I isntalled Daemon tools yesterday and today, Fallout 3 won't freaking run. Fallout has been installed and working...well...for over a year on this PC. I say well because we are all familiar with the irritating CTD's that we just have to live with. But now it's gone too far.
"Conflict with Emulation Software detected.
Please have a look at http://www.securom.com/message.asp?m=emu&c=2500 for further, more detailed information."
Yeah, that link said to patch my software. Did that months ago when the latest patch came out. I installed their little spy program that searched my PC, and it said...no solution is available.
First off, to Bethesda, let me say, GO TO HELL. The software that I have on my computer is none of your business. I purchased this game over a year ago. I play it regularly, and up until THIS point, I had greatly anticipated getting New Vegas. Believe it or not, we aren't all a bunch of software pirates. YOU created this problem, and you've left me with no way to fix it that I can find.
Now, my copy of fallout is updated to the newest patch, the disk is in the DVD drive...like it's always been, and I'm running the launcher right off the disk. Autoplay gives the error, running the launcher manually gives the error. I get the error even after I've turned Daemon tools off and ended the process in the task manager. Does anyone have a way to make this game, that i PURCHASED LEGALLY, to run? If not, who at Bethesda to I name at the top of the lawsuit?