Oh, I've been reading your site, trust me

I'm afraid it lacks a lot of the details I'm looking for in this case. This is all very familiar to you guys that work with this stuff all the time, but as a "user" coming in and trying to assimilate what I need to get my mods running, it's all too much. I was afraid to select most of the options because I don't understand the impact they may have. And a lot of it does not apply to me. And forget about Bain - it's too much of a pain

Your site is very good and has a lot of excellent information - don't get me wrong. It answered a lot of questions I had. Just remember that your audience is not necessarily a techie that will understand a lot of what you write. I am actually a techie - I just don't want to replicate my day-time job when I'm playing games!! Besides, I've retired from coding - and I'm old enough to retire from coding at least

Oh, and lastly, the issue wasn't the selections I was making for the bashed patch anyway. It's the options on which mods to include once you have made those selections. Try it! Import Names and only select the mod you want to import into your bashed patch - per the instructions. It won't work. You need to select a
second mod to compare against, unlike some of the other import functions... You have to manually select oblivion.esm in this instance. I presume that if you select other mods, more names would be imported, so it probably wouldn't hurt to select everything you have loaded, but I haven't tested that.