Ah yes - now that I am back into it - I had requested once to be able to specify command line options for 7z - pack to archive is one of the commands in the installers tab I never use - and it is of course a shame - reason being that I want my 7z ultra compressed while Bash has the second from the top setting (IIRC). As I understand you added an option for specifying solid block size - would be great if we could provide in the ini a default command line for 7z (which if present would bypass all other settings).
This feature - pack to archive from the installers tab - is super nifty (instead of opening the project folder in explorer > Ctrl-A > rClick > 7-zip > add to archive > select archive > move it into bash installers > delete project - see how much of a chorus it is) - and the only reason I don't use it is that I can't control the archive options.
Anyway reinstalling Ob soon - expect to get some feedback from long hours working with bash :toughninja:
working on that... what would be your prefered command line options so that I can test it to make sure that Bash is working as desired?
Trying to delete a project in BAIN gives me this error:
The folder is not deleted. If I then try again, the folder is deleted with no problems. This bug has been around for ages, I just always forgot to note what the error said.
oh blast... the kind of error I hates... the kind I can't reproduce... I can make it fail if I set contents to Read-Only but then it just fails and fails again (well in 290 anyways... in 291 that is now fixed, thanks)... any suggestions on reproducing that issue?
In case no one has mentioned it, Nexus has changed the name format of new mod downloads.
The version number of the mod is appended to the end of the file name.
I think existing mod files will remain in the old format, but new mods will use the new format.
An example is TNO's Hud mod:
Old file - HUD_Status_Bars_1_2-34905.7z
New file - HUD_Status_Bars_2_0-34905-2-0.7z
As long as a person manually renames the packages used with BAIN, no problem.
However, the new format isn't recogonized for right-click "Open at TesNexus".
yep I saw that... adjusted the regexp and working fine for both now, thanks for the name examples.
Hey thanks

- what I mean is the .ini files I downloaded, when opened in notepad, have no line breaks - dunno if this can cause problems when merging them with the Oblivion ini (I do not have Ob installed yet)
because notepad svcks

Python doesn't care but diffing on different OS's (ie Linux) it is tidier if they use the OS standard EOL... unix is \r, mac is \n and windows\dos is \r\n ... notepad++ and all sensible notepad replacements are happy either way.
EDIT: to be clear Python will aply them correctly whatever the EOL format is in the files.
I just checked an ini tweak file in notepad and it's fine.
How did you download the ini files? I'm guessing with Sourceforge SVN Browser? I suspect this is the case (yep, just tested). It probably keeps everything as unix format.
Get yourself TortoiseSVN if you'd like to Checkout the repository.
PacificMorrowind, myk002:
Why is it configured for different eol styles anyhow. Someone developing Wrye Bash on linux? o_O
This makes it inconvenient and difficult for a casual user to test the bleeding edge and give feedback.
oh wasn't aware that the sourceforge SVN Browser would keep it in unix... have to look into that; except for looking at the files in notepad and stuff like that it won't cause any problems in running/editing the files (forexample bosh.py used to have a mix of all THREE eols).
Pacific Morrowind