What's happening is I've got Wrye Morph, and upon morphing from Form A to Form B, I lose whatever spells I had. Now from what I understand this is supposed to happen, but when you return to Form A you're supposed to get your spells back. Put simply, this isn't happening. All I got back were flare and heal minor wounds. It's essentially limited the mod to melee and rogue type uses. Has anyone come across this issue before?
Also, I've been searching for a general Wrye Morph help thread, but it appears the last large one was closed circa the beginning of 2010. Every other thread I've read concerning Wrye Morph specifically was a "how do I install this?!!?!?!" thread. If there is an open thread and you know where it is (please, via hyperlink. My using Google and the forum search only ever lead me to the threads I just talked about). After that, I'll ask a mod to tidy this up. Thanks in advance.