I chuckled at this, please don't hate me.

It was! I mean, Chorrol is the quaintest little city in Cyrodiil, designed with tourist postcards in mind- it's not supposed to have a psychotic underbelly. I've since read that it's a known bug/glitch/feature that is likely to occur when you break in to their house, but I prefer to think that the Bruiants are just nuts. :nod:
Chorrol was the first town I saw a dead body in. I mean, I'd seen plenty of them out in dungeons and stuff, but I never expected to see one
in a town. But I"ll never forget the first time I simply saw an NPC, dead, right in the middle of town near the Great Oak. I was stunned because there had been no fight. I just walked outside, and there he was, DEAD!

oo: And what got me is there was this one other NPC (CAsta Scribona, or somebody upper-class) just standing there looking at him.
I thought This NPC might do something appropriate (cry? say a prayer?) because I was new to the game and didn't know what to expect. But she merely turned away towards another NPC who showed up, and started a conversation about how she saw a couple of "mudcrabs by the water recently". LIke nothing had happened and there wasn't a dead body right there.
So creepy, and I once did see a chain of three Imperial Horseman bobbing along like that, almost as if on an invisible conveyor belt. Their horses were all abandoned on the side of the road. *shivers*
Yea. Doesn't stuff like this freek you out? :cold: It gives me shivers too. Then I usually laugh