Wrye Mash: User's Guide to Managing Mods

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:44 pm

Wow, great work!

This is a huge improvement to the available Mash docs and general knowledge base. Once you get all these comments incorporated in a new doc I will try to offer more constructive feedback. Most of the things I noticed so far were already addressed by others.

Thank you for the great resource!
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:48 pm

Keeping Loot Items [Advanced Topic]
If you want to mostly delete a mod, but keep some loot, then you'll need a loot version of the mod. Some modders provide such mods. (If they don't then you'll need to use TESCS to extract the items that you want into a separate mod. Or you might put them into a merged loot mod.) If loot mod is just data (doesn't place anything into the game world), then you can just add the new mod and remove the old mod in the usual Mash way. If the loot mod does place objects in the game world (i.e. has cell records), then you would need to use a Mash updater. But I bet this situation is rare to non-existent.

By far the easiest way to do this is with Enchanted Editor. You can do it in just a few mouse clicks once you get over being scared of it.

First, make a copy of the mod file. It may help to name it something like _items.esp just to keep track of it. I usually also add my initials to the beginning of the name so I can easily tell it's something I've modified.

Open the renamed mod in Enchanted Editor. Delete everything you don't want to keep. This is especially easy if you just want to keep weapons, but not much harder if you want to keep all items. Once you've got the mod open in Enchanted Editor, check the box next to everything EXCEPT the following:

* Armor Types
* Body Parts
* Clothing
* Enchantments
* Items Misc
* Spells
* Weapons

This is the list of stuff you want to keep. They should not be checked. Any other non-grey items should have a checkmark next to them.

Now click the "Delete Marked" button.

Save it.

Open Mash and checkmark the new mod. Uncheck the old mod.

Use Mash "Repair Refs" on a copy of your save game to prevent doubling (since you just removed a lot of stuff referenced in your save game).

Load the game and test to see if you get any warnings.

The only complication here is if any of the items you kept have scripts attached to them. If so, you can either remove the script references from those items (in Enchanted Editor or the CS), or you can just leave those scripts in the mod.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:23 pm

Thank you to those who responded. :) I made some edits to try to incorporate comments when I understood them, and left things the way they were when I didn't, rather than mangle the text even more before I had a grasp on the issues.

Wrye, thank you very much for stopping by the thread.

I see that several people commented that WryeMash can be used to set load order. Indeed, that is what I use it FOR, in addition of course to preventing doubling. If the document doesn't make that clear, I should emphasize it more. I think I initially focused in my first post on using other utilities to set load order, because there had been questions about how to do that.

As you remark, and as the readme states, you would indeed have to turn off "lock times" to update the load order. (Oh drat, I wrote "lock load order" instead of "lock times." Another edit . . . )

From the readme: Note: If you want to use a non-Mash load ordering utility, you'll first need to turn off "Lock Times". When you're finished with the external ordering utility, turn Lock Times back on. It will reset to use the times set by the other utility.

But this is what I don't understand. How precisely does this work? The sentence implies there is a way to either export the load times from an external utility or import the load times via Mash. Otherwise, there would be no need to unlock times. If Utility A generates a list that says load Mods 1, 2, and 3, in the order 3, 2, 1, one could of course reorder those mods in Mash by hand without needing to turn off lock times--one would just enter new times for those mods and save the updated times. So I am assuming (possibly incorrectly) that there is another possible way of doing this, and that's what I was trying to address. Again, I haven't worked with programs other than TESTools, TESAME, and Mash, so I don't know (my computer freaks at the mere thought of Java). If anyone has any thoughts on this, they'd be appreciated.

I wondered why everyone was discussing keeping loot and then I realized it was because of my discussion of removers and safe cells. If that function seems one that's perhaps not frequently used or quite advanced, there's no need to go into it in detail. Getting the basic functions down in a clear way would be sufficient for people who have questions on the forums.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:13 pm

As far as I understand, "Lock Times" is an utility to prevent involuntary date changes by external tools, say TESTool. You can still change the dates, but once you recall to Wrye Mash it resets the dates to what it had stored. There is no need to unlock times when you modify plug-in dates from Wrye Mash, because it (I might be wrong on this) modifies directly the lists used to recall the dates.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:22 pm

As far as I understand, "Lock Times" is an utility to prevent involuntary date changes by external tools, say TESTool. You can still change the dates, but once you recall to Wrye Mash it resets the dates to what it had stored. There is no need to unlock times when you modify plug-in dates from Wrye Mash, because it (I might be wrong on this) modifies directly the lists used to recall the dates.

