It saved me more than a few times in Oblivion, and I noticed the longer you play FONV, and the more
places you find and the more things you collect and quests you get done, it seems to start crashing
more and more
Installed Mod Files:00 falloutnv.esm01 DeadMoney.esm02 classicpack.esm03 mercenarypack.esm04 tribalpack.esm05 caravanpack.esm06 RRCompanionVault.esm07 wsix.esm08 more perks.esm09 Weapon Mod Expansion.esm0A fook - new vegas.esm0B FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm0C WME - Dead Money.esm0D mikotobeauty.esm0E compiled patch.esp0F darnifieduinv.esp10 Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp** MikotoBPCCFull.esp11 goodspringshome.esp12 markers.esp13 fook - new vegas.esp++ FOOK - No Loose Files.esp14 FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp15 free play after mq.esp16 wsixinnuendoanims.esp17 wsixinnuendonpcs.esp18 wsix_workgirl_tryout.esp19 more perks update.esp1A bettergameperformancev3.esp1B bzbody.esp1C falloutnvcheatterminal.esp1D lfox bottle that water.esp1E portablecampsite.esp1F better ammo crafting.esp20 lfox missing ammo recipes.esp21 xcalibruniverse_impulsepurchasepack.esp22 xcalibruniverse_mo'guns.esp23 nvladyoutfit1.esp24 vt08rangergear.esp25 allcompanionsessential 2.0.esp26 Jade.esp27 NVC_Misty.esp [Version 1.1]28 unlimitedcompanions.esp++ T3T_MiscItemIconsNV.esp++ Sorter - Combined.esp++ Sorter - Combined - T3T Icon Compatch.esp++ Sorter - Combined - Aid Crafting.esp29 easy unlocking and easy hacking and guaranteed pick pocket.esp2A dn more lights.esp2B fellout.esp++ URWLNV Darker Night.esp++ URWLNV Brighter Lights.esp++ Weapon Mod Expansion.esp++ WME - Dead Money.esp2C WME - FOOK.esp++ Vault_34_better_reactor.esp++ WME - FOOK - Dead Money.esp2D mikotobeauty.esp2E nvgoggles.esp++ LFox Easy Weapon Mods Leveled.esp2F speed glasses.esp30 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Import Actors: AIPackagesSource Mods? Compiled Patch.esp AI Package Lists Changed: 1? FalloutNV.ESM: 1 Import GraphicsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? T3T_MiscItemIconsNV.esp Modified Records? ALCH: 1 ? WEAP: 3 Import NamesSource Mods/Files? FalloutNV.esm ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Sorter - Combined.esp ? Sorter - Combined - Aid Crafting.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? LFox Bottle That Water.esp ? Better Ammo Crafting.esp Renamed Items? CONT: 4 ? EYES: 5 ? IMOD: 3 ? MISC: 16 ? WEAP: 5 Import ScriptsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? LFox Bottle That Water.esp Modified Records? MISC: 13 Import SoundsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp Modified Records Import StatsSource Mods/Files? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp Modified Stats? alch: 3 ? FalloutNV.esm: 3 ? Misc: 33 ? FalloutNV.esm: 33 ? Weapons: 5 ? FalloutNV.esm: 5 Leveled Lists Delevelers/Relevelers? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [ADR] ? Compiled Patch.esp [ADR] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [ADR] Empty Item Sublists? ClipCombatShotgun12 ? ClipDartGun10 ? ClipSawedOffShotgun12 ? CondChineseSwordRaider ? CondScoped44MagnumChineseGhoul ? CondScoped44MagnumLoot ? CondScoped44MagnumNPC ? CondVaultSecurityArmor ? CondVaultSecurityArmorHelmet ? LootAmmoRailwaySpikes ? VendorAmmo25mmGrenadeWP ? VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier1 ? VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier4 Empty Item Sublists Removed? ClutterMetroValue ? DeathItemCharon ? DeathItemClover ? GunRunnerStoreWeaponMods ? LootArmorVaultSecurity75 ? LootArmorVaultSecurityHelmet75 ? LootGunPistolsAll ? LootGunPistolsAll75 ? LootGunPistolsAll75NV ? MS15SydneyLootAmmoGeneric100 ? RaiderWeaponMeleeDefault ? VendorAmmoSpecial50 ? VendorAmmoSpecialAll ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumChineseGhoul ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumLoot ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumNPC FormID Lists Deflsters? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] Merged FormID Lists? AllPowerArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ArmorPowerTeslaList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? EnergyWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? Everything ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ExplodesGasTrapsOnHit ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? GrenadeList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? Hats ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVAllWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVArmorHeavyList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVTravelLightBadArmorList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? PlasmaSpazWeaponList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairCombatArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairMetalArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairPowerArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairRaiderArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ShotgunSurgeonWeaponsList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? TheProfessionalWeaponsList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? WeaponMachinegunLIST ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? WeaponShotgunLIST ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD]
