words cannot describe how disapointed i am on this game and 90% because of the bots i cant complete 3 star challenges, and im playing on Hard campaign. i dont wanna create a new character to be able to complete the game on hard. i wanna use my main character rank 5. and the enemy bots are to damn good for me alone with 7 braindead bots on my team that does not work like a team, its like me vs 8 super bots. my team is basicly bullet fodder, they rush alone straight into the enemy and if you are lucky they give you you a boost . im playing "be more objective" 3 star and i cant complete the repair. and i dont have xbox live at the moment, and i dont wanna be forced to get xbox live to complete the challenges. im ready to get rid of my Brink copy. sory guys i've tried to be optimistic about this game as a true fan, but what were they thinking? HAVE SPLASH DAMAGE EVEN TRIED TO PLAY ON HARD ON A RANK 3 -5 CHARACTER. such a tragedy. and thier excuses svcks. "we dont wanna make the A.I hogging all the glory" [censored] nerph the enemy bots and boost the friendly bots. and make them stick together like the enemy team does. im so mad right now.