That's correct. You don't need to unlock the times to modify a time/date stamp in WryeMash--you simply change the date and time and press save. :) That's what's so easy about it.

And you are right that one of the benefits of lock times is that WryeMash will then automatically update times. For example, if I am working on a mod, the time and date of the mod changes every time I work on it. If i want to test it out, if I have "lock times" checked in WryeMash, Wrye will return the mod to its original position in my load list, rather than placing it last(ish) in the list (as it would likely be since it's the last thing I've worked on--although of course one can put future dates and times on mods in WryeMash.) I just used this today--I wanted to tweak an armor mod I use and adjust the stats of the armor. I did that in the CS, cleaned it with TESTools, and loaded Mash. Because I have lock times checked, Mash returned the armor mod to its usual place in my load order. :goodjob:

Perhaps my question still isn't clear. It is a simple one: Is there a way to import the information from an external reordering utility into Mash?

As I said before, when I read the readme, I was under the impression that there was a way of doing this. If there were not, and one had to copy the load order from the external ordering utility into Mash by hand, it would seem there would not be any reason to unlock times, and then relock them. But perhaps I'm overinterpreting the readme, and there is another reason behind unlocking times. :)

I don't want to lose sight of the big picture--Mash can put your mods in order, but some people feel more comfortable doing it another way. The question is about the way to coordinate the way they've been doing it with Mash. :D
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:54 am

Perhaps my question still isn't clear.  It is a simple one: Is there a way to import the information from an external reordering utility into Mash? 

As I said before, when I read the readme, I was under the impression that there was a way of doing this.  If there were not, and one had to copy the load order from the external ordering utility into Mash by hand, it would seem there would not be any reason to unlock times, and then relock them.  But perhaps I'm overinterpreting the readme, and there is another reason behind unlocking times.  :)

You need to unlock times in the case where you actually want to use the other ordering utility. If I leave the lock times on, then use some other reordering utility, as soon as I go back to Mash it'll ignore the changes made by the reordering utility (since it's changing the dates).

So no need to import or copy settings, simply unlock times, mess with the load order as you like, then lock times to lock in the new changes.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:12 am

I'm not quite sure of what do you mean, are you asking if it's posible to import plug-in dates between different tools for load order purposes?

If that's the case, I don't think there is any need to overcomplicate things. Dates are stored in the plug-in files themselves, so independently of the tool used to reorder them, they will retain those dates until you modify them again.

What Wrye Mash "Lock Times" does is to provide the user a security measure to prevent any outside change in the dates, really. Once dates are set, it won't matter if you load those plug-ins in a hundred different tools, the dates will be the same.

Hmm, I feel a bit silly, either the question was too simple or I failed to understand you again. Perhaps you meant to say if it's possible to import the load list (in load order) to plain text? It is possible with Wrye Mash.

Edit: One thing to note is that Mash can't handle dates greater than January 19, 2038. So if you reorder your load list with TESTool and set some dates above that number, when loaded with Wrye Mash those 'greater' dates will be reset by Mash, even without "Lock Times" checked.
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:21 am

Load order of esps is determined strictly by their Modified date -- oldest loads first, newest loads last. All utilities that change load order do so by altering the modification date.

Mash's mechanics are pretty much as Sleawer stated... When you turn on Lock Times, Mash starts memorizing the modification date of all mods (saving the list of correct times to the settings.pkl file). Then, whenever you bring the mash window to the front, a little function runs, which checks all mods to make sure that their modification date matches the memorized value. If it doesn't match, Mash resets the file's modification date to the value memorized earlier by Mash.

If you turn Lock Times off, Mash quits doing the date reset AND it throws away the list of memorized modification dates. So, if you later turn Lock Times back on, it again gets the current set of modification dates -- i.e., the modification dates as set by the external reordering program.

So, Mash doesn't have to do anything special to import dates from e.g., TesTool -- it just reads the modification dates from the file system.

Of course, all of this is way to complicated to explain a help document!
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joseluis perez
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:24 pm

I understood the last entry just fine, Wrye. Take that text and rework it a bit for the readme, and it will remain clear for others.

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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:04 pm

. . . Of course, all of this is way to complicated to explain a help document!
Yep. :nod: Focusing on the theory behind something or the technology that solves the problem does not lead to a useful guide. That comes from focusing on the operations to be performed in a logical and concise step-wise sequence.
We'll get there.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:46 pm

Edit 3/11:  Took out the questions asking if I was right when people said I was.  :P  Attempted to add something about Merged objects pursuant to Wrye's comments. 

