What i'm trying to make people aware of is the MASSIVE difference in quality between not cod and other games but the quake engine behind cod, an engine alot of developers can learn from, both client and server side this engine is awsome, unlike alot of the other engines used today and that are supposed to be new and improved when it actually feels like im fighting the game for control, playing underwater with a rifle that 1 second will fire rubber bullets and the next will fire a howitzer shell at someone, im talking about the complete lack of consistancy when it comes to the way guns handle and kill, this is across alot the modern engines today and not just crysis 2, almost as if the makers are trying to stop ppl killing each other and use a 50/50 kill allocation system whereby no one except the most hardened of players can break 3/2 K/D, like they dont want ppl to feel bad when they see the end score board.
It breaks my heart to see ppl sitting in a corner all day long ina game because they are too scared or too well postioned to be killed and just want to kill farm or just survive, i understand there are tactical shooters and action shooters, deffinitions ppl need to be made aware of for sure. but i cant see the fun in a tactical shooter when its that god damn boring i know i can walk away, make a cup of coffee and come back knowing i was'nt killed, where as an action shooter like unreal tournement 3 is the best example of what it feels like to take crack and then be dike slapped by someone taking more crack than you.
Im just annoyed at games beig so blatently ported from console to pc, our community is suffering bcause of this and its also suffering bacause of steamworks valve anti cheat, a complete pile of crap that is now gettingrights to almost everything these days, like gameserver or "trusted server providers" cutting the smaller game server suppliers out who actual respond to support tickets promptly and provide a kickass service overall, where as gameserver and other "trusted providers" charge through the nose, don't respond to support tickets and provide a piss poo service on top of it all, anyone who is familiar with gameserver.com will tell you thier servers will randomly restart quite frequently and they'll jam as many server's on a dedicated server box as they can to eek more cash out of it, the control panel is also garbage aswell and don't even get me started on the ventrillo servers they provide.
FPS gaming is going to hell in a handbasket, if BRINK and Battlefield 3 fail then thats it, gaming is dead for those of us that want action at a speed faster than that of a snail after a stroke.
*wait's for* coolstorybro