Installed Mod Files:00 falloutnv.esm01 DeadMoney.esm02 classicpack.esm03 mercenarypack.esm04 tribalpack.esm05 caravanpack.esm06 RRCompanionVault.esm07 wsix.esm08 more perks.esm09 Weapon Mod Expansion.esm0A fook - new vegas.esm0B FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm0C WME - Dead Money.esm0D mikotobeauty.esm0E compiled patch.esp0F darnifieduinv.esp10 Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp** MikotoBPCCFull.esp11 goodspringshome.esp12 markers.esp13 fook - new vegas.esp++ FOOK - No Loose Files.esp14 FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp15 free play after mq.esp16 wsixinnuendoanims.esp17 wsixinnuendonpcs.esp18 wsix_workgirl_tryout.esp19 more perks update.esp1A bettergameperformancev3.esp1B bzbody.esp1C falloutnvcheatterminal.esp1D lfox bottle that water.esp1E portablecampsite.esp1F better ammo crafting.esp20 lfox missing ammo recipes.esp21 xcalibruniverse_impulsepurchasepack.esp22 xcalibruniverse_mo'guns.esp23 nvladyoutfit1.esp24 vt08rangergear.esp25 allcompanionsessential 2.0.esp26 Jade.esp27 NVC_Misty.esp [Version 1.1]28 unlimitedcompanions.esp++ T3T_MiscItemIconsNV.esp++ Sorter - Combined.esp++ Sorter - Combined - T3T Icon Compatch.esp++ Sorter - Combined - Aid Crafting.esp29 easy unlocking and easy hacking and guaranteed pick pocket.esp2A dn more lights.esp2B fellout.esp++ URWLNV Darker Night.esp++ URWLNV Brighter Lights.esp++ Weapon Mod Expansion.esp++ WME - Dead Money.esp2C WME - FOOK.esp++ Vault_34_better_reactor.esp++ WME - FOOK - Dead Money.esp2D mikotobeauty.esp2E nvgoggles.esp++ LFox Easy Weapon Mods Leveled.esp2F speed glasses.esp30 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Import Actors: AIPackagesSource Mods? Compiled Patch.esp AI Package Lists Changed: 1? FalloutNV.ESM: 1 Import GraphicsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? T3T_MiscItemIconsNV.esp Modified Records? ALCH: 1 ? WEAP: 3 Import NamesSource Mods/Files? FalloutNV.esm ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Sorter - Combined.esp ? Sorter - Combined - Aid Crafting.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? LFox Bottle That Water.esp ? Better Ammo Crafting.esp Renamed Items? CONT: 4 ? EYES: 5 ? IMOD: 3 ? MISC: 16 ? WEAP: 5 Import ScriptsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp ? LFox Bottle That Water.esp Modified Records? MISC: 13 Import SoundsSource Mods? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp Modified Records Import StatsSource Mods/Files? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp Modified Stats? alch: 3 ? FalloutNV.esm: 3 ? Misc: 33 ? FalloutNV.esm: 33 ? Weapons: 5 ? FalloutNV.esm: 5 Leveled Lists Delevelers/Relevelers? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [ADR] ? Compiled Patch.esp [ADR] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [ADR] Empty Item Sublists? ClipCombatShotgun12 ? ClipDartGun10 ? ClipSawedOffShotgun12 ? CondChineseSwordRaider ? CondScoped44MagnumChineseGhoul ? CondScoped44MagnumLoot ? CondScoped44MagnumNPC ? CondVaultSecurityArmor ? CondVaultSecurityArmorHelmet ? LootAmmoRailwaySpikes ? VendorAmmo25mmGrenadeWP ? VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier1 ? VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier4 Empty Item Sublists Removed? ClutterMetroValue ? DeathItemCharon ? DeathItemClover ? GunRunnerStoreWeaponMods ? LootArmorVaultSecurity75 ? LootArmorVaultSecurityHelmet75 ? LootGunPistolsAll ? LootGunPistolsAll75 ? LootGunPistolsAll75NV ? MS15SydneyLootAmmoGeneric100 ? RaiderWeaponMeleeDefault ? VendorAmmoSpecial50 ? VendorAmmoSpecialAll ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumChineseGhoul ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumLoot ? WithAmmoScoped44MagnumNPC FormID Lists Deflsters? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] Merged FormID Lists? AllPowerArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ArmorPowerTeslaList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? EnergyWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? Everything ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ExplodesGasTrapsOnHit ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? GrenadeList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? Hats ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVAllWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVArmorHeavyList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? NVTravelLightBadArmorList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? PlasmaSpazWeaponList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairCombatArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairMetalArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairPowerArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? RepairRaiderArmor ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? ShotgunSurgeonWeaponsList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? TheProfessionalWeaponsList ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? Compiled Patch.esp ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? WeaponMachinegunLIST ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD] ? WeaponShotgunLIST ? FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [AD] ? FOOK - New Vegas.esp [AD]
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 4906, in Execute patchFile.scanLoadMods(SubProgress(progress,0.2,0.8)) #try to speed this up! File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 16803, in scanLoadMods modFile.load(True,SubProgress(progress,index,index+0.5)) File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 7252, in load self.tops[label].mergeRecords(records)AttributeError: 'MobWorlds' object has no attribute 'mergeRecords'
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 4906, in Execute patchFile.scanLoadMods(SubProgress(progress,0.2,0.8)) #try to speed this up! File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 16803, in scanLoadMods modFile.load(True,SubProgress(progress,index,index+0.5)) File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 7252, in load self.tops[label].mergeRecords(records)AttributeError: 'MobWorlds' object has no attribute 'mergeRecords'
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 4906, in Execute patchFile.scanLoadMods(SubProgress(progress,0.2,0.8)) #try to speed this up! File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 16813, in scanLoadMods modFile.load(True,SubProgress(progress,index,index+0.5)) File "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\", line 7262, in load self.tops[label].mergeRecords(records)AttributeError: 'MobICells' object has no attribute 'mergeRecords'