I do think I see why the MergedObjects issue could be an annoyance, although I haven't ever used TESTools to create a MergedObjects.esp.  After reading bjam's post about MergedObjects, it would seem that you would want your merged objects list (assuming you don't have full knowledge of what's going to be merged) to be synced to a load order that is the same as the load order you ultimately plan to play with.  That would require you to generate the same load order in two different utilities: TESTools and Mash, right?  That seems like a pain to me.  :bonk:  But perhaps there's yet another issue I'm not quite understanding here that either simplifies or complicates things.  :D  How do others handle this?


Merging Objects is most of time a very good thing:
For example, you have a mod that modifies Spell Effects Stat (in TESCS -> Gameplay -> Magic Effects: change base cost), another one (four in fact) that modifies spell visual effects (in TESCS -> Gameplay -> Magic Effects: Casting Effects, Bolt Effects, Hit Effects, Area Effects) and a third one that modifies Spell glowing on clothes (all the No-Glow mods) (in TESCS -> Gameplay -> Magic Effects: Lightning Effect -> Change RGB value):
If you use this three mods, you'll get only one of the modifications that will be taken into account if you don't merge objects, it will be the modifications due to the mod that is loaded last.
If you merge objects of the three mods, you'll get Magic Effects that have modified stat, visual enhancement, and you can get rid off this horrible enchantement glowing effect. :)

The merged objects & merged leveled lists mods both must be make and synchronised with the mods that you use in your game.
You can have different save for different character at the same time, but if you have different mods lists for each character, you'll need to make a new merged objects and merged leveled lists for each character.

You don't have to "generate load order", it is "auto-generated" in Morrowind.ini:
- when you change the "modified date" of the mods, you change the order that Morrowind use to load the mods
The most recent mods are loaded last, and if there are conflict between two mods, the most recent informations are loaded while the older are discarded.
- when you open Morrowind Launcher or TesTool or Wrye Mash, the active mods lists that is loaded is taken from Morrowind.ini.
when you check a box near the mod name in one of those three software, you edit exactly the same part of Morrowind.ini to write the name of the mods that you've chosen to be active

So you don't have anything more to do than this:
- Launch Wrye Mash
- Reorder your mod list (edit the box "last modified...")
- Lock Time of mods (Not useful to Merge objects, but useful to be sure to keep a clean save :P )
- Close Wrye Mash -> When you do this, Wrye Mash modify Morrowind.ini
[Game Files]

And it writes every mods that you've selected.

- Launch TesTool
[If you are like me and have more than one Morrowind & TesTool installation (install TesTool in each Morrowind directory):
- You've got a message:
"Morrowind.ini has been found in the current folder
[Morrowind current path]
Do you want to use this folder instead of registry settings?"
- Click -> yes
It allows you use Morrowind.ini directly where you've installed TesTool instead of the default installation stored in the Registry Settings of Windows]

-> TesTool loads active mods list, you can verify it: click on "Manage Active plug-ins" -> Execute
You see the list of the esm/esp that are in your Data Files, and those that have been checked Active with Wrye Mash are also Checked Active in TesTool because TesTool loads the information that Wrye Mash has stored in Morrowind.ini.

- Select "Merge Objects for Active Plug-ins"
- Click -> Execute
- TesTool creates a plug-in "Merged_Objects.esp"
- Close TesTool
- Launch Wrye Mash
- Change Merged_objects.esp date to put it at the end of your mod list
- Copy "Mashed_Lists.esp" from \Mopy\Extras in \Data Files
- in Wrye Mash, select "Mashed Lists.esp" -> right click -> import -> Merge Lists...

Now you have:
[Game Files]
GameFilez=Mashed Lists.esp

And you're (nearly ;) :P ) ready to play. :)

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:33 am

Thanks all for the clarification on the external utility issue. Sleawer, the problem seems to have been that I imagined that THOSE worked in another way than they did. :rolleyes: Of course, once you understand something it's a little hard to recreate just what your prior erroneous thinking, so I can't say exactly how I thought they worked, but it doesn't really matter--I've got it now.

bjam--nice concrete example of coordinating load order and merged objects using TESTools and Mash. I incorporated it in a much stripped-down version--thanks. :D
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:49 pm

I think that this conversation is diverging quite a bit from what's useful for the topic: providing extended "how to instructions" for Wrye Mash. I would suggest:
1. List the topics of help "how tos" that you want to provide. E.g., "How to reorder your mods" in Wrye Mash. Obviously, these should be topics that either a) aren't already described in Mash, or b ) aren't described in a concise way (i.e., that aren't in the quick start section).
2. Write the how-tos for each topic. Other folks can comment, and I'll throw in comments as time permits.

