Wrye Bash woes

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:28 am

I feel guilty for admitting this, but I really don't like Wrye Bash. It's needlessly complicated and a huge pain to get working correctly, especially if you're new to it. I avoid using it when I can since I've never gotten it to work correctly and because I prefer the simplicity of OBMM, but some mods require a knowledge of how to use it so you can install mods via bain. The one I'm trying to get working is Open Cities Reborn. I've never gotten the installers tab to work correctly and I'm not sure where to place the folder. I've googled and read over readme files, but I still haven't figured this out. Does anyone know what this means? I always get it when I attempt to view the installers tab.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:19 pm

It's needlessly complicated and a huge pain to get working correctly

No, it isn't.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:31 pm

I feel guilty for admitting this, but I really don't like Wrye Bash. It's needlessly complicated and a huge pain to get working correctly, especially if you're new to it. I avoid using it when I can since I've never gotten it to work correctly and because I prefer the simplicity of OBMM, but some mods require a knowledge of how to use it so you can install mods via bain. The one I'm trying to get working is Open Cities Reborn. I've never gotten the installers tab to work correctly and I'm not sure where to place the folder. I've googled and read over readme files, but I still haven't figured this out. Does anyone know what this means? I always get it when I attempt to view the installers tab.

The folks in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107163-relz-wrye-bash-thread-48/ are good at interpreting error messages like the one you post. I'd ask there about that.

One thing I notice from the message, however, is that you've installed Oblivion to the Program Files folder, which can cause permissions problems with Vista and 7. Mods may not install correctly when the game is in that folder. Reinstalling to somewhere else, like D\Games, is recommended.

No need to feel guilty for not liking the program. But, it would probably be better to rephrase "needlessly complicated and a huge pain" to something more like "has a steep learning curve and is tougher for the less computer savvy." It's not needlessly complicated. It's as complicated as it needs to be in order to do all the amazing things it does so well.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:27 pm

One thing I notice from the message, however, is that you've installed Oblivion to the Program Files folder, which can cause permissions problems with Vista and 7. Mods may not install correctly when the game is in that folder. Reinstalling to somewhere else, like D\Games, is recommended.

Only if its program files folder on the system partition, which is usually C:\ not D:\

I wanted to help, but then saw steam and made a cross symbol, blessed the keyboard with holy water and got the string of garlic out :) - Sorry I am clueless with steam installations, prefer having a disk to install when it all goes pete tong (and no chance of the company giving your digital property the rights to install going belly up, like some of those bright spark ideas like online mp3 stores)

Agree with everything Gothemasticator says, best in the official thread for that problem. It may go un-noticed here and slip off the forum recent pages.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:50 am

The error message is likely the result of a readme in the Data directory with extended characters (umlauts, japanese characters, etc.) in its filename. Renaming the file should get it working. Though if you have a readme with extended characters, there's a good possibility that you have resources installed that have extended characters. Bash will choke on those files as well. You'd need to rename/delete those files as well, but that is likely to break whichever mod installed the files in the first place.

Bash is just now starting to get support for handling extended characters properly, and that will be the major feature of the next release. It still needs more work to get it 100% working, and I've been...sidetracked...by StarCraft II.

For now, your best bet would be to either manually install Open Cities Reborn, or wait for the next version of Bash.

I'll restrain from commenting about your "needlessly complicated" complaint. However, if you have specific examples of where it is overly complicated and have a well thought out means to simplify it while retaining all the current functionality, feel free to make suggestions in the Bash thread.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 pm

Only if its program files folder on the system partition, which is usually C:\ not D:\
I saw that, but I'm guessing that someone uncomfortable with Wrye Bash is not savvy enough to separate the Program Files from the rest of the system partition. Just a guess, though.

I wanted to help, but then saw steam and made a cross symbol, blessed the keyboard with holy water and got the string of garlic out :) - Sorry I am clueless with steam installations, prefer having a disk to install when it all goes pete tong (and no chance of the company giving your digital property the rights to install going belly up, like some of those bright spark ideas like online mp3 stores).
Steam installations are no different, really. Even OBSE works just as easily. Just a different folder path.

As for the belly-ups, I can't tell you who to trust, but it's a new era. Steam's a well-founded financially stable company with an income stream that ain't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. Nothing's certain, sure. But discs don't last forever either. Go ahead and ask me how many times I've repurchased Fallout and Fallout 2, looking around on ebay, etc. I wait for sales, just like I do (or did) for sales on discs. So what if Steam goes belly up in 2 years? I'll lose a handful of games I paid $5-$20 for and played for several years. Like that's never happened with discs.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

Go ahead and ask me how many times I've repurchased Fallout and Fallout 2, looking around on ebay, etc. I wait for sales, just like I do (or did) for sales on discs. So what if Steam goes belly up in 2 years? I'll lose a handful of games I paid $5-$20 for and played for several years. Like that's never happened with discs.

O_o You dont keep your disks in a lead lined hermetically sealed vault? :facepalm: :laugh: Thank heavens we have FOSE avoiding the launchers need for having the disk in the tray. I agree though, disk lifetime degrades no matter how careful you are, with a game that has such extended longevity as TES series does I tend to rely on a first time full install of everything (GOTY), then archive the whole setup with a rar/7zip.

Re-installs are just a case of pray the install disk does a basic (just for the registry settings really), followed by overwrite with the extracted zip of the previous full install, then let bain go to town and re-install the last stable mod collection - Note to OP.. last one took about 35 minutes alltogether, another Wrye Bash plus with Bains. The whole setup backed up to an external USB HD.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:04 pm

So many replies and "watch this topic" obviously didn't work correctly. Must be because I'm using my facebook account. I can't move my Oblivion install to another path since it has to be in the same folder as Steam (also my biggest hard drive partition). Also, permissions should be irrelevant to this problem since I turned off UAC a long time ago. I freakin hate UAC. I really didn't mean to offend anyone, especially those who programmed it. I just had spent about 2 hours sifting through readmes trying to figure out what the problem was.
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