So for some reason I couldn't log into multiplayer this morning. After a few hours I loged in and I saw that from 3rd prestige and 50 lvl I went to 4th prestige and 5 lvl. WTF!? I didn't reboot! I was already sick and tired of lvling the modules over and over. I didn't want another reboot! Pff.... on top of that, I still haven't resieved the "born again" dog tag and I'm still missing 5 mystery tags. Fu** this... I hope CryTek will do something about it quick.
Kinda ironic that instead of loosing data I gained..... a fu***** reboot, witch I didn't do!
EDIT: The leaderboard shows my rank the way it should be but in the game I'm rebooted.
Did anyone else get this?