Addressing step 1, Load Order and List Merging are already covered in Wrye Mash docs:
Maintain Your Load Order
- You only have to do this once...
- Go to Mods tab, right click on "File" column header and make sure that "Lock Times" is checked.
- For more information, see Load Order Maintenance.

Change Mod Load Order
- Go to mods tab, and select the mod you want to reorder.
- Edit the "Modified" date/time field to the date/time you want.
- Click Save.

Merging Leveled Lists
- Copy "Mashed Lists.esp" from the mopy\Extras folder to your Data Files folder.
- Select the mods you want to load from the Mods tab.
- Right click on "Mashed Lists.esp" in the Mods tab and select "Import: Merged Lists".
- For more information, see Import Merged Lists.

Also, regarding Jafre's installation problem... Was the problem with Mash's existing installation instructions? My bet would be that he did not tweak the shortcut as explained in Mash documentation. That documentation is pretty clear, and it's fairly prominent -- certainly anyone having installation problems should check it. But a lot of people won't. :shrug: The best instructions in the world won't make a difference if users refuse to read them.

Going back to Ronin49's original list...
Outline to User's Guide:
1. Installation
2. * Monitoring Load Order and Maintaining Mod "Health" *
3. The Mash Levelled List
4. Cleaning Save Games
5. Reverting to Backed Up Save Games
6. Loading Masters

Repairing a Save Game
- Go to the Saves tab and right click on the save game, then select "Repair All".
- For more information, see Repair Refs Command.

Adding/Removing Mods From a Save Game
- Go to Mods tab and check the mods that you want to use.
- Go to Saves tab and select the save game you want to play.
- Right click on the top of the Masters List, and select "Sync to Load List".
- Click "Save". The checkbox for the save game should turn blue.
- For more information, see Master List Updating.

So, I guess, I'm not clear on what's not clear from the Mash documentation. I think that the docs already cover all the basic operations with concise (quick start) instructions. Advanced topics (e.g., using ref replacers or removers are not covered in quick start. They could be, but the more stuff you add to quick start, the more complicated (and hence more intimidating it becomes). There's also a few topics that I don't cover because they're pretty much self-explanatory. E.g., Revert To Backup, and Repair Map, both of which do exactly what their names say.

Although I'm sympathetic to the idea of this project, I'm just not seeing yet how it improves on existing Mash documentation. (Perhaps it would help is someone stated fairly specifically how the current Mash docs are unclear. I.e., not an "I don't understand." comment, but an "Docs say X, but in fact I have to do X+Y." comment.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:58 pm

Although I'm sympathetic to the idea of this project, I'm just not seeing yet how it improves on existing Mash documentation. (Perhaps it would help is someone stated fairly specifically how the current Mash docs are unclear. I.e., not an "I don't understand." comment, but an "Docs say X, but in fact I have to do X+Y." comment.

Thanks for your comments, Wrye.

I really don't want to get into a discussion with you about the original documentation which is very professionally presented and extensive. Just to say that there are a lot of ongoing queries about Wrye Mash and apparently a number of experienced mod users somewhat reluctant to attempt its use. Seemed like another kick at it couldn't hurt any. :shrug:

A little patience here might be a good thing. Everyone has lives and other priorities. I suggest we let Larissa Mem assimilate what she is learning from the comments, continue to make the edits and re-organization she needs to clear up the content and then presumably, start boiling it down into sharper focus and concise 'how-to' guidelines. I believe she was clear from the start that there is a learning curve and I hadn't noticed anyone else rushing forward to do this. Some things take time and one is trying to help here.

To me that was clear from the outset. I suggest we give it awhile before we start summing it up. That OK with you, Wrye? We really would appreciate your help but some patience with the process would also be appreciated. Thanks.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:43 pm

Although I'm sympathetic to the idea of this project, I'm just not seeing yet how it improves on existing Mash documentation. (Perhaps it would help is someone stated fairly specifically how the current Mash docs are unclear. I.e., not an "I don't understand." comment, but an "Docs say X, but in fact I have to do X+Y." comment.


I'm a devout fan of Mash. However, it's not a very friendly app and the standard docs don't help much.

