WTF is happening to gaming these days

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:43 am

I don't know what it is but FPS games seem to be taking a major nose dive in gameplay quality, the graphic's are amazing in most games post call of duty 4 i'll give them that, but that's all they have going for them. I know im going to sound like a cod fanboy here but the old engine in that thing is far supirior when it comes to the actual playing of the game, the mechanics and the way it can make you feel like you earnt that kill, also the movement is spot on. Now before you go off on one "omg here we go another cod fanboi" yes i am a fanboi but i'm a fanboi that is sick and tired of cod but i also know its hard to find one as fast paced, well constructed and not based of some console engine that only realy works with a controller.

What i'm trying to make people aware of is the MASSIVE difference in quality between not cod and other games but the quake engine behind cod, an engine alot of developers can learn from, both client and server side this engine is awsome, unlike alot of the other engines used today and that are supposed to be new and improved when it actually feels like im fighting the game for control, playing underwater with a rifle that 1 second will fire rubber bullets and the next will fire a howitzer shell at someone, im talking about the complete lack of consistancy when it comes to the way guns handle and kill, this is across alot the modern engines today and not just crysis 2, almost as if the makers are trying to stop ppl killing each other and use a 50/50 kill allocation system whereby no one except the most hardened of players can break 3/2 K/D, like they dont want ppl to feel bad when they see the end score board.

It breaks my heart to see ppl sitting in a corner all day long ina game because they are too scared or too well postioned to be killed and just want to kill farm or just survive, i understand there are tactical shooters and action shooters, deffinitions ppl need to be made aware of for sure. but i cant see the fun in a tactical shooter when its that god damn boring i know i can walk away, make a cup of coffee and come back knowing i was'nt killed, where as an action shooter like unreal tournement 3 is the best example of what it feels like to take crack and then be dike slapped by someone taking more crack than you.

Im just annoyed at games beig so blatently ported from console to pc, our community is suffering bcause of this and its also suffering bacause of steamworks valve anti cheat, a complete pile of crap that is now gettingrights to almost everything these days, like gameserver or "trusted server providers" cutting the smaller game server suppliers out who actual respond to support tickets promptly and provide a kickass service overall, where as gameserver and other "trusted providers" charge through the nose, don't respond to support tickets and provide a piss poo service on top of it all, anyone who is familiar with will tell you thier servers will randomly restart quite frequently and they'll jam as many server's on a dedicated server box as they can to eek more cash out of it, the control panel is also garbage aswell and don't even get me started on the ventrillo servers they provide.

FPS gaming is going to hell in a handbasket, if BRINK and Battlefield 3 fail then thats it, gaming is dead for those of us that want action at a speed faster than that of a snail after a stroke.

*wait's for* coolstorybro

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:48 am

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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:22 am

want to elaborate on that ?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:15 pm

Valid points you bring up.

I always thought its not the games that changed, its me who grew up and started seeing things differently. But maybe I was wrong...
Perhaps it is the games that changed and I no longer feel accomplishment for shooting stuff in FPS games because it feels so plain.

No, I dont think your issue lies in games fault.
The world have changed, everything and everyone is out to make a bucket full of cash.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:34 am

We've become jaded, really.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:28 am

The quake engine (from which the CoD engine was based on) has some of the most responsive controls ever in a FPS game. That is why CoDs play so fluidly.

More games nowadays need to accept rawinput for mouse controls. Source engine does this, and so should other engines including CE3. Maybe then mouse lag, accel/deceleration would be a thing of the past.

Your controls should be an extension of your limbs, you should be able to trust how it moves and operates. With a lot of recent games, the OP is correct in that you're often stuck fighting the game for proper control.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:47 am

Wow can't believe I read all that. You made good points well done. NOW. I need to do something. TV then I'm going out to buy Starcraft 2. GAMING IS STILL ALIVE MY FRIEND. You just gotta buy the games and keep on supporting.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:59 am

I see your point.

However, there are quite a few great games released, Bad Company 2, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2 and the Crysis series come to mind in recent memory.

The Call of Duty games' engine is terrible compared to others, Cryengine, Source, hell even Java is better then that engine.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:53 am

I see your point.

However, there are quite a few great games released, Bad Company 2, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2 and the Crysis series come to mind in recent memory.

The Call of Duty games' engine is terrible compared to others, Cryengine, Source, hell even Java is better then that engine.

Purely in terms of controls, the CoD engine is nearly unrivaled in how tight the controls are. You're not gonna get lag-free 1:1 pixel perfect accuracy in Crysis 2.

The source engine is excellent as well because it accepts rawinput.

Now if we're talking about optimization or graphics performance, then I would partially agree in that Black Ops was terribly optimized for the level of graphics it offered. But CoD4 plays perfectly fine for me on a graphical level.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:17 pm

thanks for the responses guys, im surprised it's been this positive, some of you have put into better words how i feel about the way games play these days.

