[RELZ] Wrye Leveling

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:49 pm

so wrye is it possible to import Reneer Guard Overhaul with wrye bash.
of do a have to ask reneer for this.
it could be very nice to have the options in just 1 place in your inventory.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 pm

so wrye is it possible to import Reneer Guard Overhaul with wrye bash.
of do a have to ask reneer for this.
it could be very nice to have the options in just 1 place in your inventory.

That's something that you'll have to ask Reneer for. I think that he'll say no, but you might want to ask (once) just to let him know there an interest in this sort of thing. The problem from Reneer's side is that would make RGO dependent on Cob Main.esm -- and modders are famously (and fairly reasonably) reluctant to make their mods dependent on other mods.

This is something that I've been thinking about recently, but I just don't have a good solution for it.
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clelia vega
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:10 pm

That's something that you'll have to ask Reneer for. I think that he'll say no, but you might want to ask (once) just to let him know there an interest in this sort of thing. The problem from Reneer's side is that would make RGO dependent on Cob Main.esm -- and modders are famously (and fairly reasonably) reluctant to make their mods dependent on other mods.

This is something that I've been thinking about recently, but I just don't have a good solution for it.

ok thnx for the responds. will ask him. i have a no and can get a yes.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:48 pm

New Version: 03: Improved Wrye Morph Compatibility
Requires Cobl 1.41.
• Uses level day var defined in cobMorphX.
• Uses new Cobl menubook icon.

Be sure to upgrade to http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3508 first!

If you already have Wrye Leveling 02, then there's no real need to upgrade to Leveling 03 -- unless you're also running Wrye Morph. The main difference of 03 is some communication between Wrye Morph and Wrye Leveling (through Cobl) that allows different identities to have different "days to wait to relevel" counts. E.g. one identity might be able to level up now, while another might have to wait a few days. (Note: Doing this will also require version X6-21 of Wrye Morph -- should be out later tonight or tomorrow.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 pm

Thanks for the update on both Cobl & Wrye Leveling, Wrye. Everything you make seems to be useful to me. :D

:spotted owl:
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:14 pm

Thanks a bunch for a(nother!) great mod. It's my first leveling mod, becaus eit was the first one that I could (easily?) make heads and tails of.
I do have two questions, however. I'm still gaining skills from using them. Is that intended? If yes, I'll simply lower the available skill increases when leveling up in order to avoid getting my major skills too high up too soon.
And... I can't train anymore. It always says "I have used all of your training... thingies" and proudly states 0/0 training sessions. Is this part of Wrye Leveling or have I inadverdently picked up something nasty somewhere else?

edit... silly me... it does say that training is done away with... sorry for ummm... not paying enough attention
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:16 pm

Owllet, Ryanna: You're welcome. :)

Looks great. I've got a question though, does this still have skill experience accumulating but 'ignored' (e,g, it sets iLevelUpSkillCount to 65535 or something), or does it work by reducing experience gain in all skills to 0? I ask as I'm trying to track player attacks using GetPlayerSkillUse, but if it'd be incompatible with Wrye Leveling then I'll try and find another way.

I currently have skill use gain turned off. But I could instead change http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/FSkillUseExp from 1.5 to 5, which would almost completely turn off skill raising by use, even though you're still gaining experience.

iLevelUpSkillCount is different -- that's what controls how many skill gains result in a level up (default value 10). I already set that to a high value.

Edit: I just checked, and setting fSkillUseExp to 5 seems to do the job. And it allows me to avoid modifying skill records, which is better for compatibility. So I'll do this in the next release. (Maybe this weekend.) Keep in mind that this means that skilluse may become fairly high -- still, it should be well within a reasonable resolution on floats.

Thanks a bunch for a(nother!) great mod. It's my first leveling mod, becaus eit was the first one that I could (easily?) make heads and tails of.
I do have two questions, however. I'm still gaining skills from using them. Is that intended? If yes, I'll simply lower the available skill increases when leveling up in order to avoid getting my major skills too high up too soon.

See above posts. I haven't played much, but yeah I am still seeing some use based upgrades, but only for very low usage skills. The way to eliminate it is to turn usage gains back off, but that would interfere with what Talkie Toaster wants to do.