The biggest issue with Mash usability IMHO is that the user interface and documentation both assume a fairly advanced Windows user.

Most people are not used to using right-click techniques, which Mash relies on exclusively, even where a standard menu item or obvious screen button would be more appropriate.

This doc project seems like a good way to overcome the problem since the only other solution would be to redesign the user inteface.

I think this project can dramatically improve on the current docs by NOT being as brief as your procedure lists.

I think Larissa Mem is on the right track by trying to provide MORE detail than the standard docs. As long as things are explained clearly, more detail is okay.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:48 pm

The biggest issue with Mash usability IMHO is that the user interface and documentation both assume a fairly advanced Windows user.

Very true

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:18 am

Right menu click is an advanced technique??? Seems pretty basic to me, but :shrug: okay... Anyway, I've made my point.
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carrie roche
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:35 am

Jafre, there are some things that you could try to locate the source of your problem.

First you must have installed the programs specified in Mash docs. One way to find if you have a Python interpreter installed is to open a command prompt and write "Python"*, if it's installed you will get a response telling you its version and some useful commands.

If as Wrye suggest it's a problem of not setting properly the path in the shortcut, Wrye Mash shortcut should lack of the green tag icon. You can then try to set the path properly by right-clicking on its properties.

Failing that, you also can run Wrye Mash through the "Mash.py" green snake icon, it loads directly into wPython.exe and should run Wrye Mash in two windows, a DOS-like window and the actual Wrye Mash GUI. The reason for having a second shortcut is a little performance boost.

Hope that helped.

* (depending on your settings you'll have to find the proper folder, after all it's a DOS navigation system window)
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:44 pm

Failing that, you also can run Wrye Mash through the "Mash.py" green snake icon, it loads directly into wPython.exe and should run Wrye Mash in two windows, a DOS-like window and the actual Wrye Mash GUI. The reason for having a second shortcut is a little performance boost.

This is what I do since I couldnt get the other method to work.

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how solid
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:48 pm

Also, regarding Jafre's installation problem... Was the problem with Mash's existing installation instructions? My bet would be that he did not tweak the shortcut as explained in Mash documentation. That documentation is pretty clear, and it's fairly prominent -- certainly anyone having installation problems should check it. But a lot of people won't. :shrug: The best instructions in the world won't make a difference if users refuse to read them.

Actually, I do not have a problem. My purpose was to point out the lack of easy to understand documentation at a certain point.

Jafre, there are some things that you could try to locate the source of your problem.

First you must have installed the programs specified in Mash docs. One way to find if you have a Python interpreter installed is to open a command prompt and write "Python"*, if it's installed you will get a response telling you its version and some useful commands.

If as Wrye suggest it's a problem of not setting properly the path in the shortcut, Wrye Mash shortcut should lack of the green tag icon. You can then try to set the path properly by right-clicking on its properties.

Failing that, you also can run Wrye Mash through the "Mash.py" green snake icon, it loads directly into wPython.exe and should run Wrye Mash in two windows, a DOS-like window and the actual Wrye Mash GUI. The reason for having a second shortcut is a little performance boost.

Hope that helped.
* (depending on your settings you'll have to find the proper folder, after all it's a DOS navigation system window)

Both Python and wxPython were installed as per the documentation in the correct flavors. :read: I did _not_ correct the shortcut, hence the problem. :blush: I am a computer programmer and was looking at Mash to do a simple task I already had a solution for, and got frustrated at the documentation enough to say "I'll play with this later..." and return to Horatio's "Morrowind Leveled List Merger v1.14" so that I could get on with playing. :user:

My comment was strictly to point out an area where the documentation could be made easier to read, not to present 'my problem'. Unfortunately, I was not clear enough and chopped off Ronin49's end quote making my post difficult to understand. :huh:
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:30 pm

Sorry Jafre--as with any bulletin board, your post stays up indefinitely, and people may respond long after you've moved on or gotten an answer. We are all just trying to be EXTRA! HELPFUL!! :D

I have of course been following the discussions in this thread, and believe I understand the issues and concerns. But I do think the best thing for me to do at the moment is devote the time I can spare for this to improving the draft as much as I am able to, and then assessing how useful it may turn out to be. I realize that the core section in particular is quite mangled and needs an overhaul.

