New Version: 06, Bugfixes, Training Quests* Fix erroneous OBSE version error messages.
* Luck is now limited to 100.
* Add Training Quests option.
Training Quests: If this option is checked, then you'll need to complete each of the master training quests to raise the associated skill about 75. Note that the option is
OFF by default -- so you'll need to enable this in the options menu if you like. See the readme for additional info.
Sleep To Level Up: Yeah helps to read the readme guys.

Is likely to happen once, but shouldn't happen more than that. Note that you can also use the Zero Skill Usage option (though this may interfere with mods that track skill usage for one reason or another -- rare, but see earlier in topic).
OBSE Error Messages: That was timing related, but they were a bit erroneous -- if you had obse 14 or higher, you'd might get one message, but then shortly after that, normal operation would kick in.
PS: I haven't bug tested 06 much, but it's pretty simple bugfixes, and a quick test of the Training Quests option indicates that it seems to be doing the right thing.
BTW, I've modified the setup, so that training won't become available until you've done the first "Choose your class" thing (ordinarily happens when Belarus triggers the class choice dialog in the tutorial dungeon).