Anyway, simplest solution for you is to create a small patch mod that turns usage based skill gains off. (Open TESCS. Load Oblivion.esm. Edit all skills so that skill usage base advancements are all zero. Save to new esp. Load that esp after Wrye Leveling.) I'll do a cleaner fix later (probably provide an in-game option to turn off usage based skill gains).
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:27 pm

New Version: 04: Optional Zero Skill Usage
* Checking Zero Skill Usage will change all skills so that their associated actions will produce no skill gain at all. (E.g. casting a restoration spell will not raise your restoration spell level.)
* While Wrye Leveling's other settings tend to greatly reduce the chance of usage based skill leveling, you may still see some leveling, especially at lower levels. Setting this option will turn such gains off completely.
* Note that there may be some mods which expect skill usage to increase (perhaps to detect that the player has successful cast a spell or hit a target). When using these mods, this feature should be de-activated.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:26 am

ill try it tonight, see if i like it, Wyre has impressed me with most of his work, let's see if he can do it again.
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:51 pm

Wrye Leveling removes usage and training based skill leveling altogether and replaces them with all an all-at-once skill+attribute leveling system. Here's a brief overview:
* Leveling up costs gold. It's not cheap.
* You cannot level beyond the maximum level (40).
* For each levelup, you have a fixed number of points to spend on attributes and skills. Attribute points can be spent on any attribute, regardless of what skills. I.e. no power leveling.
* All of this is very configurable. You can make it quite easy or quite difficult as you prefer.

For a list of other leveling systems, see http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=790175 (section 4). (I'm not sure where this fits in this scheme, other than that it's pretty much the opposite of natural grow type systems.)

A very controlled approach to leveling. Now one can stay level 1 until they collected all the pieces of decorated fur amrour :)
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 pm

I love this mod, thank you very much Wrye.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 am

I'm trying this one too, and really ratcheted up the gold requirements (probably too much)... 10K increase a level!

AND i am going to prevent myself from using Bag of Holding other than a place to store loot in one place while I make my trips back and forth to the merchant.

Yes, I am a masochist.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:10 pm

New Version: 05: Minor bugfix, Allow fast leveling
• Fix a bug that allowed overspending attribute points on luck.
• Allow setting cost per level to 0.

The lower limit on coster perlevel (through the options menu) is now 0. This is obviously wildly uber -- but it's your game. :) Don't ruin it for yourself. This lower level is mostly intended for people who want to start the game, quickly level up to some moderate level and then proceed normally from there.

markb50k: Are you still running at 10k/level? That would mean that going from level 9 to level 10 would cost 100k!
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:22 am

New Version: 05: Minor bugfix, Allow fast leveling
? Fix a bug that allowed overspending attribute points on luck.
? Allow setting cost per level to 0.

The lower limit on coster perlevel (through the options menu) is now 0. This is obviously wildly uber -- but it's your game. :) Don't ruin it for yourself. This lower level is mostly intended for people who want to start the game, quickly level up to some moderate level and then proceed normally from there.

markb50k: Are you still running at 10k/level? That would mean that going from level 9 to level 10 would cost 100k!

i moved it down to 5K, which is still a beyotch, but i set the costBase to -5000, so going from 9 to 10 would be 45K not 50K

One thing i notice tho, is that the "available" number that shows up in the level up screen is not accurate. I THINK its because I am still within the 3 day period, so the code probably doesnt update that available number unless that period has passed, perhaps?
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:31 pm

Hi Wrye,

Do you still have version 02 somewhere? I love the idea of this mod, but I don't use COBL. Not that I don't see it's usefulness, it's rather that I want to keep my Oblivion as mininal as possible (not include stuff I don't use).


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:15 pm

markb50k: I'll doublecheck the "available" number.

koldunic: All versions required Cobl (because of options menu). (You're probably looking at v 03, where a newer version of Cobl became required.)

If you don't want rest of Cobl contributions, then activate Cobl Main.esm, but not any of the Cobl esps. This will result in very minimal impact on your gameworld.

