers tab - is super nifty (instead of opening the project folder in explorer > Ctrl-A > rClick > 7-zip > add to archive > select archive > move it into bash installers > delete project - see how much of a chorus it is) - and the only reason I don't use it is that I can't control the archive options.
Anyway reinstalling Ob soon - expect to get some feedback from long hours working with bash :toughninja:
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luke trodden
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:59 pm

@IndianWarbones: You should read up more about what each function does. There is a HTML version of the http://wryebash.netai.net/ included with Wrye Bash, located in the Mopy folder. Or the online version I just linked you to is fine, maybe a little dated in some aspects though. Overall it's completely safe to use MOST if not all Import functions. Occasionally though you'll want to deselect some options within each.

There is an index on the left covering each individual option.

For example, http://wryebash.netai.net/#ImportFormids is the section regarding FormID's.

In your other thread about your names changing, due to the http://wryebash.netai.net/#ImportNames and http://wryebash.netai.net/#TweakNames options, I had mentioned this. Under Import Names you'll have two .csv files. One changes Gaurds names, hence the name Gaurd_Names.csv and the other, Rational_Names.csv, changes many items names. You just have to read over the descriptions and decide if they apply to you and do you want the changes. It's really up to you, user preference.

Thank you. After reading, I'm still not getting if I need the orignal Rational Names and Guard Names mod to use their option under Import Names. Are these options just patches or the actual mods?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:00 pm

Also - really really glad I see this backing up feature coming up :goodjob:
Still I will http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1109736-relz-wrye-bash-thread-49/page__view__findpost__p__16263865 here some should-be-made additions to the manual back up part of the readme :
Maybe a more detailed (a la http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=1&rm=show_topic&topic_id=106) account of the files created by Bash would be helpful (albeit a bit anol)
Gaticus posted a long list the other day - not sure which ones are worth backing up
On the other hand maybe worth backing up user made ini tweaks etc (etc ?).
In general I think this whole backing up feature asks for some discussion. I had posted a BAT file for doing the backup (my first or second bat so it is terrible - does not check for identical files etc - but gives you an idea of what I am talking about) :

In short - I think that apart from Saves and Oblivion Mods folders (the second one due to its size) all other files should be backed up.
Unlike mine the backup module should compare the CRCs of all ini tweaks and css files (and I know not what else) to the default bash ones and include them in the back up - so the user will have to just back up his/her saves and oblivion mods folder and be good to migrate

Thanks for bearing with me :D

Glad you are looking forward to the backup feature. Me too :)
Yes, I suppose the Mopy/Data, Bashed Patches, INI Tweaks folders and the css files in the Docs folder should be backed up. Did I miss anything you suggested? Should the user's Bashed Patch(s) be backed up? Is there any other files that might need to be backed up? What is Bash Lists.txt/html. I'm not familiar with those files. Load order list?

Here is the list of files that are being backed up so far:

Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Converters.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Installers.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data\Table.dat/pkl/bak
Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data\INI Data\Table.dat/pkl/bak
AppData\Oblivion\bash config.pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\BashProfiles.dat/bak
My Games\Oblivion\BashSettings.dat/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Messages.dat/pkl/bak/html
My Games\Oblivion\ModBase.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\People.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Bash\Table.dat/pkl/bak
My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save Profile *\Bash\table.dat/pkl/bak

That is all the data files that bash generates as needed. The files you mentioned are never altered by Bash unless you update versions so I did not consider them, though they do need to be accounted for.

I should point out that the purpose of the new backup feature is not for migrating to a new version though. In fact, the intention is that you can backup your settings in case you need to revert back to an older version, or in case your Bash settings get corrupted for some reason. As it is, and in future versions, Bash will correctly migrate your existing settings to your new version for you, adjusting the format as needed, etc. This is why the backup feature is necessary. Because if the formats do change and you wish to revert, it would be difficult to restore your old settings.

Now that you have brought it up though, I will need to make a minor adjustment to how restore operations are handled. Right now, it will not let you restore a backup into any version of Bash that does not use the same internal formats, although it should only matter if you are trying to restore a backup to a version of Bash that is older than the backup. Bash versions that are newer than the backup should automatically adapt your settings to it's new formats.

This backup feature is actually a stepping stone toward a complete rollback functionality (which will include ALL bash files and folders, but not your Installers and Savegames) so that reverting to a previous version can be automated from an un/installer.

All of this is a grand scheme to provide Bash users with some protection before some more significant changes are implemented that will break backward compatibility. If the upcoming changes cause problems, at least you guys will be able to easily go back to your old version and people won't have to yell at me ;)
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:19 pm

That is all the data files that bash generates as needed. The files you mentioned are never altered by Bash unless you update versions so I did not consider them, though they do need to be accounted for.

I should point out that the purpose of the new backup feature is not for migrating to a new version though.

Hey thanks for following up :)

Only one thing : not migrating to a new version but to a new pc/new installl !
I have trust in new versions of Bash (so reverting not really the issue (wait for new version lol) as much as being able to keep settings in the case of an Ob reinstall/corruption)- I want to have my installers settings/save game profiles (so load orders)/ini tweaks/etc (etc ? I have to work on it)
I have to think hard on it - no Oblivion install yet - hopefully soon
For the moment
Should the user's Bashed Patch(s) be backed up? Is there any other files that might need to be backed up? What is Bash Lists.txt/html. I'm not familiar with those files. Load order list?
Not the user's Bashed patch but the configuration files (export bashed patch settings IIRC)
Feedback soon lol :D

and thanks !!
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Matt Fletcher
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