Zingfreelancer makes a good that i might just be getting too old for gaming and that what i see now is tainted by what i knew back then.

No denying 90% of the engines today produce far better gfx, but gfx is not what i was talking about, it's like im wading though a river when i move in most games that are'nt cod or source (good point about source, very good controls on that too, i forgot that).

I'm just so disapointed in the newer engines lack of extension of myself i have to fight the damn thing to get anywahere, it should'nt be like that.

i can play any cod title from cod2 to black ops and get some fantastic scores regardless of gametype, put me in battlefield, medal of honor, bad company and i just feel like im playing a game that's forcing me to play slowwwwwwwww.

I suppose what i'm really trying to say is for us cod fanboi's there are no real alternatives that offer the exact feel of cod but with different ingredients and the fact that cod is now "protected" (i use that word in its looset possible sense) by Valve Anti Cheat it's now going to **** and i'll soon have nothing to play.

to the guy that suggested starcraft 2, i got a few words for that, im an fps whore i cant play anything that requires me to think more than 5 seconds into the future and not react on instinct (im effectively a retard when it comes to tactics, im a weapon in an fps, point me at the enemy and im doing what i was built for, not good at much else), but in starcraft 2, 6pool, tripleracks, cannon cheese, once your in bronze your stuck in bronze with those wankers, andsilver is even worse, those are the twats that think they are platinum material because they can cheese you properly.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 am

I'm still waiting for a real "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2"(Quake Wars svcked big times). Enemy Territory 1 (with etpro) was one of the best games i've ever played.The gameplay was all about fun. Realism was pretty far away, that is for sure, but if I want to shoot guns under real conditions I go places in real life where I can do that. Team Fortress 2 is very similar in regards of fun gameplay features to ET and that's why I like that game too.

All the shooters nowadays want to be as realistic as possible. If you run and shoot you'll hit everything but your target, That's one of the things i hated about Counter Strike and I don't like it in games like Crysis or CoD either.

I want real shooting duels where movement and aim decides the winner and not John Wayne Western style duels in which the one that pulls the trigger first wins.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:52 am

Fps games like quake has a real long skill rate, a newb will never be able to kill a pro with a lucky shot.
Realistic games newbs and pro arent that far apart, think every day i play crysis at least once i get killed by shots that arent even meant for me cause people just spray at a target and bullets are flying everywhere and suddenly they kill someone whos standing 100meter away from the target he actualy looks at.
Crysis needs some damage tweaks, so you actualy have to keep aiming at your enemy and not just hold mouse 1 down and swing to the side and kill him.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:41 am

your absolutely right man, could'nt agree more but im an action shooter fan not a tactical shooterwhich you seem to be or want to be. cod for me is fun, most other games are a ballache to even operate.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:54 pm

Im a fan of fast moving/shooting games like quake and respect the people that take it to the insane level they do, but im trying to find a middle ground between quake and cs 1.3

P.S only reason i jump and fire rocket at people in crysis is out of memory of rocketjump games ;D
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:03 pm

thanks for the responses guys, im surprised it's been this positive, some of you have put into better words how i feel about the way games play these days.

Zingfreelancer makes a good that i might just be getting too old for gaming and that what i see now is tainted by what i knew back then.

No denying 90% of the engines today produce far better gfx, but gfx is not what i was talking about, it's like im wading though a river when i move in most games that are'nt cod or source (good point about source, very good controls on that too, i forgot that).

I'm just so disapointed in the newer engines lack of extension of myself i have to fight the damn thing to get anywahere, it should'nt be like that.

i can play any cod title from cod2 to black ops and get some fantastic scores regardless of gametype, put me in battlefield, medal of honor, bad company and i just feel like im playing a game that's forcing me to play slowwwwwwwww.

I suppose what i'm really trying to say is for us cod fanboi's there are no real alternatives that offer the exact feel of cod but with different ingredients and the fact that cod is now "protected" (i use that word in its looset possible sense) by Valve Anti Cheat it's now going to **** and i'll soon have nothing to play.

to the guy that suggested starcraft 2, i got a few words for that, im an fps whore i cant play anything that requires me to think more than 5 seconds into the future and not react on instinct (im effectively a retard when it comes to tactics, im a weapon in an fps, point me at the enemy and im doing what i was built for, not good at much else), but in starcraft 2, 6pool, tripleracks, cannon cheese, once your in bronze your stuck in bronze with those wankers, andsilver is even worse, those are the twats that think they are platinum material because they can cheese you properly.

I guess thats exactly why you don't feel comfortable with game like Battlefield or ArmA 2, youre not at all used to think, you are used to twich super fast shooters like CoD or CS, I guess it's a matter of taste, I prefer to think, other then shooters I also play Portal, some RTS games, and puzzlers.

PS: Crysis (1) had superb controls, I don't see why you'd think otherwise.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:34 am

they have slowed games down to allow casual players to have fun. Good players in quake/UT wipe the floor with noobs, but in crysis 2 good players can still get killed often by noobs.