Edit: Since Cobl is primarily designed to be a resource/common library mod, it was important in the design that Cobl not force anything on users. Hence, it's been a design goal from the beginning that Cobl Main.esm have almost zero footprint on the game. Rather it mostly defines common stuff which other mods can then bring into play. (Of course, most people also use Cobl as an enrichment mod -- which is done by using the various esps -- which actually place stuff into the world.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:40 pm

koldunic: All versions required Cobl (because of options menu). (You're probably looking at v 03, where a newer version of Cobl became required.)

If you don't want rest of Cobl contributions, then activate Cobl Main.esm, but not any of the Cobl esps. This will result in very minimal impact on your gameworld.

I didn't knew it was that much modular! Nice, I'll do that. Thank you Wrye. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:56 pm

New Version: 05: Minor bugfix, Allow fast leveling
? Fix a bug that allowed overspending attribute points on luck.
? Allow setting cost per level to 0.

The lower limit on coster perlevel (through the options menu) is now 0. This is obviously wildly uber -- but it's your game. :) Don't ruin it for yourself. This lower level is mostly intended for people who want to start the game, quickly level up to some moderate level and then proceed normally from there.

markb50k: Are you still running at 10k/level? That would mean that going from level 9 to level 10 would cost 100k!

Starting to get the idea that I have poor fortune [mental note, choose the Thief birthsign], when starting up with Wrye Leveling, now. I'm getting an error popping up saying it requires OBSE 14 or higher, Cobl verified to 15 though in the console beforehand [and I'm pretty sure I have 15 installed]. No error text saying what version I have running. Cobl works fine [well the options key shows up if I disable Wrye Leveling, elsewise nothing comes up].

[ Bizarre and bizarre, some debugging later ]
Well, that error only really pops up if I start to have Wrye Leveling enabled at char-gen. So I guess it's not really a problem :). Saving after the error 'OBSE required' and then loading to that save does appear to be a good workaround.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 am

Starting to get the idea that I have poor fortune [mental note, choose the Thief birthsign], when starting up with Wrye Leveling, now. I'm getting an error popping up saying it requires OBSE 14 or higher, Cobl verified to 15 though in the console beforehand [and I'm pretty sure I have 15 installed]. No error text saying what version I have running. Cobl works fine [well the options key shows up if I disable Wrye Leveling, elsewise nothing comes up].

I had the same problem and ended up uninstalling and reinstalling everything. It works like a charm now. :huh:

I put a merchant/alchemist-type char on 1000 base plus 250/lvl with 5 attribute and 15 skill and lvl max at 50. Holy crap. It takes so long to level once you get into the teens. Also, according to my calculations, I'll only be able to max out like 4 skills and a couple of attributes. It's so rough compared to the lvl 52 power leveled Redguard I normally play.

One issue I've noticed is that Oblivion still wants me to sleep to level. Is there any way to disable that? It's just a little annoying to have that logo on screen all the time.

An interesting thing would be a mix of this and Must Train, so you not only have to train your skills, but you have to buy your attribute level ups as well. Requiring a certain amount of skill levels per attribute level would be fairly essential too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 pm

I had the same problem and ended up uninstalling and reinstalling everything. It works like a charm now. :huh:

I put a merchant/alchemist-type char on 1000 base plus 250/lvl with 5 attribute and 15 skill and lvl max at 50. Holy crap. It takes so long to level once you get into the teens. Also, according to my calculations, I'll only be able to max out like 4 skills and a couple of attributes. It's so rough compared to the lvl 52 power leveled Redguard I normally play.

One issue I've noticed is that Oblivion still wants me to sleep to level. Is there any way to disable that? It's just a little annoying to have that logo on screen all the time.

An interesting thing would be a mix of this and Must Train, so you not only have to train your skills, but you have to buy your attribute level ups as well. Requiring a certain amount of skill levels per attribute level would be fairly essential too.

I managed to get it to work, but I have no idea how. I think I just ran the game for a while without Wrye Leveling enabled, saved. Then enabled it, and it subsequently worked, even on later new games. THinking back I prolly should have mentioned that earlier.