My time at the moment means that I won't be able to do so until later in the week, so I suppose this is just a post to say, "I'm still alive, I'll continue tweaking and editing later." :D

However, if anyone does feel moved to address the question of how best to manage savegames for two (or multiple) characters using Mash, I would be quite interested to hear it. bjam, do you solve this by having more than one MW installation? It seems to me from playing around with my own mod list this morning that if you synced all saves to a load list that included mods for both characters (even mods you had no intention of using for one of the characters), you would be fine--that is, you would just check off Mods A, E, and F to play character 1, and Mods B, C, and D to play character 2. Er . . . except that doesn't take into account the merged lists.

Again, I have the most difficulty writing about things with which I have little personal experience--nothing ever gets into my levelled list so I have no idea if the calculation is thrown off if mods used in the calculation are not present. For MergedObjects I would think it should be okay. :shrug: I don't know about levelled lists. (I'll stop before I begin ranting about the single mod that introduced levelled loot that I used.)

And again, this may be an issue that turns out to be too complicated to make it into introductory notes . . .

I appreciate all the contributions, so thanks once more to all.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:16 pm

Right click for secret information about this thread :poke:

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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:08 am

Right click for secret information about this thread  :poke:


Oh my gosh, I am SO gullible! :shakehead:
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:31 pm

Hooray! What a Great Idea and Thing you are all doing!

I've been using Wrye Mash for years and have never gone past the most basic basics of the program, mainly because it seemed so complicated and also, I didn't feel the need to do so as it allowed me to continue playing without haveing to delve into it any deeper. I like the simple one/two click fix, go an play type thing. Thanks Wrye wherever you are! You have my heartfelt thanks for a easy to use program!

This idea and approach you people are taking to helping the common (normal person that doesn't pry apart the workings of Morrowind CS nor into building and constructing mods) person; but, more into just playing the game and as per your remark above, I for one greatly, "appreciate" everybodies help.

This kind of help should be extremely benificial and exceptionally well received by all, and, (speaking for myself as a commoner) appraise the fact that you are undertaking such an undertaking. I offer my thanks to you and all who help on this project.

Perhaps this reply is out of context as you were really asking for "peer" input in order to write a deeper understanding of this wonderful program and not to answer questions from some dummy on its' functions.

(Maybe there's a guide book on Dummies for Dummies) This would be ideal for me as I couldn't even tell time until I was 16. Don't laugh! I still don't know what happened to the five apples and have yet to find someone that can explain their dissapearance to me.

I do have a question concerning The Wrye Mash program. I have been rather reluctant to upgrade to a newer version, (mainly because the older version works) and the other reason, because I couldn't find any instructions on uninstall/install/delete/overwrite etc. for upgrading to a newer one.

My past experience shows that doing an uninstal/install wrong, can lead to more problems and really mess things up. As the program was doing it's thing and allowing me to continue playing. I simply decided not to mess things up.

I would: however, like to know the "proper procedure" for installing a newer version over an old, as the version of Wrye Mash I now have is something like .47 and there is now a version .63. Also there is a caution against using this version, and I would like to know if anyone using this version has actually been haveing any problems with it?

Anyway I appreciate what everyone is trying to do.

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laila hassan
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:47 pm

I saw your question in the other thread. :) The person who answered said that you can just install the new version of WryeMash over your old version. If you think back to the first time you installed Mash, you probably used a decompression utility (like WinZip) to unsquish the file and put it into your Morrowind folder. You want to repeat the same thing again now. The only thing that person added was that you might keep a copy of the old Mash program around in case you decide you don't like the new version, and you want to go back to the old program. Do you still have the old version somewhere on your hard drive (not installed in the Morrowind part of your computer)?

Anyway, to put in the new version, double-check that you have the right programs to run 0.60 or 0.63. I don't know if they are the same as for the older version you are using. Someone probably knows--their names are Python 2.4.1 and wxPython ANSI. If you don't have them, you will need to put them on your computer, but I am going to act for now like they are there.

Next, download from Wrye's website the version of WryeMash that you want to use. Click on it, and your computer will probably help you by asking you where you want it to go. Say that you want it to go into your Morrowind file. That's probably in the part of your computer that has all your Programs, and inside that part there is a part that says Bethesda Softworks and inside that, there is your Morrowind folder. Tell your computer to put WryeMash there and it will take the place of the older version of WryeMash that is already there (according to the other person in the other thread.)

As for the question about 0.60 versus 0.63, you are right, there is a warning that 0.63 is a trial version. Some people have used it and say they have not found any problems. It is one of those decisions you will have to make for yourself, but other people can offer more opinions. Since I still use Mash for more basic things, I am probably going to stick with 0.60 for now.

I hope that helps some.
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