Devs do it for the mass appeal. Noob gamers these days want instant gratification and dont want to spend time learning tricks and the advanced skills required in games like quake (ie: bunnyhop, trick jumps, etc).

in terms of controls, yes these days most games feel bloated, slow, and inconsistent. It svcks when you cant be as fast and precise as you know you can be due to the game limitations. Not to mention in most games these days hit detection is a joke.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:57 am

I see ArmA2 more like a RTS where you can aim and shoot than a FPS.

And CoD hit detection it's still unmatched.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:21 am

+2 Internetz to OP. I wish I could give more, but that would devalue the system of interwebs.

i think gaming should regress back to old-school platforming. They're getting less popular these days. F**k COD, I wanna play Spyro.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:34 am

CoD jk....

but as for your points....they aren't valid. Nor like Brink and BF3 being the ones to keep fps gaming alive otherwise it dies are completely STUPID. Seriously, that is a very STUPID claim. No offense tho.....I suggest you game for like 10 more years until you make claims like this.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:25 am

+2 Internetz to OP. I wish I could give more, but that would devalue the system of interwebs.

i think gaming should regress back to old-school platforming. They're getting less popular these days. F**k COD, I wanna play Spyro.

Platforming? Buy a Wii.....tho, I do want Crash bandicoot back....
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:42 am

cryengine works fine. its my favorite engine, crysis 1 and crysis 2 sp are the best fps games in terms of control and physics/graphics.

the proble for BOTH games is that it seems 90% of the players are freaking cheaters. People complained about punkbuster but look at BC2...everytime I see a cheater, they get banned or there's just so few I only see one a week or so. In crysis 1 and 2 it's cheaters nearly every server..and that's the real problem with this franchise. Punkbuster never worked right in Crysis 1 cuz EA didnt give a crap about the game and now they're using some self-made anti-cheat that clearly doesnt work....GG.

it's not even heard to find the cheaters without even playing...just look at the top 300 players. there's a few that dont cheat on that list but 90% of them do and it's obvious
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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 am

FPS genre took a **** the day they let you see k/d ratios. Why not just kills? Now every douche bag who would get murdered if they moved an inch sit in a corner, go 5-2 and will tell the world about how "great" they are because their kdr is over 2.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

op is right, as much i hate the cod comunity and what they're doing to the franchise, the engine behind the gameplay is amazing.. i mean the shooting is really satisfying and stuff. yes i do miss unreal tournoments and other games with pinpoint accuracy. thats why im waiting for duke nukem forever ( no ironsights ) that means, pinpoint accuracy. also battlefield 3 is going to be a great game, but not a game that appeals to my insane reflexes and fantastic aiming, it always pisses me off in games with the lack of accuracy on lots of guns, the time between aiming down sight to increase accuracy, the limited sprint, ...

maybe when im skilled enough with the udk i might think of making a very small indie game my self with some oldschool gameplay.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:24 pm

If all you play is CoD, then any other game is going to feel slow and/or weird to you. I love CoD (Infinity Ward CoD, I should say), but it's not the Holy Grail of FPS's. It's just your favorite game, which is cool. The controls are ultra-tight, but also ultra-unrealistic, and some people like the handicap that a more realistic control scheme provides (like Killzone).

I don't get why you would want a game that offers the exact mechanics of CoD. Why not just play CoD? Or take the time to learn a new game-play style. It might svck at first getting rolled in a game you aren't used to, but once you learn the system it'll be just as fun as CoD.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:56 am

I read the 1st page and the 3rd page.

Let me just say I loved CSS to death and when cod came out and killed css I immediately had a hate for it. The game isn't bad but it seems to have a reputation for this kind of thing. "I play cod. it is the best game in the world. everything has to be like cod or it svcks. so go STFU"

and that elitism is what pushed me over the edge. I mean even when you are playing it people yell at you for using grenades or that underbarrel launcher. THEY PUT THEM IN THE GAME FOR A REASON!

But back to the topic. If you like cod so much play that. Wait for the next cod and play that one too. Don't try and change every other game to make it like cod. It's different, get over it. Variety is the spice of life.

Going from TF2 to C2 was hard but thats just the way it is. You've gotta crawl before you can walk. I prefer crysis 2 to cod because it is slower. It's not so much "Spawn, sprint jump kill/die. Spawn..."

I personally feel that the state of FPS in the last few years has gone to hell but crysis 2 is different. It's not so generic.

I apologise for the cod rant but thats just what I always find. I dare you to find another game where people are like that. You might be sick of cod but then you have to accept the choice of either playing the newer version of cod or getting used to something else.

I think one of your problems besides the fact that the world has changed and you have grown up is that you were brought up on cod and it's all it's varients. All you know is that quake/cod engine thing. You aren't used to change. I was brought up on it. My game was wrenched from me and so I had to evolve with the games as they came out.

It's ironic actually. I thought crysis 2 MP was damn close to cod XD
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