With that, I only get that once, usually after level 2 [whereupon if I do sleep, I level up to 3, the conventional way]. I was figured it was something with my settings or such not completely disabling the old skill gain tracking.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:02 pm

in the Wrye Levelling settings under the Cobl menu, you have to have the one option that says 'stop skill advancement' or something like that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:05 am

I managed to get it to work, but I have no idea how. I think I just ran the game for a while without Wrye Leveling enabled, saved. Then enabled it, and it subsequently worked, even on later new games. THinking back I prolly should have mentioned that earlier.

With that, I only get that once, usually after level 2 [whereupon if I do sleep, I level up to 3, the conventional way]. I was figured it was something with my settings or such not completely disabling the old skill gain tracking.

I tried a bunch of stuff, but it was no worky the whole time. Reinstall was a last resort. I think the problem was lack of pluggy, as it was apparently required for this mod. I also thought I had it, and it just gave me the "you need obse v14 or higher to run".

The leveling message was persistent for me, even though I had standard skill advancement turned off as mentioned. Double Levels!!!

Oh, and I found that even with max attribute levels set to 100, Luck can increase above 100. I didn't check how far, but I was certainly weirded out by it. It's a minor annoyance in a very cool and interesting mod though.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:11 am

I am getting the same issue. Trying to level from 3 to 4 I level up via Wrye levelling and then am prompted to sleep immediately, resulting in another level gain.

I have no idea how to get around this. I have disabled and clean saved, deactivated/reactivated. I guess I will play without it for a bit and see what happens.

edit: or I guess the simple solution to avoid the double level up is to not sleep.

edit#2: whoops read the readme. I guess the mod is designed to assign a free be at some point so it appears to be functioning normally.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:31 pm

New Version: 06, Bugfixes, Training Quests
* Fix erroneous OBSE version error messages.
* Luck is now limited to 100.
* Add Training Quests option.

Training Quests: If this option is checked, then you'll need to complete each of the master training quests to raise the associated skill about 75. Note that the option is OFF by default -- so you'll need to enable this in the options menu if you like. See the readme for additional info.

Sleep To Level Up: Yeah helps to read the readme guys. :lol: Is likely to happen once, but shouldn't happen more than that. Note that you can also use the Zero Skill Usage option (though this may interfere with mods that track skill usage for one reason or another -- rare, but see earlier in topic).

OBSE Error Messages: That was timing related, but they were a bit erroneous -- if you had obse 14 or higher, you'd might get one message, but then shortly after that, normal operation would kick in.

PS: I haven't bug tested 06 much, but it's pretty simple bugfixes, and a quick test of the Training Quests option indicates that it seems to be doing the right thing.

BTW, I've modified the setup, so that training won't become available until you've done the first "Choose your class" thing (ordinarily happens when Belarus triggers the class choice dialog in the tutorial dungeon).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 pm

So I've finally decided that although "natural grow" mods are more to my liking, there aren't any "natural grow" mods out there that satisfy me (i.e. Most of them recalculate my attributes, including my starting attributes which makes picking a race purely cosmetic. Since I use the Race Balancing Project, you can imagine how stupid it must be to have my characters attributes recalculated).

I boiled down my choices to Oblivion XP and Wrye Leveling., but XP also recalculated attributes. :(

From what I've read so far on Wrye Leveling it seems more to my liking than I thought. Out of all the features/changes described in the readme, the only one I'm no 100% comfortable with is the whole Experience=Gold thing, but the more and more I think about it, the more it makes sense so whatever. Plus the customization is genius, and I've grown to greatly trust your work.

I just have two questions that I couldn't find answers to in the readme.

Health: As with vanilla leveling, each levelup results in a static health gain equal to 1/10 of your endurance after the level up. (Note this is in addition to the dynamic health gain due to endurance increases. For more info, see UESP: Health Gains.) As with vanilla, this implies that raising endurance sooner is better than raising it later. However, you may prefer to roleplay a stealth/magic character that does not focus so aggressively on their endurance ? the choice is yours.

I'm sorry for my inability to understand this but I just want to make sure. Wrye Leveling makes absolutely no changes to the Health Formula, am I right? Thus, it is fully compatible with the retroactive health formula from RBP?

2)Does Wrye Leveling recalculate attributes? *Please say no!!!* :)

Thank you,
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