When I try to use Export Item Data on Better Cities Resources.esm from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16513 I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Games\Windows\Patches\oblivion\utils\Wrye_Bash_288\Mopy\basher.py", line 9919, in Execute itemStats.readFromMod(fileInfo) File "D:\Games\Windows\Patches\oblivion\utils\Wrye_Bash_288\Mopy\bosh.py", line 13463, in readFromMod stats[longid] = tuple(recordGetAttr(attr) for attr in attrs) File "D:\Games\Windows\Patches\oblivion\utils\Wrye_Bash_288\Mopy\bosh.py", line 13463, in stats[longid] = tuple(recordGetAttr(attr) for attr in attrs)AttributeError: 'MreAlch' object has no attribute 'modPath'
fixed the error though that function is still not very good (ie not 100% complete especially on import), thanks.
Hi PacificMorrowind and WB Team,
a feature request: a tweak to zero the disposition of crime victims and witnesses (in the latter group, excluding members of factions like Thieves Guild, DB, etc)
Thanks for considering

I'll add it to the list... but unless there's something I don't know (possible - never really looked at Oblivion's crime stuff) that would have to be an in-game script and require OBSE so on the low list.
On the upcoming Wrye installer: I would welcome if the installer was to check whether your PC has the all proper and necessary Python files, supplements etc. already installed. And if not, maybe downloads and installs them automatically. Or exit the installation instructing the user to install/update the Python on his machine, possibly providing the link to Tesnexus which package of Python to get, then run the WB installer again.
My problem with WB install is/was never the WB portion but the Python portion. There seem be so many different versions, supplementals etc. with cryptic names on them, and frankly I at least have no idea what I'm actually installing and I am never sure if I did it all correctly. WB 287 is running so I guess it's good. But the whole Python complex and its installation is a big black box for me. I think the WyrePython packages on Tesnexus are a big help, but even of those exist about 3 or 4 different versions (IIRC)... so the immense choices make it rather more complicated and confusing, and I at least always feel a bit lost when confronted with Python installation.
Now WB 287 is running fine (got it right on the first try), so I guess I did OK, but I always feel a tremendous stone falling off my chest when WB actually starts for the first few times.
Sorry if something along these lines was already considered. I have been following the installer discussion not very closely.
I'll clean the nexus page a bit... definitely could use it... will be able to clean it up a even more very soon... 291 is going to be appreciated by a lot a people I do believe.
Installer: yep I can definitely check for proper python files at least mostly (ie manual archive extractions it would be hard to detect properly but any user doing that for python components probably won't be using the installer for Wrye Bash). The installer discussion has not been much... basically me saying that I'm working on one and in the BOSS thread where I've got a really groovy installer now for BOSS saying that I'll have to significantly rewrite the Bash isntaller now that I've finished that pretty complicated installer and learnt so much more about NSIS Scripting, so I doubt you've missed anything really.
I also have a feature request:
Export/Import Ingredients: To create ingredient overhauls that cover several mods easily. It should export the name, value, weight and the effects of all ingredients from a mod. The import step should run before import names.
adding to the list

Pacific Morrowind