You don't have to mess anymore with Python nor WX, all is bundled in the executable.
Moreover, this version have some improvements:
- A new tab has appeared: the utilities tab, which allow user to launch any program or execute any command from Mash;
- The help window has been changed: it looks like a .chm one, with the help content on the left and page display on the right;
- By clicking on the green floppy disk in the status bar, you open the settings window;
- Some code tweeking for the installers tab: Mash won't send an error if it can't find the installers directory (usefull if this directory in located on a remote drive).
Download link (actual version 0.0.3): on, on (thanks to leonardo2 for this last one

- Settings window has a new entry: installers directory. This allow the user to change this setting without openening 'mash.ini.'
- The installers tab (and its functions) has been improved: if your Morrowind installers are on a remote/external drive and if this drive is not connected, WMSA don't send errors, only a warning.
- Ability to delete mods or save from WMSA (warning: this deletes the files).
- Localisation issues (non US users related) should be corrected.
Wrye Mash Thread #5 official thread link:
This version of Mash is under GNU-GPL, the sources are included in the installer.
The installer has been built with BIM.
There are certainly bugs or unattended issues, so if you find some, just let me know.
Edit: download link updated for version 0.0.3.