WW2 DLC Weapons

Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:01 am

for everything WW2 and before it is

the fallout universe is our universe untill some time after ww2 it splits, it is never specifically stated at what date our timelines split, but our world and their world are not parallel universes untill sometime after ww2

in other words every single thing that happened or was developed is exactly the same with the same results in their world as ours

there a couple of noted exceptions of pre-war differences

sunset sasparilla, that was 1918, not in our world

vikki & vance, 1932

well had to make a soft drink up cant use any real world ones, licensing etc

vikki & vance obvious reference to bonnie and clyde, just was much better to have a reference rather than having the real

these are just gaming things.

as far as not having real world weapons goes, personally i dont see a reason why the guns in their world would not like similar to ours

weapons are not designed with art or culture in mind (except some civvie ones) military weapons are designed for their functionability, they would have the same requirements as we would. They dont have to be called the same name but they should look similar to ours. Such as the r90 in FO3 and say the service rifle in NV. yep they could look more different to real world counterparts than ours, but they should retain the same basic shape and functionability characteristics as in our world.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:30 pm

Hardly. Only one of the weapons you mentioned would be added (Uniques should stay in their respective game) isn't still being produced. So more backed up my point. FO3 possessed a number of pre-war weapons that were still produced, 36-46 years after the WW2 ones dropped off.

Yeah the tommy gun is a dissapointment, even against the "gangsters" it seems a bit lacking but with minor groups based off the mod it's hard to think of a more fitting gun, maybe it could use a buff.

FO3 weapons seem much more fitting and more customisable than the WW1/2 weapons some people want. Current fluff with a lot of them from NV doesn't fit well with Boston. Rather see the Tesla Cannon, Assault rifle, Chinese assault rifle and Chinese pistol. Wouldn't mind seeing the old 10MM SMG re-appearing as well, it was in all the Fallouts before...

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naome duncan
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:45 pm

agree about the 10mm sub, always thought of it as one of fallouts signature weapons

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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:08 am

The 10mm sub got merged with the 10mm pistol, so from the viewpoint of a designer it got obsolete with the modification design.

More weapons are always welcome, but maybe only with some changes on the modification system to give it a sense and not the stupid "get next level, unlock last mod in list, beat all" style. All modifications should make sense, i would have prefered a modification system more close to "Battlefield" style where every attachment makes sense for a different playstyle instead of just always picking the one bottom of the list making most damage. Bipod, Foregrip, stuff like that.

There are also enough optional weapons from WW1 or WW2 available. Hell, the mod menu could make fun on these old guns. I just get a classic crank-driven brass gatling in mind you can attach an electric engine onto or something like that.

Hell, there are so many interesting or favourised weapons out there you might upgrade with fictional stuff into something really nice and BS don′t get their own system and only offer uninspired stuff like Barrel Tier 1, Barrel Tier 2 etc....

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:20 am

Good friend WWII was in 1944 F4 begins in the 50s as it does not fit for you?

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Paula Rose
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:44 pm

F4 uses the 50s design style, but the moment the bomb drops in the intro plays 2077 and not 1950. It′s just a fictional shifted timeframe.

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Trey Johnson
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:43 pm

Hello Hofmann,

When I mentioned SAWs I was refering to the family of light machineguns referred to as Squad Automatic Weapons back to the 30.06 BAR often used to provide at least suppression fire while squad members worked to flank an objective.

To me a select fire weapon is any weapon with a selector switch that allows you to switch back and forth from safe to semi auto fire to full auto in some weapons like the M-16 or M-4 family designed for accurate long range semi auto fire before auto bursts, or safe to full auto for short bursts of supression fire while you and/or fellow squad members move up into closer firing positionsand then semi auto like the Kalashnikov or Kalasnikova family.

In the game just offer automatic energy weapons including gatling lasers you can fire semi auto for accurate long range shots and ammo conservation with the flip of a switch, or as you say a simple weapons bench conversion. Good to come across another weapon savvy gamer who can talk guns, especially from the other side of the world.

Hope to find your posts all over.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:09 am

I fully agree friend hope the famous moder Millenia close this gap

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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:16 am

yeah it did, but it wasnt "an auto weapon that fires 10mm" thats iconic, whats iconic is the 10mm submachine gun itself

like the mod idea

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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:31 am

thank you friend

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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:50 pm

Lol do you know nothing about weapons? The AK47 can be tossed in the mud, allowed to dry, and sit for 100 years, come back and will still fire like it's brand new. Same with a Baretta. The WW2 Carbine Rifles is where its at as well, all those guns were made to last. Trust me, the wasteland isn't going to have any effect on them.

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Janine Rose
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:53 am

No, Fallout 4 begins in 2077 - the setting is just modeled after retrofuturism and 50s era sci-fi. To be fair, this means that a lot of WWII era weapons fit the aesthetic like a glove... but I prefer the hi-tech, more fantastical weapons.

This is pretty much true. I'm not sure what kind of role the 10mm SMG could have fit into that couldn't have been filled with the 10mm Auto Pistol, or the Tommy Gun. I'm sort of with you on the way weapon mods should work, but in fairness there's usually at least a few different ways you can configure a weapon to work, and being able to upgrade it's power throughout the game is still pretty nice. With the way mods and mod progression works for weapons now, Fallout 4's 10mm Pistol essentially serves the same purpose as the 9mm Pistol, 10mm Pistol, Silenced .22 Pistol, 12.7mm Pistol, and .45 Auto Pistol in New Vegas. If all of those guns were ported to Fallout 4 with the same modding capability and the same power progression, they'd all be near-identical beyond their visuals.

