Shut up you worthless maggots who dont know nothing about editor and memory usage. Like that facktard said "you need 6 to 8 GB of ram to run this program" LMFAO
Anyways most people around here, unlike you NOLIFE rich nerdfacks who buys ten copies of windows 7 64bit and $5000 rigs, then laugh at the people with poor rigs (now i know why console community hates you), most people around here just want to try the editor and fool around, make some funny de_miniaztec maps or even great decent MP maps such as Skyline, Terminal and even bigger.
When running the 32bit editor takes around 350-400mb of ram for itself. With 2.5gb of Ram as me, you can open any of the maps crytek build (both SP and MP) and still have memory to edit them.
I dont change the facken OS just for an editor which i know it runs fine on my 32bit OS. I change the OS for Battlefield 3 and thats in September when beta comes out. Till then i wish Crytek release an 32bit editor. Capisci?