Some requests of my own if you will

Can the Bashed patch be used to assign a generic icon to spells/items/quest entries that are missing one?
yes... would I guess go in misc tweaks... Any thoughts on a good icon(s) to use?
Can BAIN automatically detect (or try to detect) whether the voice files in a mod are blank and apply "skip voices" automatically? (check size or packing ratio or somesuch)
well not very well... it can check if size less than *somevalue* but the problem is that in many cases (as in most that I know of) the blank sound files are not blank but just x seconds of dead air which takes the same amount of size give or take as x seconds of non-dead air... and as far as I can tell same other properties... I could still add one that checks for zero sized sound files but I think that would be pretty limited use so unless someone wants that despite that or has another idea I think the answer would be "nope sorry".
Have problem with Wrye Bash, after Installing everything (running Wrye Bash 275 - Self Installer and Wrye Python 03a) but clikick on the Launch button a quick loading window pops open and disapear and then nothing.
Have tried to find the bugdump in Oblivion/Mopy (it's bash.log right?) but I can't find it there.
ALso, I'm following the TESIV:POSItive guide to a complete modded oblivion, it tells me to change something to a copy of the ini file, in it there is just one long string of text. It talks alot about the sOblivionMods that I'm to change but what one shall i set to the path to my Oblivion mods, noone seems like the right.
to generate the bugdump you need to run cmdprompt, cd to Oblivion/Mopy and then type
C:/Python26/python.exe "wrye bash launcher.pyw" (or but that usage is being depreciated soon) -d > bugdump.txt
(changing the python path as required for your system).
I would like to request two new features for Wrye Bash. One concerns the Bashed Patch and the other concerns the Installers section.
First, for the Installers section, could you please add an option to prevent installers from installing files into the following directories:
\data\distantlod(already implemented)
The reason for this is that there are tools available that can create the files that go into these folders which means that end-users can (and, if they have numerous landscape enhancers, should) generate their own versions of these files based on their mod list. Having options to supress the installation of these files will make it easier to create your own versions.
Second request is for the Bashed Patch. Is it possible to add a "Silence Script Effect" tweak? It seems that "Duke Patrick's Basic Script Effect Silencer" is the most popular and comprehensive mod for this purpose so I loaded it into TES4Edit to see what changes it makes. Here is a screenshot of the changes it makes to the SEFF magic effect record (which BW is the only change the plugin makes):
The parts with the blue box around them are the changes made to silence script effect spells. Also, while DP's script effect silencer doesn't touch the records with a red box around them, it would probably be a good idea if Wrye Bash checks that those records are also set to Null.
huh must have missed something sometime... probably in the last year that I've been quite busy and haven't been at all keeping up with mod releases, but what tool(s) are you using to generate files for those top two directories (either that or I never noticed something that Tes4lodGen generates and I should downgrade myself to blind as an eyeless worm)?
options to suppress added; though not really nicely named... any ideas on good names for them? (currently just named skip %folderpath%)
Adding the Script Effect Silencer tweak.
thanks as always for the good ideas

Pacific Morrowind