I have no time now but hopefully soon I'll look more into it - this back up feature really thrills me and I am sorry I was not around when it was proposed. I don't know how you plan on exporting the settings - if at all. An export feature would be great.
I will look in SF and give more feedback asap
I've already made the changes to be able to handle restoring a backup to a different install. The patch has been uploaded, it's just waiting to get committed to the SVN.
This has already been proposed many times already in many variations - by me also - I proposed the markers to appear with a little cross by them which if clicked would collapse all installers till next marker/end. Do not know if even possible - got the answer that for the moment was not planned - I understand it might be a huge hassle. The Firefox bookmarks scheme is rather rigid for BAIN though methinks - and definitely not reflect this on the drive - would be too complicated implementation wise I think. Just the markers being collapsible would perfectly do - it would be hugely useful when BAINing one's install - instead of scrolling up and down past hundreds of entries. Would be also easy to focus into each group and order it. So for organizational purposes making the markers into collapsible headers would jolly well do - without messing up the internals of BAIN.
Hide functionality would be needed anyway - cf my post
I agree. (except about the hide functionality

The idea is that once the folders have been reorganized, it will then be possible to have subfolders within the Bash Installers folder. Just that alone would be a good addition I think. All the installers would still be displayed using a flat list in Bash but you could organize your installers on disk for better management and less clutter. So far, I haven't really explored how the folders could be used in conjunction with display and management within the installers tab.
I'm thinking that the subfolders could be used to create automatic markers. These would just be a default behaviour. EG. when a new subfolder is detected a corresponding marker is created and all installers that are detected within that folder are grouped under that marker. Otherwise, you could still arrange all your installers and markers however you want, just like now.
As far as collapsible markers go, if it's doable without too much trouble I think it's a good idea.
What's with this thing about renaming Bash Installers to BAIN Installers - I haven't followed the discussion, but I'd like to point out that (AFAIK) BAIN is an acronym for BAsh INstallers. Changing the folder to BAIN Installers is silly, because then it would be Bash Installers Installers.
Yes, but that's just semantics

I did also consider BAIN Mods or BAIN Archives, but I think this deviates a bit too much from what people are used to. BAIN Mods might be ok.
Part of my reasoning for this change is not just for conformity but also to help ensure that the BAIN folders remain grouped together since they would no longer be nested.
Currently, I suspect alot of people use the Oblivion Mods folder to store all their downloaded archives, BAIN or not.
When the BAIN folders are mingled with several dozen other folders, it would be good if they at least remain together, if not at the top of the directory list as well.
It's not a big issue of course, so I'm not opposed to leaving the name. There is still going to be the Bash Mod Data folder anyways, so the effort to keep them all grouped is incomplete anyhow.
You missed the point. Look closer. I just installed Python 2.6.6 and it borked everything. Couldn't start WB. Then I ignored the first post, uninstalled all and installed the WP03a package.
I don't know why I decided to upgrade to Python 2.6.6, anyway. Python 2.5.6 was working fine. If as stated in the first post, you are developing WB using Python 2.6.6 and we are installing Python 2.6.5, that might explain why people are getting these bizarre startup errors lately.
Forgot to mention, I'm running WB 2.85 because although WB 2.87 is stable, rebuilding the patch was much slower.
Oh I see. AFAIK, if you use python 2.6.6 you should be using wxPython 2.9 or higher