» Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:00 pm
Along with the other commentors, I'm left scratching my head. . .
If you are level 30, and all you've levelled up is smith/enchant/alchemy, you should be able to use the products of those skills to completely pwn the Bandits. I mean, seriously, the great armor you can craft should keep them from killing you instantly, the potions should allow you to stay alive, poison the enemy, and the enchantments mean your uber smithed sword should be able to do something useful like steal health, do frost/fire/shock damage, etc, and because it's smithed, should do decent damage.
However, it sounds like, maybe, you've levelled up a lot of skills a little bit, but none of them a lot, and have saved your perk points. If that's the case, then I would highly recommend spending your perks in a similar fashion to how your skills have levelled. . . perk up enchant, smith, and alchemy as much as you are able (but if they haven't levelled much, you may be "gated" from perking them a lot right now), then take most of the "left over" perk points and do a *little bit* - 1 to 3 perks per skill, in your armor skill of choice and weapon skill of choice. What this means is that your modest weapon and armor skill bonuses will combine with your modest enchant/smith/alchemy bonuses to make you as powerful as you need to be.
You will probably not need to heavily perk out the "combat skills" trees, but a small number of useful perks to combine with the bonuses you already get from your crafting will go a long, long way.
As an example, if a basic sword does 20 points of damage per attack, and your smithed sword does, say, 35 points of damage per attack, and you take the 1h perk that gives an additional 20% damage, and you take it twice, for a total 40% bonus, now your sword will do 49 points of damage.
Anyhow, in general, you probably want to perk your skills about the way you've levelled them. That is, you would only dedicate all your perk points to your crafting skills, if those are the only skills you've levelled up. Otherise, enemies will out-level the benefits of your crafting skills. That is to say, if you're crafting skills are each at level 60-75, then you should have been able to perk them up to pretty epic proportions, and they will be all you need. If, however, at the same level, your crafting skills are only at, say, level 45 or 50, and are only partly perked up because of their low level, but you have other skills at level 35-45 too, you'll probably need to perk up those other skills to be powerful enough.