WTF 64-bit USERS ONLY!? What about 32-bit users!!!!! EDITOR!

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:40 pm

Why even bother upgrading to 64bit if you only have 2gb of ram? I have only 2gigs and i'm not planing on upgrading with more memory anytime soon, because everything runs perfectly on my rig.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:14 pm

Shut up you worthless maggots who dont know nothing about editor and memory usage. Like that facktard said "you need 6 to 8 GB of ram to run this program" LMFAO

Anyways most people around here, unlike you NOLIFE rich nerdfacks who buys ten copies of windows 7 64bit and $5000 rigs, then laugh at the people with poor rigs (now i know why console community hates you), most people around here just want to try the editor and fool around, make some funny de_miniaztec maps or even great decent MP maps such as Skyline, Terminal and even bigger.

When running the 32bit editor takes around 350-400mb of ram for itself. With 2.5gb of Ram as me, you can open any of the maps crytek build (both SP and MP) and still have memory to edit them.

I dont change the facken OS just for an editor which i know it runs fine on my 32bit OS. I change the OS for Battlefield 3 and thats in September when beta comes out. Till then i wish Crytek release an 32bit editor. Capisci?
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Charles Weber
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:22 am

win7 64 bit will run anyhting there is. the integrated 32 bit engine runs all programs in 32 bit if needed. havent come up with any programs on 32 bit that dont work....

i dont understand why microsoft even released a 32 bit version... you dont need it anymore
Then you're lucky. I tried 64 bit once. NOTHING WORKED I GOT SO PISSED OF AND WENT BACK TO 32 BIT. Now I'm happy :)

And @XStalkerxx I totally agree with you. Those who spend thousands of dollars on computers need to GET A LIFE
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Adam Porter
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:44 pm

LOL So people with 2 GB of RAM, but with 64-bit systems can play the Editor, but people with 3 GB of RAM BUT with 32-bit systems cant't? WTF?
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:45 pm

The previous sandbox had certain features restricted on 32bit OS and had a few stability issues. Why has nobody mentioned this?

Also if you are so shy of getting rid of your 32bit OS, you could dual boot, I have 32 bit XP and Win7 64bit. Though Win7 ultimate also comes with the ability to run Windows XP 32bit in virtual mode, which has allowed me to run 90% of stuff that doesn't work on 64bit. Some applications are locked out for virtualised OS's.

Its more like Crytek uses 64bit OS for developing, and going back to add support for 32bit wouldn't be worth it for something thats free.

P.S. DDR3 ram is epic cheap. 12GB KIT 1333 (4GB x 3) KINGSTON = $115.

... WTF, thats even cheaper than the last time I looked o.O I paid 120 for 6 gigs, I got ripped off.
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Chris Guerin
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