WTF? Difficulty level LOCKED? Can't use nanosuit functions?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:37 am

OK, I've played through once. I was locked in at "recruit" level and had no other options for difficulty. What the ****? I choose what difficulty level I play at, not the game. I wasn't even given a choice! NOW I am thinking about playing through again now that I CAN select a higher difficulty (though where's the fun in that? I already know what all is going to happen and when) but I am STILL blocked from choosing the hardest difficulty. They think that I'm going to play through 3 times in a row so I can do a higher difficulty each time? Not likely.

Second WTF is...I am on my second play-through on the pitiful next harder difficulty level but I am unable to use the suit for anything. No armor, no stealth. I've just started over again so I am on the very first engagement against a couple soldiers/mercs outside the initial building. Are we only given access to the suit's functions later? I have to go into this with my dike hanging out? Why have me wear the suit at all? Just let me dump the thing and wear proper camo gear or something.

So...double WTF? EA, Crysis, what the hell were you thinking?
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:36 pm

The reason you don't have suit functions is because of the tutorials. What platform are you on?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:59 pm

I remember starting on post-human warrior and getting my ass beat. I tried changing it to one setting lower and I found a way to progress but further on I discovered on the level selection screen that the difficulty level didn't actually lower and I was playing on post-human all along. This game really doesn't like to save settings.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:10 am

Yea, if at any time throughout the game you lower the difficulty level, you cant increase it again. That said, post-human isnt very hard :/
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Frank Firefly
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