» Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:59 am
i mentioned in another thread which no one noticed
if you insist to run it on 32bit windows, to avoid crash, you need to physically own more than 6g ram, then you need to turn PAE on and unlock 4g limitatation using tools such as ready4g, and then unlock 32bit process mem limit by using tool called AWE. Then your system will behave just like x64.
Dx11 & hi-res is mem hungry 2g limit on 32bit sys will definitely crash the game
ah thanks for the info! Well the only thing I request from you is a video tutorial. If you can't, I'll just look it up myself. Maybe I'll try to use this technique when I obtain my 6 GB of ram cause currently I only have 3. I hope this works. Unlike you, many just post spam insulting unhelping comments. Thanks for you help, I appreciate it.
since the x64 version is always shipped with 32bit, if you can reinstall x64 or upgrade to x64, it can save you a lot of time from searching uncertain solutions such as my solution mentioned above is a very common solution for app using large address aware flag, however i haven't yet tested it and it should work.
If your windows copy is legally licensed, your cd key also can be used to activate x64 version, you can download a image from everywhere if you happened not to own one.
I will try to log all details of this solution and do some tests tonight, of course asia time, in case some guys are really afraid of x64.
whatever you choose either x64 or hacking 32bit windows , you should own more than 6g ram to run the game. since i can't guarantee this hacking will work, i suggest get you ram purchase after this hacking is confirmed.