... running beautifully except for one annoyance that occurs whenever I'm in an interior zone. These red squares/rectangles randomly pop up inside and completely hinder the game experience. It seems very random and sometimes a little bit will appear, and sometimes a lot will. They usually stay for around 5 secs before disappearing. They also happen after I save sometimes because in the load save game screenshot you can see them even.
Funny thing is, this guy has the EXACT same problem:
Here is a pic:
Mine is like that but usually a lot more red dots.
Do you have any knowledge as to what mods you're using that might have caused this? If possible could you post a list of mods you have, and I will post mine, and we might be able to find the culprit. Also, do you remember which mods you reported?
First, let me make sure I understand all this. I take it the linked capture is NOT yours, but belongs to the fellow (?) with a similar issue? Second, you say it occurs only in interior zones. What exactly does this mean? Inside buildings? Within an enclosed city? Something else? Might be nice if you include a screenshot or two from your own game showing exactly where the "blobs" appear.
As for me, one mod I recall having "blobs" that got corrected once I reported 'em was the far_view supplement to Fort Akatosh Redux. Onra took care of that right away. One area where I sometimes still see "blobs" is while traveling south along the easternmost of the two West Roads (mod) toward Skingrad. The "blobs" aren't caused by West Roads however, but something at or near Skingrad itself. I've never been able to exactly pinpoint those Skingrad "blobs" but a great many of them disappeared during an upgrade from RAEWVD 1.7 to RAEWD 1.8. I've not noticed them at all during the last several weeks of play, but then they were always a hit-or-miss proposition. I needed to be at a certain distance from the offending objects, and the viewing angle had to be exactly right. Turning the "camera" a degree to either side would clear the "blobs". The only other instance I recall occurred a LONG time ago, and was fixed either by reports from myself and others or just naturally got fixed during a mod update. I don't even recall where those were any more. I'd link a few screenshots of my own, but Photobucket has gone flaky on me since a recent site "update".
Woot, looks like Photobucket is functioning normally again!
Here's a link showing some of the http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20errors/FARglare_2.jpg. These were all corrected within days.
Here's one of http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20errors/ulSkinOutskirtsLOD1.jpg. Many of these no longer exist, and I've not seen the remainder in quite some time.