Aside, *most* ranged weapons, after all of their linear upgrades, still offer at least some choice in how they function. Auto or semi-auto, Marksman or Recoil-Compensated... and people seem to under-estimate the convenience of hip-firing with a short barrel attachment. (and then you've got energy weapons, which are super versatile in how they can be modded)

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Jack Walker
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:44 am

hello :)

ah yeah SAW is a very american term to me i always just think of the M249, we call them "light support weapons" in NZ :) such as the c9 minimi (which is being phased out fro the 7.62 version and is what the m249 is based off) rather than "squad automatic weapons"

id definitely use automatic weapons more if they were select fire

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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:29 am

To be fair a lot of people collect WW2 weapons to this day. There's a ton of Mosin's and M1's in the US. I own quite a few, that are still fully functional.

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benjamin corsini
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:09 pm

... So, does anyone else hate the new design of the Plasma Rifle? It looks ridicules, with the short barrel. I absolutely refuse to use that God awful thing.

I want these back.

Plasma Caster.


Plasma Rifle.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:08 pm

well the 45 and 12.7mm were far more powerful than the others (and sold for more), the 10mm was also much more powerful than the 9mm and silenced 22

but even if it was just nothing more than visual difference that is good

something along the lines of....

i think 45 looks best

a thinks 9mm looks best

b thinks 12.7mm looks best

c thinks we all stupid the 10mm is clearly the best looking


this means we get a choice based on what we like, so we can have something we think looks good to use rather than having no choice casue theres like only 5 different visual guns in game

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Jason Rice
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:29 pm

Exactly - the only major difference in all of those guns was power. But the 10mm you get at the start of the game starts out completely weak like a 9mm, and after upgrading the receiver it can become as powerful as the .45 or 12.7mm were in New Vegas.

But yeah, obviously the difference in looks is what people are really on about with weapon variety. But I can see why Beth took the route they did - I'm not sure five functionally-identical pistols with similar modding capabilities would have been worth the work involved in making them. I would like to see at least one new pistol, though, that fills the same role as the 10mm (rapid/auto pistol with low damage but high DPS) - would also be nice to get a new revolver, too.

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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:18 pm

I would rather have Bethesda continue making new unique weapons for their games instead of copying real world weapons.

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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:43 pm

they actually had different fire rate, recoil, and mod availability too (there was some mod cross overs, mainly suppressors) but i get your point

but when theres a complain/defend FO4 weapons thread those complaining are most vocal about the looks, and lack of visual differences (and the stupid weights)

yeah they didnt need to go to the extent NV did considering the work required to make them all moddable with all the art/model resources

but they did far too less instead, like the absolute minimum amount really, and since they cut the chinese assault rifle and made that awful lewis/vickers thing into the game AR there isnt even a machine gun?

i dont work there nor am a game designer so maybe its just lack of understanding on my part, but i think the weapons have been poorly designed and implemented.

personally id be happy with way too many guns, in NV i used them all, all of them id go grab a few and go play with them. but thats just me

way too many guns atleast allows everyone to find something they like and as always we dont have to use every one

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:54 pm

they dont really, all their weapons are based on and/or parts of real life weapons

for example fallout 3 has the R90, no such thing in real life, so therefor the names unique but its based on a G3, not exactly but very similar

in FO4 that god awful AR has got parts of a lewis gun a vickers gun and even parts of a SAW (among others) the combat rifle is mostly a BAR, the combat shotgun based on a soviet PPSh sub machine gun, only thing about them thats unique is their name and how the mashed parts of real weapons into them.

and ofcourse the hunting rifle looks much like some of the bolt actions in our world (there is no reason why it shouldnt)

in NV they were much more like there real life counterparts but they wernt the same

the service rifle was obviously a M16 variant but was different, the markman rifle looked similar to a SR25/M16 Hybrid but it wasnt either

if this was an arcanum sequel then id say go ahead and design like you have in FO4 but as a FO4 sequel i say no.

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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:32 pm

I want to see stuff from all the way back in Fallout 2.

HK G11e and a Pancor Jackhammer, maybe a Bozar too

And of course the .223 or 5.56 Pistol, aka That Gun
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:43 am

And to me, weight is the critical difference. I know some folks want to diminish criticism and give Beth a pass on a very poorly implemented and lackluster weapon system, but the truth is weight, DAM/DPS, ridiculous chamberings and reliance on magic (double shots, armor piercing "receivers")is terrible. The FO4 "assault" rifle weighs 27 lbs fully modded! In any other world, the normal weight of an actual assault rifle is about 7.5 lbs fully loaded. A 20 lb difference. That it looks like hammered pooh is a negative, but not a game killer. It literally weighs something along the lines of a belt-fed Medium Machinegun (and actually weighs the exact same as a M240B). I'll take the same DAM for 20 lb reduction any day. Bethesda won't budge on it I'm sure, or will reduce DAM if they introduce the Chinese AR (because weight is a key balance issue for them no matter how ridiculous it seems), but that would hardly make sense. It will require the modders to fix something that shouldn't have been an issue to begin with.

There's a lot more wrong with ballistic weaponry than mere looks...but yes that doesn't help the matter.
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An Lor
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:05 am

This is something I can support. Even though I don't have problems with Bethesda's designs, those energy weapons in the first two games were just too cool.

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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:19 am

I know that Fallout 4 weapons are often based on real world weapons and Fallout has had real world weapons since 2 but i prefer unique weapons just my opinion though.

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Gavin boyce
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:09 pm

Hell yes! I want muh Bozar.
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Charlie Ramsden
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