So i come across this lighthouse up north and it turns out to contain a dungeon with falmor and the centipede looking creatures (corus or something)...somwhere along the way i noticed that my sword attacks seemed weaker so I checked the skills and behold, my 1 handed skill is in the red from 40 to 15, which i thought is a huge difference. So i precede to take all my cure disease and cure poison potions to no affect. I then head back to whiterun and pray at both the kynareth and talos shrines, still no effect. I check active effects and there's nothing in there thats a negative effect, so i try emptying my entire inventory and still no effect on my 1 handed skill....what gives? Am I missing something or is this a huge glitch? If so I'm so F#!&kin pissed off with this as I saved already and my character is a one handed sword fighter....i even tried sleeping 24 hours and nothing.
Any help with this would be appreciated, this is such a great game but major glitches like this ruin the experience...i could start over but that would svck even more and this could happen again anyway, even worse at a higher :flame: